Source code for delphin.repp

Regular Expression Preprocessor (REPP)

import logging
import warnings
from array import array
from itertools import takewhile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

# use regex library if available; otherwise warn
    import regex as re
    re.DEFAULT_VERSION = re.V1
    _regex_available = True
except ImportError:
    import re  # type: ignore
    _regex_available = False

# Default modules need to import the PyDelphin version
from delphin.__about__ import __version__  # noqa: F401
from delphin.exceptions import PyDelphinException, PyDelphinWarning
from delphin.lnk import Lnk
from delphin.tokens import YYToken, YYTokenLattice
from delphin.util import PathLike

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: The tokenization pattern used if none is given in a REPP module.

    _CMap = array[int]  # characterization map
    _CMap = array

# Mask values
_MASK_B = 1  # start of mask
_MASK_I = 2  # inside mask
_MASK_O = 0  # not masked

# For parsing replacement templates
_replacements_re = re.compile(
    r"(?P<dec>[1-9][0-9]?)"  # decimal numbered group: \1, \2
    r"|g<(?P<grp>[^>]+)>"  # \g named or numbered group: \g<foo>, \g<1>
    r"|(?P<oct>[0-7]{,3})"  # octal character: \07, \123
    r"|(?P<esc>[abfnrtv\\])"  # ASCII escape sequences
_ascii_escapes = {
    "a": "\a",
    "b": "\b",
    "f": "\f",
    "n": "\n",
    "r": "\r",
    "t": "\t",
    "v": "\v",
    "\\": "\\",

[docs] class REPPError(PyDelphinException): """Raised when there is an error in tokenizing with REPP."""
[docs] class REPPWarning(PyDelphinWarning): """Issued when REPP may not behave as expected."""
if not _regex_available: warnings.warn( "The 'regex' library is not installed, so some regular expression " "features may not work as expected. Install PyDelphin with the " "[repp] extra to include the 'regex' library.", REPPWarning, stacklevel=1, )
[docs] class REPPResult(NamedTuple): """ The final result of REPP application. Attributes: string (str): resulting string after all rules have applied startmap (:py:class:`array`): integer array of start offsets endmap (:py:class:`array`): integer array of end offsets """ string: str startmap: _CMap endmap: _CMap
[docs] class REPPStep(NamedTuple): """ A single rule application in REPP. Attributes: input (str): input string (prior to application) output (str): output string (after application) operation: operation performed applied (bool): `True` if the rule was applied startmap (:py:class:`array`): integer array of start offsets endmap (:py:class:`array`): integer array of end offsets mask (:py:class:`array`): integer array of mask indicators """ input: str output: str operation: '_REPPOperation' applied: bool startmap: _CMap endmap: _CMap mask: _CMap # BIO scheme, B=1, I=2, O=0
_Trace = Iterator[Union[REPPStep, REPPResult]] class _REPPOperation: """ The supertype of REPP groups and rules. This class defines the apply(), trace(), and tokenize() methods which are available in [_REPPRule], [_REPPGroup], [_REPPInternalGroup], and [REPP] instances. """ def _apply( self, s: str, active: Set[str], mask: _CMap ) -> Iterator[REPPStep]: raise NotImplementedError() class _REPPRule(_REPPOperation): """ A REPP rewrite rule. The apply() method of this class works like re.sub() in Python's standard library, but it analyzes the replacement pattern in order to ensure that character positions in the resulting string can be traced back (as much as possible) to the original string. Args: pattern: the regular expression pattern to match replacement: the replacement template """ def __init__(self, pattern: str, replacement: str): self.pattern = pattern self.replacement = replacement self._re = _compile(pattern) self._tracked, self._untracked = _get_segments(replacement, self._re) def __str__(self): return f'!{self.pattern}\t\t{self.replacement}' def _apply( self, s: str, active: Set[str], mask: _CMap ) -> Iterator[REPPStep]: logger.debug(' %s', self) applied = False ms = list(self._re.finditer(s)) if ms: pos = 0 # current position in the original string shift = 0 # current original/target length difference parts: List[str] = [] smap = array('i', [0]) emap = array('i', [0]) new_mask = array('i', [_MASK_O]) for m in ms: sub, _smap, _emap, _mask, delta, blocked = _process_match( m, mask, shift, self._tracked, self._untracked ) if blocked: continue applied = True start = m.start() # copy up to point of match if pos < start: _copy_part(s[pos:start], shift, parts, smap, emap) new_mask.extend(mask[pos+1:start+1]) parts.append(sub) smap.extend(_smap) emap.extend(_emap) new_mask.extend(_mask) shift += delta pos = m.end() if pos < len(s): _copy_part(s[pos:], shift, parts, smap, emap) new_mask.extend(mask[pos+1:len(s)+1]) smap.append(shift) emap.append(shift - 1) new_mask.append(_MASK_O) mask = new_mask o = ''.join(parts) else: o = s smap = _zeromap(o) emap = _zeromap(o) yield REPPStep(s, o, self, applied, smap, emap, mask) class _REPPMask(_REPPOperation): """ A REPP masking rule. When a mask is applied and matches a substring, the substring is blocked from further modification. Args: pattern: the regular expression pattern to match """ def __init__(self, pattern: str): self.pattern = pattern self._re = _compile(pattern) def __str__(self): return f'={self.pattern}' def _apply( self, s: str, active: Set[str], mask: _CMap ) -> Iterator[REPPStep]: logger.debug(' %s', self) newmask = array('i', mask) # make a copy for m in self._re.finditer(s): start = m.start() + 1 newmask[start] = max(_MASK_B, mask[start]) for i in range(start + 1, m.end() + 1): newmask[i] = _MASK_I yield REPPStep(s, s, self, True, _zeromap(s), _zeromap(s), newmask) class _REPPGroup(_REPPOperation): def __init__( self, operations: Optional[List[_REPPOperation]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None ): if operations is None: operations = [] self.operations: List[_REPPOperation] = operations = name self._loaded = False def __repr__(self): name = '("{}") '.format( if is not None else '' return '<{} object {}at {}>'.format( type(self).__name__, name, id(self) ) def _apply( self, s: str, active: Set[str], mask: _CMap ) -> Iterator[REPPStep]: o = s applied = False for operation in self.operations: for step in operation._apply(o, active, mask): yield step o = step.output mask = step.mask applied |= step.applied yield REPPStep(s, o, self, applied, _zeromap(o), _zeromap(o), mask) class _REPPInternalGroup(_REPPGroup): def __str__(self): return f'Internal group #{}' def _apply( self, s: str, active: Set[str], mask: _CMap ) -> Iterator[REPPStep]: logger.debug('>%s', i = 0 prev = s step = None # in case _REPPGroup._apply() ever yields nothing for step in super()._apply(prev, active, mask): yield step mask = step.mask while step and prev != step.output: i += 1 prev = step.output for step in super()._apply(prev, active, mask): yield step mask = step.mask logger.debug('>%s (done; iterated %d time(s))',, i)
[docs] class REPP(_REPPGroup): """ A Regular Expression Pre-Processor (REPP). The normal way to create a new REPP is to read a .rpp file via the :meth:`from_file` classmethod. For REPPs that are defined in code, there is the :meth:`from_string` classmethod, which parses the same definitions but does not require file I/O. Both methods, as does the class's `__init__()` method, allow for pre-loaded and named external *modules* to be provided, which allow for external group calls (also see :meth:`from_file` or implicit module loading). By default, all external submodules are deactivated, but they can be activated by adding the module names to *active* or, later, via the :meth:`activate` method. A third classmethod, :meth:`from_config`, reads a PET-style configuration file (e.g., `repp.set`) which may specify the available and active modules, and therefore does not take the *modules* and *active* parameters. Args: name (str, optional): the name assigned to this module modules (dict, optional): a mapping from identifiers to REPP modules active (iterable, optional): an iterable of default module activations """ def __init__( self, operations: Optional[List[_REPPOperation]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, modules: Optional[Dict[str, 'REPP']] = None, active: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None ): super().__init__(operations=operations, name=name) Optional[str] = None self.tokenize_pattern: Optional[str] = None if modules is None: modules = {} self.modules = dict(modules) for modname, mod in self.modules.items(): = modname Set[str] = set() if active is None: active = [] for modname in active: self.activate(modname)
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, path: PathLike, directory=None): """ Instantiate a REPP from a PET-style `.set` configuration file. The *path* parameter points to the configuration file. Submodules are loaded from *directory*. If *directory* is not given, it is the directory part of *path*. Args: path (str): the path to the REPP configuration file directory (str, optional): the directory in which to search for submodules """ path = Path(path).expanduser() if not path.is_file(): raise REPPError(f'REPP config file not found: {path!s}') confdir = path.parent # TODO: can TDL parsing be repurposed for this variant? conf = path.read_text(encoding='utf-8') conf = re.sub(r';.*', '', conf).replace('\n', ' ') m = r'repp-modules\s*:=\s*((?:[-\w]+\s+)*[-\w]+)\s*\.', conf) t = r'repp-tokenizer\s*:=\s*([-\w]+)\s*\.', conf) a = r'repp-calls\s*:=\s*((?:[-\w]+\s+)*[-\w]+)\s*\.', conf) # f = # r'format\s*:=\s*(\w+)\s*\.', conf) d = r'repp-directory\s*:=\s*(.*)\.\s*$', conf) if m is None: raise REPPError('repp-modules option must be set') if t is None: raise REPPError('repp-tokenizer option must be set') # mods = tok = active = if a is not None else None # fmt = if f is not None else None if directory is None: if d is not None: directory =' "') elif confdir.joinpath(tok + '.rpp').is_file(): directory = confdir elif confdir.joinpath('rpp', tok + '.rpp').is_file(): directory = confdir.joinpath('rpp') elif confdir.joinpath('../rpp', tok + '.rpp').is_file(): directory = confdir.joinpath('../rpp') else: raise REPPError('Could not find a suitable REPP directory.') # ignore repp-modules and format? return REPP.from_file( directory.joinpath(tok + '.rpp'), directory=directory, active=active )
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, path, directory=None, modules=None, active=None): """ Instantiate a REPP from a `.rpp` file. The *path* parameter points to the top-level module. Submodules are loaded from *directory*. If *directory* is not given, it is the directory part of *path*. A REPP module may utilize external submodules, which may be defined in two ways. The first method is to map a module name to an instantiated REPP instance in *modules*. The second method assumes that an external group call `>abc` corresponds to a file `abc.rpp` in *directory* and loads that file. The second method only happens if the name (e.g., `abc`) does not appear in *modules*. Only one module may define a tokenization pattern. Args: path (str): the path to the base REPP file to load directory (str, optional): the directory in which to search for submodules modules (dict, optional): a mapping from identifiers to REPP modules active (iterable, optional): an iterable of default module activations """ path = Path(path).expanduser() name, directory, lines = _read_file(path, directory) r = cls(name=name, modules=modules, active=active) _parse_repp_module(lines, r, directory) return r
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, s, name=None, modules=None, active=None): """ Instantiate a REPP from a string. Args: name (str, optional): the name of the REPP module modules (dict, optional): a mapping from identifiers to REPP modules active (iterable, optional): an iterable of default module activations """ r = cls(name=name, modules=modules, active=active) _parse_repp_module(s.splitlines(), r, None) return r
[docs] def activate(self, mod: str) -> None: """ Set external module *mod* to active. """
[docs] def deactivate(self, mod: str) -> None: """ Set external module *mod* to inactive. """ if mod in
def _apply( self, s: str, active: Set[str], mask: _CMap ) -> Iterator[REPPStep]: if in active:'>%s', for step in super()._apply(s, active, mask): yield step mask = step.mask logger.debug('>%s (done)', else: logger.debug('>%s (inactive)',
[docs] def apply( self, s: str, active: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None ) -> REPPResult: """ Apply the REPP's rewrite rules to the input string *s*. Args: s (str): the input string to process active (optional): a collection of external module names that may be applied if called Returns: a :class:`REPPResult` object containing the processed string and characterization maps """'apply(%r)', s) active = if active is None else set(active) result = last(self._trace(s, active, False)) return result
[docs] def trace( self, s: str, active: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> _Trace: """ Rewrite string *s* like `apply()`, but yield each rewrite step. Args: s (str): the input string to process active (optional): a collection of external module names that may be applied if called verbose (bool, optional): if `False`, only output rules or groups that matched the input Yields: a :class:`REPPStep` object for each intermediate rewrite step, and finally a :class:`REPPResult` object after the last rewrite """'trace(%r)', s) active = if active is None else set(active) yield from self._trace(s, active, verbose)
def _trace( self, s: str, active: Set[str], verbose: bool ) -> _Trace: startmap = _zeromap(s) endmap = _zeromap(s) mask = _zeromap(s) # initial boundaries startmap[0] = 1 endmap[-1] = -1 step = None for step in super()._apply(s, active, mask): if step.applied or verbose: yield step if step.applied: startmap = _mergemap(startmap, step.startmap) endmap = _mergemap(endmap, step.endmap) if step is not None: s = step.output yield REPPResult(s, startmap, endmap)
[docs] def tokenize( self, s: str, pattern: Optional[str] = None, active: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None ) -> YYTokenLattice: """ Rewrite and tokenize the input string *s*. Args: s (str): the input string to process pattern (str, optional): the regular expression pattern on which to split tokens; defaults to `[ \t]+` active (optional): a collection of external module names that may be applied if called Returns: a :class:`~delphin.tokens.YYTokenLattice` containing the tokens and their characterization information """'tokenize(%r, %r)', s, pattern) if pattern is None: if self.tokenize_pattern is None: pattern = DEFAULT_TOKENIZER else: pattern = self.tokenize_pattern active = if active is None else set(active) result = last(self._trace(s, active, False)) return self.tokenize_result(result, pattern=pattern)
[docs] def tokenize_result( self, result: REPPResult, pattern: str = DEFAULT_TOKENIZER ) -> YYTokenLattice: """ Tokenize the result of rule application. Args: result: a :class:`REPPResult` object pattern (str, optional): the regular expression pattern on which to split tokens; defaults to `[ \t]+` Returns: a :class:`~delphin.tokens.YYTokenLattice` containing the tokens and their characterization information """'tokenize_result(%r, %r)', result, pattern) tokens = [ YYToken(id=i, start=i, end=(i + 1), lnk=Lnk.charspan(tok[0], tok[1]), form=tok[2]) for i, tok in enumerate(_tokenize(result, pattern)) ] return YYTokenLattice(tokens)
def _compile(pattern: str) -> Pattern[str]: try: return re.compile(pattern) except re.error: if _regex_available and '[' in pattern or ']' in pattern: warnings.warn( 'Invalid regex in REPP; see warning log for details.', REPPWarning, stacklevel=2, ) logger.warn( "Possible unescaped brackets in %r; " "attempting to parse in compatibility mode", pattern, ) return re.compile(pattern, flags=re.V0) else: raise def _get_segments(replacement: str, _re): groups, literals = _parse_template(replacement, _re) # literals is a list of strings or None (group position); # groups is a list of (i, g) where i is the index in literals # and g is the capturing group number. # first determine the last trackable group, where trackable # segments are transparent for characterization. For PET behavior, # these must appear in strictly increasing order with no gaps last_trackable = 0 for expected, (i, grp) in zip(range(1, len(groups)+1), groups): if grp == expected: last_trackable = i + 1 # +1 for slice end # we can also combine groups and literals into a single list of # (literal, None) or (None, group) pairs for convenience group_map = dict(groups) segments: List[Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[int]]] = [ (literal, group_map.get(i)) for i, literal in enumerate(literals) ] # Divide the segments into trackable/untrackable return segments[:last_trackable], segments[last_trackable:] def _parse_template(replacement: str, _re: Pattern[str]): """Parse a regex replacement template to find groups. This is based on Python's parse_template function prior to 3.12. """ _re.sub(replacement, "") # check for errors; no need to validate after pos = 0 groupindex = _re.groupindex literals: List[Optional[str]] = [] groups: List[Tuple[int, int]] = [] for m in _replacements_re.finditer(replacement): mstart = m.start() if mstart > pos: literals.append(replacement[pos:mstart]) if dec :="dec"): index = int(dec) elif grp :="grp"): if grp in groupindex: index = groupindex[grp] else: index = int(grp) elif oct :="oct"): literals.append(chr(int(oct, 8) & 0xff)) continue elif esc :="esc"): literals.append(_ascii_escapes[esc]) continue else: raise REPPError(f"unexpected replacement pattern: {replacement!r}") groups.append((len(literals), index)) literals.append(None) pos = m.end() if pos < len(replacement): literals.append(replacement[pos:]) return groups, literals def last(steps: _Trace) -> REPPResult: *_, step = steps assert isinstance(step, REPPResult) return step def _zeromap(s: str) -> _CMap: return array('i', [0] * (len(s) + 2)) def _mergemap(map1: _CMap, map2: _CMap) -> _CMap: """ Positions in map2 have an integer indicating the relative shift to the equivalent position in map1. E.g., the i'th position in map2 corresponds to the i + map2[i] position in map1. """ merged = array('i', [0] * len(map2)) for i, shift in enumerate(map2): newshift = shift + map1[i + shift] merged[i] = newshift return merged def _copy_part( s: str, shift: int, parts: List[str], smap: _CMap, emap: _CMap ) -> None: parts.append(s) map_part = [shift] * len(s) smap.extend(map_part) emap.extend(map_part) def _insert_part( s: str, width: int, shift: int, parts: List[str], smap: _CMap, emap: _CMap ) -> None: parts.append(s) endshift = shift - len(s) _width = width - 1 smap.extend(range(shift, endshift, -1)) emap.extend(range(shift + _width, endshift + _width, -1)) def _process_match( m: Match[str], prev_mask: _CMap, shift: int, tracked, untracked ) -> Tuple[str, _CMap, _CMap, _CMap, int, bool]: parts: List[str] = [] smap = array('i', []) emap = array('i', []) mask = array('i', []) delta = 0 blocked = False if tracked or untracked: start = m.start() # for literals, the end is the start of the next backreference end = next((m.start(g) for _, g in tracked if g), m.end()) for literal, group in tracked: if literal is None: literal = or '' _copy_part(literal, shift + delta, parts, smap, emap) mask.extend(prev_mask[(start+1):(start+len(literal)+1)]) end = m.start(group+1) if group < m.lastindex else m.end() else: # block if overlap with mask if any(prev_mask[start+1:end+1]): blocked = True break width = end - start litlen = len(literal) _insert_part(literal, width, shift + delta, parts, smap, emap) mask.extend([_MASK_O] * litlen) delta += width - litlen start = end if untracked: # block if untracked overlaps with mask, including backreferences if (any(prev_mask[start+1:m.end()+1]) or any(any(prev_mask[m.start(grp)+1:m.end(grp)+1]) for lit, grp in untracked if grp)): blocked = True else: # untracked segments can be collapsed into one substring literal = ''.join( or '' if literal is None else literal for literal, group in untracked ) width = m.end() - start litlen = len(literal) _insert_part(literal, width, shift+delta, parts, smap, emap) mask.extend([_MASK_O] * litlen) delta += width - litlen else: # the replacement is empty (match is deleted) delta = m.end() - m.start() substring = ''.join(parts) if not blocked: blocked = _check_mask(substring, m, smap, emap, mask, prev_mask) return substring, smap, emap, mask, delta, blocked def _check_mask( s: str, m: Match[str], smap: _CMap, emap: _CMap, mask: _CMap, prev_mask: _CMap ) -> bool: """Returns True if any masked material has changed. There are three contexts for mask checks: 1. The first character in the match is a mask continuation 2. The first character after the end of the match is a mask continuation 3. The whole mask is contained within the match For (1) and (2), the mask must not change nor move around. For (1) it cannot change but it can move. """ start, end = m.span() mstart, mend = start + 1, end + 1 orig = # no masked material; no problem if not any(prev_mask[mstart:mend]): return False # whether the final mask is fixed depends on the next mask value; # check now as the _make_mask_info() function won't see it end_fixed = prev_mask[mend] == _MASK_I # prev/next left, middle, right pl, pm, pr = _make_mask_info(orig, prev_mask[mstart:mend], end_fixed) nl, nm, nr = _make_mask_info(s, mask, end_fixed) # check fixed start/end masks if pl != nl or pr != nr: return True # other masks just need to be present in equal number for substr in set(pm).union(nm): if pm.get(substr, 0) != nm.get(substr, 0): return True return False def _make_mask_info( s: str, mask: _CMap, end_fixed: bool ) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, int], str]: if not mask: return '', {}, '' left = s[:_get_mask_len(mask, 0)] if mask[0] == _MASK_I else '' right = s[-_get_mask_len(mask[::-1], 0) or len(s):] if end_fixed else '' middle: Dict[str, int] = {} i = len(left) j = len(s) - len(right) while i < j: if mask[i] == _MASK_B: mlen = _get_mask_len(mask, i+1) + 1 substr = s[i:mlen] if substr not in middle: middle[substr] = 1 else: middle[substr] += 1 i += mlen else: i += 1 return left, middle, right def _get_mask_len(mask: _CMap, i: int): return sum(1 for _ in takewhile(lambda v: v == _MASK_I, mask[i:])) def _tokenize(result: REPPResult, pattern: str) -> List[Tuple[int, int, str]]: s, sm, em = result # unpack for efficiency in loop toks = [] pos = 0 for m in re.finditer(pattern, result.string): if pos < m.start(): toks.append((pos + sm[pos + 1], m.start() + em[m.start()], s[pos:m.start()])) pos = m.end() if pos < len(s): toks.append((pos + sm[pos + 1], len(s) + em[len(s)], s[pos:])) return toks def _read_file( path: Path, directory: Optional[Path] ) -> Tuple[str, Path, List[str]]: if directory is not None: directory = Path(directory).expanduser() else: directory = path.parent name = path.with_suffix('').name lines = _repp_lines(path) return name, directory, lines def _repp_lines(path: Path) -> List[str]: if not path.is_file(): raise REPPError(f'REPP file not found: {path!s}') return path.read_text(encoding='utf-8').splitlines() def _parse_repp_module( lines: List[str], r: REPP, directory: Path ) -> None: r._loaded = True operations: List[_REPPOperation] = r.operations stack: List[List[_REPPOperation]] = [operations] internal_groups: Dict[str, _REPPInternalGroup] = {} while lines: line = lines.pop(0) if line.startswith(';') or line.strip() == '': continue # skip comments and empty lines operator, operand = line[0], line[1:].rstrip() if operator == '!': # don't use operand because it was rstripped; use line[1:] operations.append(_parse_rewrite_rule(line[1:])) elif operator == '<': fn = directory.joinpath(operand) lines = _repp_lines(fn) + lines elif operator == '>': operations.append( _handle_group_call(operand, internal_groups, r, directory) ) elif operator == '=': # don't use operand because it was rstripped; use line[1:] operations.append(_REPPMask(line[1:])) elif operator == '#': _handle_internal_group(operand, internal_groups, stack) operations = stack[-1] elif operator == ':': _handle_tokenization_pattern(operand, r, len(stack) > 1) elif operator == '@': _handle_metainfo_declaration(operand, r, len(stack) > 1) else: raise REPPError(f'Invalid declaration: {line}') _verify_internal_groups(internal_groups) def _parse_rewrite_rule(operand: str) -> _REPPRule: match = re.match(r'([^\t]+)\t+(.*)', operand) if match is None: raise REPPError(f'Invalid rewrite rule: !{operand}') return _REPPRule(, def _handle_group_call( operand: str, internal_groups, r: REPP, directory: Optional[Path], ) -> _REPPGroup: if operand.isdigit(): if operand not in internal_groups: internal_groups[operand] = _REPPInternalGroup(operations=[], name=operand) return internal_groups[operand] elif not operand: raise REPPError('Missing group name') else: if operand not in r.modules: r.modules[operand] = REPP(name=operand, modules=r.modules) mod = r.modules[operand] if not mod._loaded: if directory is None: raise REPPError('Cannot implicitly load modules if ' 'a directory is not given.') modpath = directory / (operand + '.rpp') _parse_repp_module(_repp_lines(modpath), mod, directory) return mod def _handle_internal_group(operand, internal_groups, stack) -> None: if operand.isdigit(): if operand not in internal_groups: internal_groups[operand] = _REPPInternalGroup(operations=[], name=operand) ig = internal_groups[operand] if ig._loaded: raise REPPError(f'Internal group name already defined: {operand}') ig._loaded = True stack.append(ig.operations) elif operand == '': stack.pop() else: raise REPPError('Invalid internal group name: ' + operand) def _handle_tokenization_pattern( operand: str, r: REPP, in_internal_group: bool, ) -> None: if in_internal_group: raise REPPError('tokenization pattern defined in internal group') if r.tokenize_pattern is not None: raise REPPError('Only one tokenization pattern (:) may be defined.') r.tokenize_pattern = operand def _handle_metainfo_declaration( operand: str, r: REPP, in_internal_group: bool, ) -> None: if in_internal_group: raise REPPError('meta-info declaration defined in internal group') if is not None: raise REPPError('Only one meta-info declaration (@) may be defined.') = operand def _verify_internal_groups(internal_groups): for grpname, grp in internal_groups.items(): if not grp._loaded: raise REPPError(f'internal group not defined: #{grpname}')