Source code for delphin.tsdb

Test Suite Database (TSDB) Primitives

import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import date, datetime
from gzip import (
    open as gzopen,
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
    cast as typing_cast,

from delphin import util

# Default modules need to import the PyDelphin version
from delphin.__about__ import __version__  # noqa: F401
from delphin.exceptions import PyDelphinException, PyDelphinWarning

# Constants

SCHEMA_FILENAME = 'relations'
    'i-wf': '1',
    'i-difficulty': '1',
    'polarity': '-1'
# bidirectional de-localized month map for date parsing/formatting
    1: 'jan', 'jan': 1,
    2: 'feb', 'feb': 2,
    3: 'mar', 'mar': 3,
    4: 'apr', 'apr': 4,
    5: 'may', 'may': 5,
    6: 'jun', 'jun': 6,
    7: 'jul', 'jul': 7,
    8: 'aug', 'aug': 8,
    9: 'sep', 'sep': 9,
    10: 'oct', 'oct': 10,
    11: 'nov', 'nov': 11,
    12: 'dec', 'dec': 12,

# Local types

RawValue = Union[str, None]
RawRecord = Sequence[RawValue]
Value = Union[str, int, float, datetime, date, None]
Record = Sequence[Value]
Records = Iterable[Record]
ColumnMap = Dict[str, Value]  # e.g., a partial Record

# Exceptions

[docs] class TSDBError(PyDelphinException): """Raised when encountering invalid TSDB databases."""
[docs] class TSDBSchemaError(TSDBError): """Raised when there is an error processing a TSDB schema."""
[docs] class TSDBWarning(PyDelphinWarning): """Raised when encountering possibly invalid TSDB data."""
############################################################################# # Database Schema
[docs] class Field: ''' A tuple describing a column in a TSDB database relation. Args: name (str): column name datatype (str): `":string"`, `":integer"`, `":date"`, or `":float"` flags (list): List of additional flags comment (str): description of the column Attributes: is_key (bool): `True` if the column is a key in the database. default (str): The default formatted value (see :func:`format`) when the value it describes is `None`. ''' __slots__ = 'name', 'datatype', 'flags', 'comment', 'is_key', 'default' def __init__(self, name: str, datatype: str, flags: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None) -> None: = name self.datatype = datatype self.flags = tuple(flags or []) self.comment = comment self.is_key = False for flag in self.flags: if flag in (':key', ':primary') or flag.startswith(':foreign'): self.is_key = True self.default: str = TSDB_CODED_ATTRIBUTES.get( name, '-1' if datatype == ':integer' else '' ) def __str__(self): parts = [, self.datatype] parts.extend(self.flags) s = ' ' + ' '.join(parts) if self.comment: s = '{}# {}'.format(s.ljust(40), self.comment) return s def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Field): return NotImplemented return ( == and self.datatype == other.datatype and self.flags == other.flags)
Fields = Sequence[Field] FieldIndex = Dict[str, int] Schema = Mapping[str, Fields] SchemaLike = Union[Schema, util.PathLike]
[docs] def make_field_index(fields: Fields) -> FieldIndex: """ Create and return a mapping of field names to indices. This mapping helps with looking up columns by their names. Args: fields: iterable of :class:`Field` objects Examples: >>> fields = [tsdb.Field('i-id', ':integer'), ... tsdb.Field('i-input', ':string')] >>> tsdb.make_field_index(fields) {'i-id': 0, 'i-input': 1} """ return { i for i, field in enumerate(fields)}
[docs] def read_schema(path: util.PathLike) -> Schema: """ Instantiate schema dict from a schema file given by *path*. If *path* is a directory, use the relations file under *path*. If *path* is a file, use it directly as the schema's path. Otherwise raise a :exc:`TSDBSchemaError`. """ path = Path(path).expanduser() if path.is_dir(): path = path.joinpath(SCHEMA_FILENAME) if not path.is_file(): raise TSDBSchemaError(f'no valid schema file at {path!s}') return _parse_schema(path.read_text(encoding='utf-8'))
def _parse_schema(s: str) -> Schema: """Instantiate schema dict from a string.""" tables: List[Tuple[str, Fields]] = [] seen: Set[str] = set() current_table = '' current_fields: List[Field] = [] lines = list(reversed(s.splitlines())) # to pop() in right order while lines: line = lines.pop().strip() table_m = re.match(r'^(?P<table>\w.+):$', line) field_m = re.match(r'\s*(?P<name>\S+)' r'(\s+(?P<flags>[^#]+))?' r'(\s*#\s*(?P<comment>.*)$)?', line) if table_m is not None: table_name ='table') if table_name in seen: raise TSDBSchemaError(f'table {table_name} redefined') current_table = table_name current_fields = [] tables.append((current_table, current_fields)) seen.add(table_name) elif field_m is not None and current_table: name ='name') flags ='flags').split() datatype = flags.pop(0) comment ='comment') current_fields.append( Field(name, datatype, flags, comment) ) elif line != '': raise TSDBSchemaError('invalid line in schema file: ' + line) return OrderedDict(tables)
[docs] def write_schema(path: util.PathLike, schema: Schema) -> None: """ Serialize *schema* and write it to the relations file at *path*. If *path* is a directory, write to a `relations` file under *path*, otherwise write to the file *path*. """ path = Path(path).expanduser() if path.is_dir(): path = path.joinpath(SCHEMA_FILENAME) path.write_text(_format_schema(schema) + '\n', encoding='utf-8')
def _format_schema(schema: Schema) -> str: """Serialize a schema dict to its string form.""" return '\n\n'.join( '{name}:\n{fields}'.format( name=name, fields='\n'.join(str(f) for f in schema[name]) ) for name in schema ) ############################################################################# # Basic Database Classes class Relation(Records): """ A Relation is essentially an iterable of records. """ def __init__(self, dir: util.PathLike, name: str, fields: Optional[Fields], encoding: str = 'utf-8'): self.dir = Path(dir).expanduser() = name self.fields = fields self.encoding = encoding self._generator = (split(line, fields=fields) for line in open(self.dir, name, encoding=self.encoding)) def __next__(self) -> Record: return next(self._generator) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Record]: yield from self._generator def close(self) -> None: self._generator.close()
[docs] class Database: """ A basic abstraction of a TSDB database. This class manages basic access into a TSDB database by loading its schema and allowing for named access to relation data. .. warning:: Named access to relation data returns a :term:`generator iterator` of an open file. Calling :meth:`generator.close` or using an idiom like :func:`contextlib.closing` ensures that the file descriptor gets closed. Args: path: path to the database directory autocast: if `True`, automatically cast column values to their datatypes encoding: character encoding of the database files Example: >>> db = tsdb.Database('my-profile') >>> items = db['item'] >>> first_record = next(items) >>> items.close() Attributes: schema: The schema for the database. autocast: Whether to automatically cast column values to their datatypes. encoding: The character encoding of database files. """ def __init__(self, path: util.PathLike, autocast: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8') -> None: path = Path(path).expanduser() if not is_database_directory(path): raise TSDBError(f'not a valid TSDB database: {path!s}') self._path = path self.schema = read_schema(path) self.autocast = autocast self.encoding = encoding @property def path(self) -> Path: """The database directory's path.""" return self._path def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Relation: if name not in self.schema: raise TSDBError(f'relation not defined in schema: {name}') fields = None if self.autocast: fields = self.schema[name] return Relation(self._path, name, fields, encoding=self.encoding) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.schema) def __len__(self): return len(self.schema)
[docs] def select_from(self, name: str, columns: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, cast: bool = False) -> Generator[Record, None, None]: """ Yield values for *columns* from relation *name*. """ fields = self.schema[name] if columns is None: columns = [ for f in fields] index = make_field_index(fields) indices = [index[column] for column in columns] records = self[name] for record in records: if cast and not self.autocast: record = typing_cast(RawRecord, record) # _cast is a copy of the function cast() data = tuple(_cast(fields[idx].datatype, record[idx]) for idx in indices) else: data = tuple(record[idx] for idx in indices) yield data records.close()
def _select_raw( self, name: str, columns: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None ) -> Generator[RawRecord, None, None]: if name not in self.schema: raise TSDBError(f'relation not defined in schema: {name}') fields = self.schema[name] if columns is None: indices = list(range(len(fields))) else: index = make_field_index(fields) indices = [index[column] for column in columns] with open(self._path, name, encoding=self.encoding) as file: for line in file: record = typing_cast(RawRecord, split(line, fields=None)) yield tuple(record[idx] for idx in indices)
############################################################################# # Data Encoding
[docs] def escape(string: str) -> str: r""" Replace any special characters with their TSDB escape sequences. The characters and their escape sequences are:: @ -> \s (newline) -> \n \ -> \\ Also see :func:`unescape` Args: string: string to escape Returns: The escaped string """ # str.replace()... is about 3-4x faster than re.sub() here return (string .replace('\\', '\\\\') # must be done first .replace('\n', '\\n') .replace(FIELD_DELIMITER, '\\s'))
[docs] def unescape(string: str) -> str: """ Replace TSDB escape sequences with the regular equivalents. Also see :func:`escape`. Args: string (str): TSDB-escaped string Returns: The string with escape sequences replaced """ # unescape cannot use multiple str.replace() calls because of # examples like '\\\\s' which turn into '@' instead of '\\s' chars: List[str] = [] esc = False for c in string: if esc: if c == '\\': chars.append('\\') elif c == 's': chars.append('@') elif c == 'n': chars.append('\n') else: raise TSDBError('invalid escape sequence: \\' + c) esc = False elif c == '\\': esc = True else: chars.append(c) if esc: raise TSDBError(f'invalid escape at end-of-string: {string!r}') return ''.join(chars)
[docs] def split(line: str, fields: Optional[Fields] = None) -> Record: """ Split a raw line from a relation into a list of column values. Decoding involves splitting the line by the field delimiter and unescaping special characters. The column value for empty fields is `None`. If *fields* is given, cast each column value into its datatype, otherwise the value is returned as a string. Args: line: raw line from a TSDB relation file. fields: iterable of :class:`Field` objects Returns: A list of column values. """ raw_values = [unescape(col) if col else None for col in line.rstrip('\n').split(FIELD_DELIMITER)] if fields: if len(raw_values) != len(fields): _mismatched_counts(raw_values, fields) record = tuple(cast(f.datatype, col) for col, f in zip(raw_values, fields)) else: record = tuple(raw_values) return record
[docs] def join(values: Record, fields: Optional[Fields] = None) -> str: """ Join a list of column values into a string for a relation file. Encoding involves escaping special characters for each value, then joining the values into a single string with the field delimiter. If *fields* is given, `None` values will be replaced with the default value for their datatype. For creating a record from a mapping of column names to values, see :func:`make_record`. Args: values: list of column values fields: iterable of :class:`Field` objects Returns: A TSDB-encoded string """ if fields: if len(values) != len(fields): _mismatched_counts(values, fields) raw_values = [format(f.datatype, val, default=f.default) for f, val in zip(fields, values)] else: raw_values = ['' if v is None else str(v) for v in values] escaped_values = map(escape, raw_values) return FIELD_DELIMITER.join(escaped_values)
def _mismatched_counts(columns, fields): raise TSDBError('number of columns ({}) != number of fields ({})' .format(len(columns), len(fields)))
[docs] def make_record(colmap: ColumnMap, fields: Fields) -> Record: """ Create a record tuple from a mapping of column names to values. This function is useful when *colmap* is either a subset or superset of the columns defined for a relation (as determined by *fields*). That is, it selects the relevant column values and fills in the missing ones with `None`. *fields* is also responsible for determining the column order. Args: colmap: mapping of column names to values fields: iterable of :class:`Field` objects Returns: A tuple of column values """ return tuple(colmap.get(, None) for f in fields)
[docs] def cast(datatype: str, raw_value: Optional[str]) -> Value: """ Cast TSDB field *raw_value* into *datatype*. If *raw_value* is `None` or an empty string (`''`), `None` will be returned, regardless of the *datatype*. However, when *datatype* is `:integer` and *raw_value* is `'-1'` (the default value for most `:integer` columns), `-1` is returned instead of `None`. This means that :func:`cast` is the inverse of :func:`format` except for integer values of `-1`, some date formats, and coded defaults. Supported datatypes: ============= =================== TSDB datatype Python type ============= =================== `:integer` `int` `:string` `str` `:float` `float` `:date` `datetime.datetime` ============= =================== Casting the `:integer`, `:string`, and `:float` types is trivial, but for `:date` TSDB uses a non-standard date format. This format generally follows the `DD-MM-YY` pattern, optionally followed by a time (with no timezone or UTC-offset allowed). The day of the month may be left unspecified, in which case `01` is used. Years may be 2 or 4 digits: in the case of 2-digit years, `19` is prepended if the 2-digit year is greater than or equal to 93 (the year of the first TSNLP publications and the earliest test suites), otherwise `20` is prepended (meaning that users are advised to start using 4-digit years by, at least, the year 2093). In addition, the more universal YYYY-MM-DD format is allowed, but it must have 4-digit years (to disambiguate with the other pattern). Examples: >>> tsdb.cast(':integer', '15') 15 >>> tsdb.cast(':float', '2.05e-3') 0.00205 >>> tsdb.cast(':string', 'Abrams slept.') 'Abrams slept.' >>> tsdb.cast(':date', '10-6-2002') datetime.datetime(2002, 6, 10, 0, 0) >>> tsdb.cast(':date', '8-sep-1999') datetime.datetime(1999, 9, 8, 0, 0) >>> tsdb.cast(':date', 'apr-95') datetime.datetime(1995, 4, 1, 0, 0) >>> tsdb.cast(':date', '01-dec-02 (15:31:01)') datetime.datetime(2002, 12, 1, 15, 31, 1) >>> tsdb.cast(':date', '2008-10-12 10:51') datetime.datetime(2008, 10, 12, 10, 51) """ if raw_value is None or raw_value == '': return None elif not isinstance(raw_value, str): raise TypeError("cast() argument 'raw_value' must be a string or None") elif datatype == ':integer': return int(raw_value) elif datatype == ':float': return float(raw_value) elif datatype == ':date': return _parse_datetime(raw_value) elif datatype == ':string': return raw_value else: raise TSDBError(f'invalid datatype: {datatype}')
# some functions may use 'cast' as keyword parameter, so this lets # those get to the original function _cast = cast def _parse_datetime(s: str) -> Union[datetime, None]: if re.match(r':?(today|now)', s): return # YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS m = re.match( r''' (?P<y>[0-9]{4}) -(?P<m>[0-9]{1,2}|\w{3}) (?:-(?P<d>[0-9]{1,2}))? (?:\s*\(? (?P<H>[0-9]{2}):(?P<M>[0-9]{2})(?::(?P<S>[0-9]{2}))? \)?)?''', s, flags=re.VERBOSE) if m is None: # DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS m = re.match( r''' (?:(?P<d>[0-9]{1,2})-)? (?P<m>[0-9]{1,2}|\w{3}) -(?P<y>[0-9]{2}(?:[0-9]{2})?) (?:\s*\(? (?P<H>[0-9]{2}):(?P<M>[0-9]{2})(?::(?P<S>[0-9]{2}))? \)?)?''', s, flags=re.VERBOSE) if m is not None: s = _date_fix(m) try: return datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') except ValueError: warnings.warn(f'Invalid date field: {s!r}', TSDBWarning, stacklevel=2) return None def _date_fix(mo): y ='y') if len(y) == 2: pre = '19' if int(y) >= 93 else '20' y = pre + y # beware the year-2093 bug! Use 4-digit dates. m ='m') if len(m) == 3: # assuming 3-letter abbreviations m = _MONTHS[m.lower()] d ='d') or '01' H ='H') or '00' M ='M') or '00' S ='S') or '00' return f'{y}-{m}-{d} {H}:{M}:{S}'
[docs] def format(datatype: str, value: Optional[Value], default: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Format a column *value* based on its *field*. If *value* is `None` then *default* is returned if it is given (i.e., not `None`). If *default* is `None`, `'-1'` is returned if *datatype* is `':integer'`, otherwise an empty string (`''`) is returned. If *datatype* is `':date'` and *value* is a :class:`datetime.datetime` object then a TSDB-compatible date format (DD-MM-YYYY) is returned. In all other cases, *value* is cast directly to a string and returned. Examples: >>> tsdb.format(':integer', 42) '42' >>> tsdb.format(':integer', None) '-1' >>> tsdb.format(':integer', None, default='1') '1' >>> tsdb.format(':date', datetime.datetime(1999,9,8)) '8-sep-1999' """ if value is None: if default is None: default = '-1' if datatype == ':integer' else '' else: default = str(default) # ensure it is a string raw_value = default elif datatype == ':date' and isinstance(value, (date, datetime)): month = _MONTHS[value.month] pattern = f'{!s}-{month}-%Y' if (isinstance(value, datetime) and (value.hour, value.minute, value.second) != (0, 0, 0)): pattern += ' %H:%M:%S' raw_value = value.strftime(pattern) else: raw_value = str(value) return raw_value
############################################################################# # Files
[docs] def is_database_directory(path: util.PathLike) -> bool: """ Return `True` if *path* is a valid TSDB database directory. A path is a valid database directory if it is a directory containing a schema file. This is a simple test; the schema file itself is not checked for validity. """ path = Path(path).expanduser() return path.is_dir() and path.joinpath(SCHEMA_FILENAME).is_file()
[docs] def get_path(dir: util.PathLike, name: str) -> Path: """ Determine if the file path should end in .gz or not and return it. A .gz path is preferred only if it exists and is newer than any regular text file path. Args: dir: TSDB database directory name: name of a file in the database Raises: TSDBError: when neither the .gz nor the text file exist. """ tx_path, gz_path, use_gz = _get_paths(dir, name) tbl_path = gz_path if use_gz else tx_path if not tbl_path.is_file(): raise TSDBError(f'File does not exist at {tbl_path!s}(.gz)') return tbl_path
def _get_paths(dir: util.PathLike, name: str) -> Tuple[Path, Path, bool]: tbl_path = Path(dir, name).expanduser() tx_path = tbl_path.with_suffix('') gz_path = tbl_path.with_suffix('.gz') use_gz = False if (gz_path.is_file() and (not tx_path.exists() or gz_path.stat().st_mtime > tx_path.stat().st_mtime)): use_gz = True return tx_path, gz_path, use_gz
[docs] def open(dir: util.PathLike, name: str, encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> IO[str]: """ Open a TSDB database file. Unlike a normal `open()` call, this function takes a base directory *dir* and a filename *name* and determines whether the plain text *dir*/*name* or compressed *dir*/*name*.gz file is opened. Furthermore, this function only opens files in read-only text mode. For writing database files, see :func:`write`. Args: dir: path to the database directory name: name of the file to open encoding: character encoding of the file Example: >>> sentences = [] >>> with'my-profile', 'item') as item: ... for line in item: ... sentences.append(tsdb.split(line)[6]) """ path = get_path(dir, name) if path.suffix.lower() == '.gz': return gzopen(path, mode='rt', encoding=encoding, newline='\n') else: return, newline='\n')
[docs] def write(dir: util.PathLike, name: str, records: Iterable[Record], fields: Optional[Fields] = None, append: bool = False, gzip: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8') -> None: """ Write *records* to relation *name* in the database at *dir*. The simplest way to write data to a file would be something like the following: >>> with open(os.path.join(db.path, 'item'), 'w') as fh: ... print('\\n'.join(map(tsdb.join, db['item'])), file=fh) This function improves on that method by doing the following: * Determining the path from the *gzip* parameter and existing files * Writing plain text or compressed data, as appropriate * Appending or overwriting data, as requested * Using the schema information to format fields * Writing to a temporary file then copying when done; this prevents accidental data loss when overwriting a file that is being read * Deleting any alternative (compressed or plain text) file to avoid having inconsistent files (e.g., delete any existing `item` when writing `item.gz`) Note that *append* cannot be used with *gzip* or with an existing gzipped file and in such a case a :exc:`NotImplementedError` will be raised. This may be allowed in the future, but as appending to a gzipped file (in general) results in inefficient compression, it is better to append to plain text and compress when done. Args: dir: path to the database directory name: name of the relation to write records: iterable of records to write fields: iterable of :class:`Field` objects, optional if *dir* points to an existing test suite directory append: if `True`, append to rather than overwrite the file gzip: if `True` and the file is not empty, compress the file with `gzip`; if `False`, do not compress encoding: character encoding of the file Example: >>> tsdb.write('my-profile', ... 'item', ... item_records, ... schema['item']) """ dir = Path(dir).expanduser() if encoding is None: encoding = 'utf-8' if not dir.is_dir(): raise TSDBError(f'invalid test suite directory: {dir}') if fields is None: schema_path = dir / SCHEMA_FILENAME if schema_path.is_file(): fields = read_schema(schema_path)[name] else: raise TSDBError( f'cannot determine fields; no schema file at {schema_path}') tx_path, gz_path, use_gz = _get_paths(dir, name) if append and (gzip or use_gz): raise NotImplementedError('cannot append to a gzipped file') mode = 'ab' if append else 'wb' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode='w+b', suffix='.tmp', prefix=name, dir=dir) as f_tmp: for record in records: f_tmp.write( (join(record, fields) + '\n').encode(encoding)) # only gzip non-empty files gzip = gzip and f_tmp.tell() != 0 dest, other = (gz_path, tx_path) if gzip else (tx_path, gz_path) # now copy the temp file to the destination if gzip: with GzipFile(dest, mode=mode) as gz_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_tmp, gz_out) else: with as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_tmp, f_out) # clean up other (gz or non-gz) file if it exists if other.is_file(): other.unlink()
[docs] def initialize_database(path: util.PathLike, schema: SchemaLike, files: bool = False) -> None: """ Initialize a bare database directory at *path*. Initialization creates the directory at *path* if it does not exist, writes the schema, an deletes any existing files defined by the schema. .. warning:: If *path* points to an existing directory, all relation files defined by the schema will be overwritten or deleted. Args: path: the path to the destination database directory schema: the destination database schema files: if `True`, create an empty file for every relation in *schema* """ path = Path(path).expanduser() if isinstance(schema, (str, Path)): schema = read_schema(schema) path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) write_schema(path, schema) _cleanup_files(path, set(schema)) if files: for name in schema: path.joinpath(name).touch()
[docs] def write_database(db: Database, path: util.PathLike, names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, schema: Optional[SchemaLike] = None, gzip: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8') -> None: """ Write TSDB database *db* to *path*. If *path* is an existing file (not a directory), a :class:`TSDBError` is raised. If *path* is an existing directory, the files for all relations in the destination schema will be cleared. Every relation name in *names* must exist in the destination schema. If *schema* is given (even if it is the same as for *db*), every record will be remade (using :func:`make_record`) using the schema, and columns may be dropped or `None` values inserted as necessary, but no more sophisticated changes will be made. .. warning:: If *path* points to an existing directory, all relation files defined by the schema will be overwritten or deleted. Args: db: Database containing data to write path: the path to the destination database directory names: list of names of relations to write; if `None` use all relations in the destination schema schema: the destination database schema; if `None` use the schema of *db* gzip: if `True`, compress all non-empty files; if `False`, do not compress encoding: character encoding for the database files """ path = Path(path).expanduser() if path.is_file(): raise TSDBError(f'not a directory: {path!s}') remake_records = schema is not None if schema is None: schema = db.schema elif isinstance(schema, (str, Path)): schema = read_schema(schema) if names is None: names = list(schema) # Prepare destination directory path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) write_schema(path, schema) for name in names: fields = schema[name] relation: Iterable[Record] = [] if name in db.schema: try: relation = db[name] except (TSDBError, KeyError): pass if remake_records: relation = _remake_records(relation, db.schema[name], fields) write(path, name, relation, fields, append=False, gzip=gzip, encoding=encoding) # only delete other files at the end in case db.path == path _cleanup_files(path, set(schema).difference(names))
def _remake_records(relation, old_fields, new_fields): field_names = [ for field in old_fields] for record in relation: colmap = dict(zip(field_names, record)) yield make_record(colmap, new_fields) def _cleanup_files(path, names): for name in names: tx_path = Path(path, name).with_suffix('') gz_path = Path(path, name).with_suffix('.gz') if tx_path.is_file(): tx_path.unlink() if gz_path.is_file(): gz_path.unlink()