Source code for delphin.lnk

Surface alignment for semantic entities.

from delphin.exceptions import PyDelphinException
# Default modules need to import the PyDelphin version
from delphin.__about__ import __version__  # noqa: F401

[docs]class LnkError(PyDelphinException): """Raised on invalid Lnk values or operations."""
[docs]class Lnk(object): """ Surface-alignment information for predications. Lnk objects link predicates to the surface form in one of several ways, the most common of which being the character span of the original string. Valid types and their associated *data* shown in the table below. ============= =================== ========= type data example ============= =================== ========= Lnk.CHARSPAN surface string span (0, 5) Lnk.CHARTSPAN chart vertex span (0, 5) Lnk.TOKENS token identifiers (0, 1, 2) Lnk.EDGE edge identifier 1 ============= =================== ========= Args: arg: Lnk type or the string representation of a Lnk data: alignment data (assumes *arg* is a Lnk type) Attributes: type: the way the Lnk relates the semantics to the surface form data: the alignment data (depends on the Lnk type) Example: >>> Lnk('<0:5>').data (0, 5) >>> str(Lnk.charspan(0,5)) '<0:5>' >>> str(Lnk.chartspan(0,5)) '<0#5>' >>> str(Lnk.tokens([0,1,2])) '<0 1 2>' >>> str(Lnk.edge(1)) '<@1>' """ __slots__ = ('type', 'data') # These types determine how a lnk on an EP or MRS are to be # interpreted, and thus determine the data type/structure of the # lnk data. UNSPECIFIED = 0 CHARSPAN = 1 # Character span; a pair of offsets CHARTSPAN = 2 # Chart vertex span: a pair of indices TOKENS = 3 # Token numbers: a list of indices EDGE = 4 # An edge identifier: a number def __init__(self, arg, data=None): if not arg: self.type = Lnk.UNSPECIFIED = None elif data is None and (arg[:1], arg[-1:]) == ('<', '>'): arg = arg[1:-1] if arg.startswith('@'): self.type = Lnk.EDGE = int(arg[1:]) elif ':' in arg: cfrom, cto = arg.split(':') self.type = Lnk.CHARSPAN = (int(cfrom), int(cto)) elif '#' in arg: vfrom, vto = arg.split('#') self.type = Lnk.CHARTSPAN = (int(vfrom), int(vto)) else: self.type = Lnk.TOKENS = tuple(map(int, arg.split())) elif arg in (Lnk.CHARSPAN, Lnk.CHARTSPAN, Lnk.TOKENS, Lnk.EDGE): self.type = arg = data else: raise LnkError('invalid Lnk: {}'.format(repr((arg, data))))
[docs] @classmethod def default(cls): """ Create a Lnk object for when no information is given. """ return cls(None)
[docs] @classmethod def charspan(cls, start, end): """ Create a Lnk object for a character span. Args: start: the initial character position (cfrom) end: the final character position (cto) """ return cls(Lnk.CHARSPAN, (int(start), int(end)))
[docs] @classmethod def chartspan(cls, start, end): """ Create a Lnk object for a chart span. Args: start: the initial chart vertex end: the final chart vertex """ return cls(Lnk.CHARTSPAN, (int(start), int(end)))
[docs] @classmethod def tokens(cls, tokens): """ Create a Lnk object for a token range. Args: tokens: a list of token identifiers """ return cls(Lnk.TOKENS, tuple(map(int, tokens)))
[docs] @classmethod def edge(cls, edge): """ Create a Lnk object for an edge (used internally in generation). Args: edge: an edge identifier """ return cls(Lnk.EDGE, int(edge))
def __str__(self): if self.type == Lnk.UNSPECIFIED: return '' elif self.type == Lnk.CHARSPAN: return '<{}:{}>'.format([0],[1]) elif self.type == Lnk.CHARTSPAN: return '<{}#{}>'.format([0],[1]) elif self.type == Lnk.EDGE: return '<@{}>'.format( elif self.type == Lnk.TOKENS: return '<{}>'.format(' '.join(map(str, def __repr__(self): return '<Lnk object {} at {}>'.format(str(self), id(self)) def __eq__(self, other): return self.type == other.type and == def __bool__(self): if self.type == Lnk.UNSPECIFIED: return False if self.type == Lnk.CHARSPAN and == (-1, -1): return False return True
[docs]class LnkMixin(object): """ A mixin class for adding `cfrom` and `cto` properties on structures. """ __slots__ = ('lnk', 'surface') def __init__(self, lnk=None, surface=None): if lnk is None: lnk = Lnk.default() self.lnk = lnk self.surface = surface @property def cfrom(self): """ The initial character position in the surface string. Defaults to -1 if there is no valid cfrom value. """ cfrom = -1 try: if self.lnk.type == Lnk.CHARSPAN: cfrom =[0] except AttributeError: pass # use default cfrom of -1 return cfrom @property def cto(self): """ The final character position in the surface string. Defaults to -1 if there is no valid cto value. """ cto = -1 try: if self.lnk.type == Lnk.CHARSPAN: cto =[1] except AttributeError: pass # use default cto of -1 return cto