Source code for delphin.derivation

# coding: utf-8

Classes and functions related to derivation trees.

import re
from collections import namedtuple, Sequence

# Default modules need to import the PyDelphin version
from delphin.__about__ import __version__  # noqa: F401
from delphin.exceptions import PyDelphinSyntaxError

class DerivationSyntaxError(PyDelphinSyntaxError):
    """Raised when parsing an invalid UDF string."""

_terminal_fields = ('form', 'tokens')
_token_fields = ('id', 'tfs')
_nonterminal_fields = ('id', 'entity', 'score', 'start', 'end', 'daughters')
_udx_fields = ('head', 'type')
_all_fields = tuple(

[docs]def from_string(s): """ Instantiate a Derivation from a UDF or UDX string representation. The UDF/UDX representations are as output by a processor like the `LKB <>`_ or `ACE <>`_, or from the :meth:`UDFNode.to_udf` or :meth:`UDFNode.to_udx` methods. Args: s (str): UDF or UDX serialization """ udfnode = _from_string(s) return Derivation(*udfnode, head=udfnode._head, type=udfnode.type)
[docs]def from_dict(d): """ Instantiate a Derivation from a dictionary representation. The dictionary representation may come from the HTTP interface (see the `ErgApi <>`_ wiki) or from the :meth:`UDFNode.to_dict` method. Note that in the former case, the JSON response should have already been decoded into a Python dictionary. Args: d (dict): dictionary representation of a derivation """ return Derivation(*_from_dict(d))
class _UDFNodeBase(object): """ Base class for :class:`UDFNode` and :class:`UDFTerminal`. """ def __str__(self): return self.to_udf(indent=None) # cannot rely on default __ne__ while namedtuple is a shared base class def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, _UDFNodeBase): return NotImplemented return not (self == other) # serialization def to_udf(self, indent=1): """ Encode the node and its descendants in the UDF format. Args: indent (int): the number of spaces to indent at each level Returns: str: the UDF-serialized string """ return _to_udf(self, indent, 1) def to_udx(self, indent=1): """ Encode the node and its descendants in the UDF export format. Args: indent (int): the number of spaces to indent at each level Returns: str: the UDX-serialized string """ return _to_udf(self, indent, 1, udx=True) def to_dict(self, fields=_all_fields, labels=None): """ Encode the node as a dictionary suitable for JSON serialization. Args: fields: if given, this is a whitelist of fields to include on nodes (`daughters` and `form` are always shown) labels: optional label annotations to embed in the derivation dict; the value is a list of lists matching the structure of the derivation (e.g., `["S" ["NP" ["NNS" ["Dogs"]]] ["VP" ["VBZ" ["bark"]]]]`) Returns: dict: the dictionary representation of the structure """ return _to_dict(self, fields, labels)
[docs]class UDFToken(namedtuple('UDFToken', _token_fields)): """ A token represenatation in derivations. Token data are not formally nodes, but do have an `id`. Most :class:`UDFTerminal` nodes will only have one UDFToken, but multi-word entities (e.g. "ad hoc") will have more than one. Args: id (int): token identifier tfs (str): the feature structure for the token """ def __new__(cls, id, tfs): if id is not None: id = int(id) return super(UDFToken, cls).__new__(cls, id, tfs) def __repr__(self): return '<UDFToken object ({} {!r}) at {}>'.format(, self.tfs, id(self) ) def __eq__(self, other): """ Token data are the same if they have the same feature structure. """ if not isinstance(other, UDFToken): return NotImplemented return self.tfs == other.tfs
[docs]class UDFTerminal(_UDFNodeBase, namedtuple('UDFTerminal', _terminal_fields)): """ Terminal nodes in the Unified Derivation Format. The *form* field is always set, but *tokens* may be `None`. See: Args: form (str): surface form of the terminal tokens (list, optional): iterable of tokens parent (UDFNode, optional): parent node in derivation """ def __new__(cls, form, tokens=None, parent=None): if tokens is None: tokens = [] t = super(UDFTerminal, cls).__new__(cls, form, tokens) # internal bookkeeping t._parent = parent return t def __repr__(self): return '<UDFTerminal object ({}) at {}>'.format(self.form, id(self)) def __eq__(self, other): """ Terminal nodes are the same if they have the same form and token data. """ if not isinstance(other, UDFTerminal): return NotImplemented if self.form != other.form: return False if self.tokens != other.tokens: return False return True
[docs] def is_root(self): """ Return `False` (as a `UDFTerminal` is never a root). This function is provided for convenience, so one does not need to check if `isinstance(n, UDFNode)` before testing if the node is a root. """ return False
[docs]class UDFNode(_UDFNodeBase, namedtuple('UDFNode', _nonterminal_fields)): """ Normal (non-leaf) nodes in the Unified Derivation Format. Root nodes are just UDFNodes whose `id`, by convention, is `None`. The `daughters` list can composed of either UDFNodes or other objects (generally it should be uniformly one or the other). In the latter case, the `UDFNode` is a preterminal, and the daughters are terminal nodes. Args: id (int): unique node identifier entity (str): grammar entity represented by the node score (float, optional): probability or weight of the node start (int, optional): start position of tokens encompassed by the node end (int, optional): end position of tokens encompassed by the node daughters (list, optional): iterable of daughter nodes head (bool, optional): `True` if the node is a syntactic head node type (str, optional): grammar type name parent (UDFNode, optional): parent node in derivation """ def __new__(cls, id, entity, score=None, start=None, end=None, daughters=None, head=None, type=None, parent=None): # numeric fields can be underspecified as -1 if not a root if id is not None: id = int(id) score = -1.0 if score is None else float(score) start = -1 if start is None else int(start) end = -1 if end is None else int(end) # for convenience make sure daughters is a list if None if daughters is None: daughters = [] # make sure daughters are not roots (is this check unnecessary?) if any(dtr.is_root() for dtr in daughters): raise ValueError('Daughter nodes cannot be roots.') node = super(UDFNode, cls).__new__( cls, id, entity, score, start, end, daughters ) # internal bookkeeping node._parent = parent node._head = head node.type = type return node def __repr__(self): return '<UDFNode object ({}, {}, {}, {}, {}) at {}>'.format(, self.entity, self.score, self.start, self.end, id(self) ) def __eq__(self, other): """ Two derivations are equal if their entities, tokenization, and daughters are the same. IDs and scores are irrelevant. """ if not isinstance(other, UDFNode): return NotImplemented # Check attributes if self.entity.lower() != other.entity.lower(): return False if self.type != other.type: return False if self.is_head() != other.is_head(): return False if self.start != other.start or self.end != other.end: return False if len(self.daughters) != len(other.daughters): return False if any(a != b for a, b in zip(self.daughters, other.daughters)): return False # Return true if they're the same! return True
[docs] def is_root(self): """ Return `True` if the node is a root node. Note: This is not simply the top node; by convention, a node is a root if its `id` is `None`. """ return is None
# UDX extensions
[docs] def is_head(self): """ Return `True` if the node is a head. A node is a head if it is marked as a head in the UDX format or it has no siblings. `False` is returned if the node is known to not be a head (has a sibling that is a head). Otherwise it is indeterminate whether the node is a head, and `None` is returned. """ if (self._head or self.is_root() or len(getattr(self._parent, 'daughters', [None])) == 1): return True elif any(dtr._head for dtr in self._parent.daughters): return False return None
# Convenience methods
[docs] def preterminals(self): """ Return the list of preterminals (i.e. lexical grammar-entities). """ nodes = [] for dtr in self.daughters: if isinstance(dtr, UDFTerminal): nodes.append(self) else: nodes.extend(dtr.preterminals()) return nodes
[docs] def terminals(self): """ Return the list of terminals (i.e. lexical units). """ nodes = [] for dtr in self.daughters: if isinstance(dtr, UDFTerminal): nodes.append(dtr) else: nodes.extend(dtr.terminals()) return nodes
[docs]class Derivation(UDFNode): """ A [incr tsdb()] derivation. A Derivation object is simply a :class:`UDFNode` but as it is intended to represent an entire derivation tree it performs additional checks on instantiation if the top node is a root node, namely that the top node only has the *entity* attribute set, and that it has only one node on its *daughters* list. """ def __init__(self, id, entity, score=None, start=None, end=None, daughters=None, head=None, type=None, parent=None): # Note: Attribute assignment is done in UDFNode.__new__(), so # this only checks the arguments. # If id is None, it is a root, and score, start, and end must # all be None, and daughters must be a list with one UDFNode if id is None: if score is not None or start is not None or end is not None: raise TypeError( 'Root nodes (with id=None) of Derivation objects ' 'must have *score*, *start*, and *end* set to None.' ) if (daughters is None or len(daughters) != 1 or not isinstance(daughters[0], UDFNode)): raise ValueError( 'Root nodes (with id=None) of Derivation objects ' 'must have a single daughter node.' )
############################################################################### # Deserialization # note that this regex doesn't have the initial open-parenthesis # (see _from_string()) _udf_re = re.compile( # regular node r'\s*(?P<id>{token})\s+(?P<entity>{string}|{token})' r'\s+(?P<score>{token})\s+(?P<start>{token})' r'\s+(?P<end>{token})\s*\(' # branch end r'|\s*(?P<done>\))' # terminal node (lexical token info; unbound list) r'|\s*(?P<form>{string})' # anything after form is optional r'(' # LKB-style start/end (e.g. ("word" 1 2) ) r'\s+(?P<lkb_start>\d+)\s+(?P<lkb_end>\d+)' # Token TFSs (e.g. ("word" 1 "token [ ... ]" 2 "token [... ]") ) # usually there's only one, though r'|(?P<tokens>(?:\s+{token}\s+{string})*)' r')?' r'\s*\)' # end terminal node # root symbol r'|\s*(?P<root>{token})\s*\(?' .format(token=r'[^\s()]+', string=r'"[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"') ) def _from_string(s): if not (s.startswith('(') and s.endswith(')')): raise DerivationSyntaxError( 'missing opening or closing parentheses', text=s) s_ = s[1:] # get rid of initial open-parenthesis stack = [] deriv = None matches = _udf_re.finditer(s_) for match in matches: if'done'): node = stack.pop() if len(stack) == 0: deriv = node break else: stack[-1].daughters.append(node) elif'form'): gd = match.groupdict() # ignore LKB-style start/end data if it exists on gd term = UDFTerminal( _unquote(gd['form']), tokens=_udf_tokens(gd.get('tokens')), parent=stack[-1] if stack else None ) stack[-1].daughters.append(term) elif'id'): gd = match.groupdict() head = None entity, _, type = gd['entity'].partition('@') if entity[0] == '^': entity = entity[1:] head = True if type == '': type = None udf = UDFNode(gd['id'], entity, gd['score'], gd['start'], gd['end'], head=head, type=type, parent=stack[-1] if stack else None) stack.append(udf) elif'root'): udf = UDFNode(None,'root')) stack.append(udf) if deriv is None: raise DerivationSyntaxError(text=s) elif stack: raise DerivationSyntaxError( 'possibly unbalanced parentheses', text=s) return deriv def _unquote(s): if s is not None: return re.sub(r'^"(.*)"$', r'\1', s) return None def _udf_tokens(tokenstring): tokens = [] if tokenstring: toks = re.findall( r'\s*({id})\s+({tfs})' .format(id=r'\d+', tfs=r'"[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"'), tokenstring ) for tid, tfs in toks: tokens.append(UDFToken(tid, _unquote(tfs))) return tokens def _from_dict(d, parent=None): if 'daughters' in d: n = UDFNode( d.get('id'), d['entity'], score=d.get('score'), start=d.get('start'), end=d.get('end'), head=d.get('head'), type=d.get('type'), parent=parent ) n.daughters.extend( _from_dict(dtr, parent=n) for dtr in d['daughters'] ) return n elif 'form' in d: n = UDFNode( d.get('id'), d['entity'], score=d.get('score'), start=d.get('start'), end=d.get('end'), head=d.get('head'), type=d.get('type'), parent=parent ) n.daughters.append( UDFTerminal( form=d['form'], tokens=[UDFToken(t['id'], t['tfs']) for t in d.get('tokens', [])], parent=n ) ) return n ############################################################################### # Serialization def _to_udf(obj, indent, level, udx=False): delim = ' ' if indent is None else '\n' + ' ' * indent * level if isinstance(obj, UDFNode): entity = obj.entity if udx: if obj._head: entity = '^' + entity if obj.type: entity = '{}@{}'.format(entity, obj.type) dtrs = [_to_udf(dtr, indent, level+1, udx) for dtr in obj.daughters] dtrs = delim.join([''] + dtrs) # empty first item to force indent if is None: return '({}{})'.format(entity, dtrs) else: # :g for score makes -1.0 look like -1 return '({} {} {:g} {} {}{})'.format(, entity, obj.score, obj.start, obj.end, dtrs ) elif isinstance(obj, UDFTerminal): form = '"{}"'.format(obj.form) tokens = ['{} "{}"'.format(, t.tfs) for t in obj.tokens] return '({})'.format(delim.join([form] + tokens)) else: raise TypeError('Invalid node: {}'.format(str(obj))) def _to_dict(obj, fields, labels): fields = set(fields) diff = fields.difference(_all_fields) if isinstance(labels, Sequence): labels = _map_labels(obj, labels) elif labels is None: labels = {} if diff: raise ValueError( 'Invalid field(s): {}'.format(', '.join(diff)) ) return _to_dict_recursive(obj, fields, labels) def _map_labels(drv, labels): m = {} if not labels: return m if labels[0]: m[] = labels[0] subds = getattr(drv, 'daughters', getattr(drv, 'tokens', [])) sublbls = labels[1:] if (sublbls and len(subds) != len(sublbls)): raise ValueError('Labels do not match derivation structure.') for d, lbls in zip(subds, sublbls): if hasattr(d, 'id'): m.update(_map_labels(d, lbls)) return m def _to_dict_recursive(obj, fields, labels): d = {} if isinstance(obj, UDFNode): if 'entity' in fields: d['entity'] = obj.entity if is not None: if 'id' in fields: d['id'] = if 'score' in fields: d['score'] = obj.score if 'start' in fields: d['start'] = obj.start if 'end' in fields: d['end'] = obj.end if 'type' in fields and obj.type: d['type'] = obj.type if 'head' in fields and obj._head: d['head'] = obj._head dtrs = obj.daughters if dtrs: # terminals should always be single daughters if len(dtrs) == 1 and isinstance(dtrs[0], UDFTerminal): # merge terminal daughter info into current node d.update(_to_dict_recursive(dtrs[0], fields, labels)) else: d['daughters'] = [ _to_dict_recursive(dtr, fields, labels) for dtr in dtrs ] if in labels: d['label'] = labels[] elif isinstance(obj, UDFTerminal): d['form'] = obj.form # d['from'] = min(t.tfs['+FROM'] for t in obj.tokens) # d['to'] = max(t.tfs['+TO'] for t in obj.tokens) if obj.tokens and 'tokens' in fields: tokens = [] for tok in obj.tokens: td = {'id':} # td['from'] = tok.tfs['+FROM'] # td['to'] = tok.tfs['+TO'] td['tfs'] = tok.tfs tokens.append(td) d['tokens'] = tokens # else: # raies TypeError() return d