Source code for delphin.tsql

TSQL -- Test Suite Query Language

import operator
import re
from datetime import datetime
from typing import (
    cast as typing_cast,

from delphin import tsdb, util

# Default modules need to import the PyDelphin version
from delphin.__about__ import __version__  # noqa: F401
from delphin.exceptions import PyDelphinException, PyDelphinSyntaxError

# CUSTOM EXCEPTIONS ###########################################################

[docs] class TSQLError(PyDelphinException): """Raised on invalid TSQL operations."""
[docs] class TSQLSyntaxError(PyDelphinSyntaxError): """Raised when encountering an invalid TSQL query."""
# LOCAL TYPES ################################################################# _Names = List[str] _Comparison = Tuple[str, Tuple[str, tsdb.Value]] # the following should be recursive: # _Boolean = Tuple[str, Union[_Boolean, List[_Boolean, ...]]] # but use Any until the type checker supports recursive types. # see: _Boolean = Tuple[str, Any] _Condition = Union[_Comparison, _Boolean] _FilterFunction = Callable[[tsdb.Record], bool] _QNameResolver = Callable[[str], Tuple[str, tsdb.Field]] class _Record(tsdb.Record): """Dummy Record type to mimic the call signature of itsdb.Row.""" def __new__(cls, fields: tsdb.Fields, data: tsdb.Record, field_index: Optional[tsdb.FieldIndex] = None): return tuple(data) class Selection(tsdb.Records): def __init__(self, record_class: Optional[Type[_Record]] = None) -> None: """ The results of a 'select' query. """ self.fields: List[tsdb.Field] = [] self._field_index: tsdb.FieldIndex = {} tsdb.Records = [] self.projection = None if record_class is None: record_class = _Record self.record_class = record_class self.joined: Set[str] = set() def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tsdb.Record]: if self.projection is None: return else: return*self.projection) def select(self, *names: str, cast: bool = False) -> Iterator[tsdb.Record]: if not names: indices = list(range(len(self.fields))) else: indices = [self._field_index[name] for name in names] fields = [self.fields[idx] for idx in indices] index = tsdb.make_field_index(fields) cls = self.record_class for record in record = getattr(record, 'data', record) # in case it's a Row data = tuple(record[idx] for idx in indices) if cast and all(value is None or isinstance(value, str) for value in data): data = typing_cast(Tuple[Optional[str], ...], data) data = tuple(tsdb.cast(field.datatype, value) for field, value in zip(fields, data)) yield cls(fields, data, field_index=index) # QUERY INSPECTION ############################################################
[docs] def inspect_query(querystring: str) -> dict: """ Parse *querystring* and return the interpreted query dictionary. Example: >>> from delphin import tsql >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(tsql.inspect_query( ... 'select i-input from item where i-id < 100')) {'type': 'select', 'projection': ['i-input'], 'relations': ['item'], 'condition': ('<', ('i-id', 100))} """ return _parse_query(querystring)
# QUERY PROCESSING ############################################################
[docs] def query(querystring: str, db: tsdb.Database, **kwargs): """ Perform query *querystring* on the testsuite *ts*. Note: currently only 'select' queries are supported. Args: querystring (str): TSQL query string ts (:class:`delphin.itsdb.TestSuite`): testsuite to query over kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the more specific query function (e.g., :func:`select`) Example: >>> list(tsql.query('select i-id where i-length < 4', ts)) [[142], [1061]] """ queryobj = _parse_query(querystring) if queryobj['type'] in ('select', 'retrieve'): return _select( queryobj['projection'], queryobj['relations'], queryobj['condition'], db, record_class=kwargs.get('record_class', None)) else: # not really a syntax error; replace with TSQLError or something # when the proper exception class exists raise TSQLSyntaxError(queryobj['type'] + ' queries are not supported', text=querystring)
[docs] def select(querystring: str, db: tsdb.Database, record_class: Optional[Type[_Record]] = None) -> Selection: """ Perform the TSQL selection query *querystring* on testsuite *ts*. Note: The `select`/`retrieve` part of the query is not included. Args: querystring: TSQL select query db: TSDB database to query over Example: >>> list('i-id where i-length < 4', ts)) [[142], [1061]] """ queryobj = _parse_select(querystring) return _select( queryobj['projection'], queryobj['relations'], queryobj['condition'], db, record_class=record_class)
def _select(projection: _Names, relations: List[str], condition: Optional[_Condition], db: tsdb.Database, record_class: Optional[Type[_Record]]) -> Selection: proj, joins, condition = _make_execution_plan( projection, relations, condition, db) selection = Selection(record_class=record_class) for name, columns in joins: _join(selection, db, name, columns, 'inner') if condition: cond = _process_condition_function(condition, selection) = list(filter(cond, selection.projection = proj return selection def _make_execution_plan( projection: _Names, relations: List[str], condition: Optional[_Condition], db: tsdb.Database) -> Tuple: """Make a plan for all relations to join and columns to keep.""" resolve_qname = _make_qname_resolver(db, relations) if projection == ['*']: projection = _project_all(relations, db) else: projection = [resolve_qname(name)[0] for name in projection] cond_resolved: Optional[_Condition] = None cond_fields: _Names = [] if condition: cond_resolved, cond_fields = _process_condition_fields( condition, resolve_qname) joins = _plan_joins(projection, cond_fields, relations, db) return projection, joins, cond_resolved def _project_all(relations: List[str], db: tsdb.Database) -> List[str]: projection = [] keys_added: Set[str] = set() for name in relations: for field in db.schema[name]: qname = f'{name}.{}' # only include same keys once if not field.is_key: projection.append(qname) elif not in keys_added: projection.append(qname) keys_added.add( return projection def _make_qname_resolver( db: tsdb.Database, relations: List[str]) -> _QNameResolver: """ Return a function that turns column names into qualified names. For example, `i-input` becomes `item.i-input`. """ index = {rel: tsdb.make_field_index(db.schema[rel]) for rel in db.schema} schema_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} for relname, fields in db.schema.items(): for field in fields: schema_map.setdefault(, []).append(relname) # prefer those appearing in specified relations for colname in schema_map: schema_map[colname] = sorted(schema_map[colname], key=relations.__contains__, reverse=True) def resolve(colname: str) -> Tuple[str, tsdb.Field]: rel, _, col = colname.rpartition('.') if rel: qname = colname elif col in schema_map: rel = schema_map[col][0] qname = f'{rel}.{col}' else: raise TSQLError(f'undefined column: {colname}') return qname, db.schema[rel][index[rel][col]] return resolve def _plan_joins(projection, condition_fields, relations, db): """ Calculate the relations and columns needed for the query. """ joinmap = {} added = set() relset = set(relations) for qname in projection + list(condition_fields): if qname not in added: rel, _, col = qname.rpartition('.') relset.add(rel) joinmap.setdefault(rel, []).append(col) added.add(qname) # add necessary relations to span all requested relations keymap = _make_keymap(db) relset.update(_pivot_relations(relset, keymap, db)) # always add keys for relation in relset: for field in db.schema[relation]: if field.is_key: qname = f'{relation}.{}' if qname not in added: joinmap.setdefault(relation, []).append( # finally ensure joins occur in a valid order joined_keys = set() joins = [] while joinmap: changed = False for rel in list(joinmap): if not joins or joined_keys.intersection(joinmap[rel]): joins.append((rel, joinmap.pop(rel))) joined_keys.update(keymap[rel]) changed = True break if not changed: raise TSQLError('infinite loop detected!') return joins def _make_keymap(db): keymap = {} for rel, _fields in db.schema.items(): keys = [ for field in db.schema[rel] if field.is_key] keymap[rel] = keys return keymap def _pivot_relations(relset, keymap, db): """ Search to find a relation that can join two disjoint relations. Note: If disjoint relation sets cannot be conjoined with a single other relation, a TSQLError is raised. """ edges = [] nodes = set() def add_edges(keys): for i in range(len(keys) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(keys)): edges.append((keys[i], keys[j])) for rel in relset: keys = keymap[rel] nodes.update(keys) add_edges(keys) pivots = set() components = util._connected_components(nodes, edges) while len(components) > 1: improved = False for rel, keys in keymap.items(): if rel not in relset.union(pivots) and len(keys) > 1: if sum(1 if c.intersection(keys) else 0 for c in components) > 1: nodes.update(keys) add_edges(keys) pivots.add(rel) improved = True break if not improved: raise TSQLError('could not find relation to join: {}' .format(', '.join(sorted(relset)))) components = util._connected_components(nodes, edges) return pivots _operator_functions = {'==': operator.eq, '!=':, '<':, '<=': operator.le, '>':, '>=':} def _process_condition_fields( condition: _Condition, resolve_qname: _QNameResolver) -> Tuple[_Condition, _Names]: # conditions are something like: # ('==', ('i-id', 11)) op, body = condition if op in ('and', 'or'): body = typing_cast(List[_Condition], body) fieldset = set() conditions = [] for cond in body: _cond, _fields = _process_condition_fields( cond, resolve_qname) fieldset.update(_fields) conditions.append(_cond) return (op, conditions), sorted(fieldset) elif op == 'not': ncond, fields = _process_condition_fields( body, resolve_qname) return ('not', ncond), fields else: qname, field = resolve_qname(body[0]) # check if the condition's type matches the column typ = _expected_type(field.datatype) if not isinstance(body[1], typ): raise TSQLError( 'type mismatch in condition on {}: {} {} {}' .format(qname, typ.__name__, op, type(body[1]).__name__)) return (op, (qname, body[1])), [qname] def _expected_type(datatype): if datatype == ':string': return str elif datatype in ':integer': return int elif datatype in ':float': return (int, float) elif datatype in ':date': return datetime def _process_condition_function( condition: _Condition, selection: Selection) -> _FilterFunction: field_index = selection._field_index fields = selection.fields # conditions are something like: # ('==', ('i-id', 11)) op, body = condition if op in ('and', 'or'): body = typing_cast(List[_Condition], body) conditions = [] for cond in body: _func = _process_condition_function(cond, selection) conditions.append(_func) _func = all if op == 'and' else any def func(row): return _func(cond(row) for cond in conditions) elif op == 'not': nfunc = _process_condition_function(body, selection) def func(row): return not nfunc(row) elif op == '~': def func(row): index = field_index[body[0]] field = fields[index] value = tsdb.cast(field.datatype, row[index]) return value is not None and[1], value) elif op == '!~': def func(row): index = field_index[body[0]] field = fields[index] value = tsdb.cast(field.datatype, row[index]) return value is None or not[1], value) else: compare = _operator_functions[op] def func(row): index = field_index[body[0]] field = fields[index] value = tsdb.cast(field.datatype, row[index]) return value is not None and compare(value, body[1]) return func # RELATION JOINS ############################################################## def _join(selection: Selection, db: tsdb.Database, name: str, columns: _Names, how: str = 'inner') -> None: """ Join *fields* from *relation* into *selection*. If *how* is `"inner"`, then only matched rows persist after the join; if *how* is `"left"`, all existing rows are kept and those without a match are padded with `None` values. """ if how not in ('inner', 'left'): raise TSQLError("only 'inner' and 'left' join methods are allowed") if name in selection.joined: raise TSQLError('cannot join the same relation twice') all_fields = db.schema[name] field_index = tsdb.make_field_index(all_fields) indices = [field_index[col] for col in columns] fields = [all_fields[idx] for idx in indices] data: List[tsdb.Record] = [] if not selection.joined: _merge_fields(selection, name, [], fields) data.extend(db._select_raw(name, columns)) else: on: List[str] = [] if selection is not None: on = [ for f in fields if f.is_key and in selection._field_index] fields = [f for f in fields if not in on] cols = [ for f in fields] if not on: raise TSQLError('no shared keys for joining') right: Dict[Tuple[tsdb.Value, ...], List[tsdb.Record]] = {} for keys, row in zip(db.select_from(name, on, cast=True), db._select_raw(name, cols)): right.setdefault(tuple(keys), []).append(tuple(row)) rfill = tuple([None] * len(fields)) for keys, lrow in zip(*on, cast=True), selection): keys = tuple(keys) if how == 'left' or keys in right: for rrow in right.get(keys, [rfill]): data.append(tuple(lrow) + tuple(rrow)) _merge_fields(selection, name, on, fields) = data def _merge_fields(selection: Selection, relationname: str, on: _Names, fields: tsdb.Fields) -> None: offset = len(selection.fields) for i, field in enumerate(fields, offset): selection.fields.append(field) if not in selection._field_index: selection._field_index[] = i selection._field_index[relationname + '.' +] = i # also add qualified names for 'on' fields in case the joins # happen in a strange order for name in on: i = selection._field_index[name] selection._field_index[relationname + '.' + name] = i selection.joined.add(relationname) # QUERY PARSING ############################################################### _year = r'[0-9]{4}' _yr = r'(?:[0-9]{2})?[0-9]{2}' _month = r'(?:[0-9][0-9]?|jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)' _day = r'[0-9]{1,2}' _time = (r'\s*\({t}:{t}(?::{t})?\)' r'|\s+{t}:{t}(?::{t})').format(t=r'[0-9]{2}') _yyyy_mm_dd = r'{year}-{month}(?:-{day})?(?:{time})?'.format( year=_year, month=_month, day=_day, time=_time) _dd_mm_yy = r'(?:{day}-)?{month}-{year}(?:{time})?'.format( year=_yr, month=_month, day=_day, time=_time) _id = r'[a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*' _qid = r'{id}\.{id}'.format(id=_id) # qualified id: "table.column" _TSQLLexer = util.Lexer( tokens=[ (r'from', 'FROM:from'), (r'where', 'WHERE:where'), (r'report', 'REPORT:report'), (r'\*', 'STAR:*'), (r'\.', 'DOT:.'), (r'==|=|!=|~|!~|<=|<|>=|>', 'OP:a comparison operator'), (r'&&|&|and', "AND:'&&', '&', or 'and'"), (r'\|\||\||or', "OR:'||', '|', or 'or'"), (r'!|not', "NOT:'!' or 'not'"), (r'\(', 'LPAREN:('), (r'\)', 'RPAREN:)'), (r'"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)"', 'DQSTRING:a double-quoted string'), (r"'([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)'", 'SQSTRING:a single-quoted string'), (_yyyy_mm_dd, 'YYYYMMDD:a YYYY-MM-DD date'), (_dd_mm_yy, 'DDMMYY: a DD-MM-YY date'), (r':today|now', "KWDATE:'now' or ':today'"), (r'[+-]?\d+', 'INT:an integer'), (_qid, 'QID:a qualified identifier'), (_id, 'ID:a simple identifier'), (r'[^\s]', 'UNEXPECTED') ], error_class=TSQLSyntaxError) _FROM = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.FROM _WHERE = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.WHERE _REPORT = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.REPORT _STAR = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.STAR _DOT = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.DOT _OP = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.OP _AND = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.AND _OR = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.OR _NOT = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.NOT _LPAREN = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.LPAREN _RPAREN = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.RPAREN _DQSTRING = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.DQSTRING _SQSTRING = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.SQSTRING _YYYYMMDD = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.YYYYMMDD _DDMMYY = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.DDMMYY _KWDATE = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.KWDATE _INT = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.INT _QID = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.QID _ID = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.ID _UNEXPECTED = _TSQLLexer.tokentypes.UNEXPECTED def _parse_query(querystring: str) -> dict: querytype, _, querybody = querystring.lstrip().partition(' ') querytype = querytype.lower() if querytype in ('select', 'retrieve'): result = _parse_select(querybody) else: raise TSQLSyntaxError(f"'{querytype}' queries are not supported", lineno=1) return result def _parse_select(querystring: str) -> dict: querystring += '.' # just a sentinel to indicate the end of the query lexer = _TSQLLexer.lex(querystring.splitlines()) projection = _parse_select_projection(lexer) relations = _parse_select_from(lexer) condition = _parse_select_where(lexer) lexer.expect_type(_DOT) if projection == ['*'] and not relations: raise TSQLSyntaxError( "'select *' requires a 'from' clause", text=querystring) return {'type': 'select', 'projection': projection, 'relations': relations, 'condition': condition} def _parse_select_projection(lexer: util.LookaheadLexer) -> List[str]: typ, col_id = lexer.choice_type(_STAR, _QID, _ID) projection = [] if typ in (_QID, _ID): while col_id: projection.append(col_id) col_id = lexer.accept_type(_QID) or lexer.accept_type(_ID) else: projection.append(col_id) return projection def _parse_select_from(lexer: util.LookaheadLexer) -> List[str]: relations = [] if lexer.accept_type(_FROM): relation = lexer.expect_type(_ID) while relation: relations.append(relation) relation = lexer.accept_type(_ID) return relations def _parse_select_where( lexer: util.LookaheadLexer) -> Optional[_Condition]: conditions: List[_Condition] = [] while lexer.accept_type(_WHERE): conditions.append(_parse_condition_disjunction(lexer)) condition: Optional[_Condition] = None if len(conditions) == 1: condition = conditions[0] elif len(conditions) > 1: condition = ('and', list(conditions)) return condition def _parse_condition_disjunction( lexer: util.LookaheadLexer) -> _Condition: conds = [] while True: conds.append(_parse_condition_conjunction(lexer)) if not lexer.accept_type(_OR): break if len(conds) == 0: raise TSQLSyntaxError('invalid query') elif len(conds) == 1: return conds[0] else: return ('or', list(conds)) def _parse_condition_conjunction( lexer: util.LookaheadLexer) -> _Condition: conds: List[_Condition] = [] while True: typ, token = lexer.choice_type(_NOT, _LPAREN, _QID, _ID) if typ == _NOT: conds.append(('not', _parse_condition_disjunction(lexer))) elif typ == _LPAREN: conds.append(_parse_condition_disjunction(lexer)) lexer.expect_type(_RPAREN) elif typ in (_QID, _ID): conds.append(_parse_condition_statement(token, lexer)) if not lexer.accept_type(_AND): break if len(conds) == 0: raise TSQLSyntaxError('invalid query') elif len(conds) == 1: return conds[0] else: return ('and', list(conds)) def _parse_condition_statement( column: str, lexer: util.LookaheadLexer) -> _Comparison: op = lexer.expect_type(_OP) if op == '=': op = '==' # normalize = to == (I think these are equivalent) if op in ('~', '!~'): typ, value = lexer.choice_type(_DQSTRING, _SQSTRING) elif op in ('<', '<=', '>', '>='): typ, value = lexer.choice_type(_INT, _YYYYMMDD, _DDMMYY, _KWDATE) else: # must be == or != typ, value = lexer.choice_type(_INT, _DQSTRING, _SQSTRING, _YYYYMMDD, _DDMMYY, _KWDATE) if typ == _INT: value = int(value) elif typ in (_YYYYMMDD, _DDMMYY, _KWDATE): value = tsdb.cast(':date', value) return (op, (column, value))