Walkthrough of PyDelphin Features

This tutorial provides a tour of the main features offered by PyDelphin.

ACE and HTTP Interfaces

PyDelphin works with a number of data types, and a simple way to get some data to play with is to parse a sentence. PyDelphin doesn’t parse things on its own, but it provides two interfaces to external processors: one for the ACE processor and another for the HTTP-based “web API”. I’ll first show the web API as it’s the simplest for parsing a single sentence:

>>> from delphin.interfaces import rest
>>> response = rest.parse('Abrams chased Browne', params={'mrs': 'json'})
>>> response.result(0).mrs()
<Mrs object (proper named chase proper named) at 139897112151488>

The response object returned by interfaces is a basic dictionary that has been augmented with convenient access methods (such as result() and mrs() above). Note that the web API is platform-neutral, and is thus currently the only way to dynamically retrieve parses in PyDelphin on a Windows machine.

See also

If you’re on a Linux or Mac machine and have ACE installed and a grammar image available, you can use the ACE interface, which is faster than the web API and returns more complete response information.

>>> from delphin.interfaces import ace
>>> response = ace.parse('erg-1214-x86-64-0.9.27.dat', 'Abrams chased Browne')
NOTE: parsed 1 / 1 sentences, avg 2135k, time 0.01316s
>>> response.result(0).mrs()
<Mrs object (proper named chase proper named) at 139897048034552>

I will use the response object from ACE to illustrate some other features below.

*MRS Inspection

The original motivation for PyDelphin and the area with the most work is in modeling MRS representations.

>>> x = response.result(0).mrs()
>>> [ep.pred.string for ep in x.eps()]
['proper_q', 'named', '_chase_v_1', 'proper_q', 'named']
>>> x.variables()
['h0', 'e2', 'h4', 'x3', 'h5', 'h6', 'h7', 'h1', 'x9', 'h10', 'h11', 'h12', 'h13']
>>> x.nodeid('x3')
>>> x.ep(x.nodeid('x3'))
<ElementaryPredication object (named (x3)) at 140597926475360>
>>> x.ep(x.nodeid('x3', quantifier=True))
<ElementaryPredication object (proper_q (x3)) at 140597926475240>
>>> x.ep(x.nodeid('e2')).args
{'ARG0': 'e2', 'ARG1': 'x3', 'ARG2': 'x9'}
>>> [(hc.hi, hc.relation, hc.lo) for hc in x.hcons()]
[('h0', 'qeq', 'h1'), ('h5', 'qeq', 'h7'), ('h11', 'qeq', 'h13')]

See also

Beyond the basic modeling of semantic structures, there are a number of additional functions for analyzing the structures, such as from the delphin.mrs.compare and delphin.mrs.query modules:

>>> from delphin.mrs import compare
>>> compare.isomorphic(x, x)
>>> compare.isomorphic(x, response.result(1).mrs())
>>> from delphin.mrs import query
>>> query.select_eps(response.result(1).mrs(), pred='named')
[<ElementaryPredication object (named (x3)) at 140244783534752>, <ElementaryPredication object (named (x9)) at 140244783534272>]
>>> x.args(10000)
{'ARG0': 'x3', 'RSTR': 'h5', 'BODY': 'h6'}
>>> query.find_argument_target(x, 10000, 'RSTR')
>>> for sg in query.find_subgraphs_by_preds(x, ['named', 'proper_q'], connected=True):
...     print(sg.nodeids())
[10000, 10001]
[10003, 10004]

*MRS Conversion

Conversions between MRS and DMRS representations is seamless in PyDelphin, making it easy to convert between many formats (note that some outputs are abbreviated here):

>>> from delphin.mrs import simplemrs, mrx, dmrx
>>> print(simplemrs.dumps([x], pretty_print=True))
[ TOP: h0
  INDEX: e2 [ e SF: prop TENSE: past MOOD: indicative PROG: - PERF: - ]
  RELS: < [ proper_q<0:6> LBL: h4 ARG0: x3 [ x PERS: 3 NUM: sg IND: + ] RSTR: h5 BODY: h6 ]
          [ named<0:6> LBL: h7 ARG0: x3 CARG: "Abrams" ]
          [ _chase_v_1<7:13> LBL: h1 ARG0: e2 ARG1: x3 ARG2: x9 [ x PERS: 3 NUM: sg IND: + ] ]
          [ proper_q<14:20> LBL: h10 ARG0: x9 RSTR: h11 BODY: h12 ]
          [ named<14:20> LBL: h13 ARG0: x9 CARG: "Browne" ] >
  HCONS: < h0 qeq h1 h5 qeq h7 h11 qeq h13 > ]
>>> print(mrx.dumps([x], pretty_print=True))
<mrs cfrom="-1" cto="-1"><label vid="0" /><var sort="e" vid="2">
>>> print(dmrx.dumps([x], pretty_print=True))
<dmrs cfrom="-1" cto="-1" index="10002">

See also

Some formats are currently export-only:

>>> from delphin.mrs import prolog, simpledmrs
>>> print(prolog.dumps([x], pretty_print=True))
>>> print(simpledmrs.dumps([x], pretty_print=True))
dmrs {
  [top=10002 index=10002]
  10000 [proper_q<0:6> x PERS=3 NUM=sg IND=+];
  10001 [named<0:6>("Abrams") x PERS=3 NUM=sg IND=+];
  10002 [_chase_v_1<7:13> e SF=prop TENSE=past MOOD=indicative PROG=- PERF=-];
  10003 [proper_q<14:20> x PERS=3 NUM=sg IND=+];
  10004 [named<14:20>("Browne") x PERS=3 NUM=sg IND=+];
  10000:RSTR/H -> 10001;
  10002:ARG1/NEQ -> 10001;
  10002:ARG2/NEQ -> 10004;
  10003:RSTR/H -> 10004;

PyDelphin also handles basic conversion to Elementary Dependency Structures (EDS). The conversion is lossy, so it’s not currently possible to convert from EDS to *MRS. Unlike the export-only formats shown above, however, it is possible to read EDS data and convert to other EDS formats (see below).

>>> from delphin.mrs import eds
>>> print(eds.dumps([x], pretty_print=True))
 _1:proper_q<0:6>[BV x3]
 e2:_chase_v_1<7:13>[ARG1 x3, ARG2 x9]
 _2:proper_q<14:20>[BV x9]

See also

MRS, DMRS, and EDS all support to_dict() and from_dict() methods, which make it easy to serialize to JSON.

>>> import json
>>> from delphin.mrs import Mrs, Dmrs
>>> print(json.dumps(Mrs.to_dict(x), indent=2))
  "relations": [
      "label": "h4",
      "predicate": "proper_q",
>>> print(json.dumps(Dmrs.to_dict(x), indent=2))
  "nodes": [
      "nodeid": 10000,
      "predicate": "proper_q",
>>> print(json.dumps(eds.Eds.from_xmrs(x).to_dict(), indent=2))
  "top": "e2",
  "nodes": {
    "_1": {
      "label": "proper_q",
      "edges": {
        "BV": "x3"

See also

And finally the dependency representations (DMRS and EDS) have to_triples() and from_triples() methods, which aid in PENMAN serialization.

>>> from delphin.mrs import penman
>>> print(penman.dumps([x], model=Dmrs))
(10002 / _chase_v_1
       :lnk "<7:13>"
       :ARG1-NEQ (10001 / named
                        :lnk "<0:6>"
                        :carg "Abrams"
                        :RSTR-H-of (10000 / proper_q
                                          :lnk "<0:6>"))
       :ARG2-NEQ (10004 / named
                        :lnk "<14:20>"
                        :carg "Browne"
                        :RSTR-H-of (10003 / proper_q
                                          :lnk "<14:20>")))
>>> print(penman.dumps([x], model=eds.Eds))
(e2 / _chase_v_1
    :lnk "<7:13>"
    :ARG1 (x3 / named
              :lnk "<0:6>"
              :carg "Abrams"
              :BV-of (_1 / proper_q
                         :lnk "<0:6>"))
    :ARG2 (x9 / named
              :lnk "<14:20>"
              :carg "Browne"
              :BV-of (_2 / proper_q
                         :lnk "<14:20>")))

See also

Tokens and Token Lattices

You can inspect the tokens as analyzed by the processor:

>>> response.tokens('initial')
<delphin.tokens.YyTokenLattice object at 0x7f3c55abdd30>
>>> print('\n'.join(map(str,response.tokens('initial').tokens)))
(1, 0, 1, <0:6>, 1, "Abrams", 0, "null", "NNP" 1.0000)
(2, 1, 2, <7:13>, 1, "chased", 0, "null", "NNP" 1.0000)
(3, 2, 3, <14:20>, 1, "Browne", 0, "null", "NNP" 1.0000)

See also


[incr tsdb()] derivations (unambiguous “recipes” for an analysis with a specific grammar version) are fully modeled:

>>> d = response.result(0).derivation()
>>> d.derivation().entity
>>> d.derivation().daughters
[<UdfNode object (900, hdn_bnp-pn_c, 0.093057, 0, 1) at 139897048235816>, <UdfNode object (904, hd-cmp_u_c, -0.846099, 1, 3) at 139897041227960>]
>>> d.derivation().terminals()
[<UdfTerminal object (abrams) at 139897041154360>, <UdfTerminal object (chased) at 139897041154520>, <UdfTerminal object (browne) at 139897041154680>]
>>> d.derivation().preterminals()
[<UdfNode object (71, abrams, 0.0, 0, 1) at 139897041214040>, <UdfNode object (52, chase_v1, 0.0, 1, 2) at 139897041214376>, <UdfNode object (70, browne, 0.0, 2, 3) at 139897041214712>]

See also

[incr tsdb()] TestSuites

PyDelphin has full support for reading and writing [incr tsdb()] testsuites:

>>> from delphin import itsdb
>>> ts = itsdb.TestSuite('erg/tsdb/gold/mrs')
>>> len(ts['item'])
>>> ts['item'][0]['i-input']
'It rained.'
>>> ts.write(tables=itsdb.tsdb_core_files, path='mrs-skeleton')

TSQL Queries

Partial support of the Test Suite Query Language (TSQL) allows for easy selection of [incr tsdb()] TestSuite data.

>>> from delphin import itsdb, tsql
>>> ts = itsdb.TestSuite('erg/tsdb/gold/mrs')
>>> next(tsql.select('i-id i-input where i-length > 5 && readings > 0', ts))
[61, 'Abrams handed the cigarette to Browne.']

Regular Expression Preprocessors (REPP)

PyDelphin provides a full implementation of Regular Expression Preprocessors (REPP), including correct characterization and the loading from PET configuration files. Unique to PyDelphin (I think) is the ability to trace through an application of the tokenization rules.

>>> from delphin import repp
>>> r = repp.REPP.from_config('../../grammars/erg/pet/repp.set')
>>> for tok in r.tokenize("Abrams didn't chase Browne.").tokens:
...     print(tok.form, tok.lnk)
Abrams <0:6>
did <7:10>
n’t <10:13>
chase <14:19>
Browne <20:26>
. <26:27>
>>> for step in r.trace("Abrams didn't chase Browne."):
...     if isinstance(step, repp.REPPStep):
...         print('{}\t-> {}\t{}'.format(step.input, step.output, step.operation))
Abrams didn't chase Browne.     ->  Abrams didn't chase Browne.         !^(.+)$          \1
 Abrams didn't chase Browne.    ->  Abrams didn’t chase Browne.         !'              ’
 Abrams didn't chase Browne.    ->  Abrams didn’t chase Browne.         Internal group #1
 Abrams didn't chase Browne.    ->  Abrams didn’t chase Browne.         Internal group #1
 Abrams didn't chase Browne.    ->  Abrams didn’t chase Browne.         Module quotes
 Abrams didn’t chase Browne.    ->   Abrams didn’t chase Browne.        !^(.+)$          \1
  Abrams didn’t chase Browne.   ->  Abrams didn’t chase Browne.         !  +
 Abrams didn’t chase Browne.    ->  Abrams didn’t chase Browne .        !([^ ])(\.) ([])}”"’'… ]*)$             \1 \2 \3
 Abrams didn’t chase Browne.    ->  Abrams didn’t chase Browne .        Internal group #1
 Abrams didn’t chase Browne.    ->  Abrams didn’t chase Browne .        Internal group #1
 Abrams didn’t chase Browne .   ->  Abrams did n’t chase Browne .       !([^ ])([nN])[’']([tT])                 \1 \2’\3
Abrams didn't chase Browne.     ->  Abrams did n’t chase Browne .       Module tokenizer

Note that the trace shows the sequential order of rule applications, but not the tree-like branching of REPP modules.

See also

Type Description Language (TDL)

The TDL language is fairly simple, but the interpretation of type hierarchies (feature inheritance, re-entrancies, unification and subsumption) can be very complex. PyDelphin has partial support for reading TDL files. It can read nearly any kind of TDL in a DELPH-IN grammar (type definitions, lexicons, transfer rules, etc.), but it does not do any interpretation. It can be useful for static code analysis.

>>> from delphin import tdl
>>> lex = {}
>>> for event, obj, lineno in tdl.iterparse('erg/lexicon.tdl'):
...     if event == 'TypeDefinition':
...         lex[obj.identifier] = obj
>>> len(lex)
>>> lex['cactus_n1']
<TypeDefinition object 'cactus_n1' at 140226925196400>
>>> lex['cactus_n1'].supertypes
[<TypeIdentifier object (n_-_c_le) at 140226925284232>]
>>> lex['cactus_n1'].features()
[('ORTH', <ConsList object at 140226925534472>), ('SYNSEM', <AVM object at 140226925299464>)]
>>> lex['cactus_n1']['ORTH'].features()
[('FIRST', <String object (cactus) at 140226925284352>), ('REST', None)]
>>> lex['cactus_n1']['ORTH'].values()
[<String object (cactus) at 140226925284352>]
>>> lex['cactus_n1']['ORTH.FIRST']
<String object (cactus) at 140226925284352>
>>> print(tdl.format(lex['cactus_n1']))
cactus_n1 := n_-_c_le &
  [ ORTH < "cactus" >,
    SYNSEM [ LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED "_cactus_n_1_rel",
             LOCAL.AGR.PNG png-irreg,
             PHON.ONSET con ] ].

See also

Semantic Interfaces (SEM-I)

A grammar’s semantic model is encoded in the predicate inventory and constraints of the grammar, but as the interpretation of a grammar is non-trivial (see Type Description Language (TDL) above), using the grammar to validate semantic representations is a significant burden. A semantic interface (SEM-I) is a distilled and simplified representation of a grammar’s semantic model, and is thus a useful way to ensure that grammar-external semantic representations are valid with respect to the grammar. PyDelphin supports the reading and inspection of SEM-Is.

>>> from delphin.mrs import semi
>>> s = semi.load('../../grammars/erg/etc/erg.smi')
>>> list(s.variables)
['u', 'i', 'p', 'h', 'e', 'x']
>>> list(s.roles)
['ARG0', 'ARG1', 'ARG2', 'ARG3', 'ARG4', 'ARG', 'BODY', 'CARG', 'L-HNDL', 'L-INDEX', 'R-HNDL', 'R-INDEX', 'RSTR']
>>> s.roles['ARG3']
Role(rargname='ARG3', value='u', proplist=[], optional=False)
>>> list(s.properties)
['bool', '+', '-', 'tense', 'tensed', 'past', 'pres', 'fut', 'untensed', 'mood', 'subjunctive', 'indicative', 'gender', 'm-or-f', 'm', 'f', 'n', 'number', 'sg', 'pl', 'person', '1', '2', '3', 'pt', 'refl', 'std', 'zero', 'sf', 'prop-or-ques', 'prop', 'ques', 'comm']
>>> s.properties['fut']
Property(type='fut', supertypes=('tensed',))
>>> len(s.predicates)
>>> s.predicates['_cactus_n_1']
Predicate(predicate='_cactus_n_1', supertypes=(), synopses=[(Role(rargname='ARG0', value='x', proplist=[('IND', '+')], optional=False),)])

See also