Source code for delphin.mrs._operations

Operations on MRS structures

from typing import Iterable

from delphin import variable
from delphin import predicate
from delphin import sembase
from delphin import scope
from delphin import mrs
from delphin import util

[docs]def is_connected(m: mrs.MRS) -> bool: """ Return `True` if *m* is a fully-connected MRS. A connected MRS is one where, when viewed as a graph, all EPs are connected to each other via regular (non-scopal) arguments, scopal arguments (including qeqs), or label equalities. """ ids = { for ep in m.rels} g = {id: set() for id in ids} # first establish links from labels and intrinsic variables to EPs for ep in m.rels: id, lbl, iv =, ep.label, ep.iv g[id].update((lbl, iv)) g.setdefault(lbl, set()).add(id) if iv: g.setdefault(iv, set()).add(id) # arguments may link EPs with IVs or labels (or qeq) as targets hcmap = {hc.hi: hc.lo for hc in m.hcons} for id, roleargs in m.arguments().items(): for role, value in roleargs: value = hcmap.get(value, value) # resolve qeq if any if value in g: g[id].add(value) g[value].add(id) return ids.issubset(util._bfs(g))
[docs]def has_intrinsic_variable_property(m: mrs.MRS) -> bool: """ Return `True` if *m* satisfies the intrinsic variable property. An MRS has the intrinsic variable property when it passes the following: - :func:`has_complete_intrinsic_variables` - :func:`has_unique_intrinsic_variables` Note that for quantifier EPs, `ARG0` is overloaded to mean "bound variable". Each quantifier should have an `ARG0` that is the intrinsic variable of exactly one non-quantifier EP, but this function does not check for that. """ return (has_complete_intrinsic_variables(m) and has_unique_intrinsic_variables(m))
[docs]def has_complete_intrinsic_variables(m: mrs.MRS) -> bool: """ Return `True` if all non-quantifier EPs have intrinsic variables. """ return all(ep.iv is not None for ep in m.rels if not ep.is_quantifier())
[docs]def has_unique_intrinsic_variables(m: mrs.MRS) -> bool: """ Return `True` if all intrinsic variables are unique to their EPs. """ ivs = [ep.iv for ep in m.rels if not ep.is_quantifier() and ep.iv is not None] return len(set(ivs)) == len(ivs)
[docs]def is_well_formed(m: mrs.MRS) -> bool: """ Return `True` if MRS *m* is well-formed. A well-formed MRS meets the following criteria: - :func:`is_connected` - :func:`has_intrinsic_variable_property` - :func:`plausibly_scopes` The final criterion is a heuristic for determining if the MRS scopes by checking if handle constraints and scopal arguments have any immediate violations (e.g., a scopal argument selecting the label of its EP). """ return (is_connected(m) and has_intrinsic_variable_property(m) and plausibly_scopes(m))
[docs]def plausibly_scopes(m: mrs.MRS) -> bool: """ Quickly test if MRS *m* can plausibly resolve a scopal reading. This tests a number of things: - Is the MRS's top qeq to a label - Do any EPs scope over themselves - Do multiple EPs use the handle constraint - Is the lo handle of a qeq not actually a label - Are any qeqs not selected by an EP It does not test for transitive scopal plausibility. """ scope_labels = set(ep.label for ep in m.rels) hcmap = {hc.hi: hc.lo for hc in m.hcons} if not in hcmap: return False seen = set([]) for id, roleargs in m.arguments(types='h').items(): for _, handle in roleargs: if handle == m[id].label: return False elif handle in hcmap: if handle in seen: return False if hcmap[handle] not in scope_labels: return False seen.add(hcmap[handle]) elif handle in scope_labels and handle in seen: return False seen.add(handle) for hi, lo in hcmap.items(): if hi not in seen or lo not in scope_labels: return False return True
[docs]def is_isomorphic(m1: mrs.MRS, m2: mrs.MRS, properties: bool = True) -> bool: """ Return `True` if *m1* and *m2* are isomorphic MRSs. Isomorphicity compares the predicates of a semantic structure, the morphosemantic properties of their predications (if `properties=True`), constant arguments, and the argument structure between predications. Non-semantic properties like identifiers and surface alignments are ignored. Args: m1: the left MRS to compare m2: the right MRS to compare properties: if `True`, ensure variable properties are equal for mapped predications """ # loading NetworkX is slow; only do this when is_isomorphic is called import networkx as nx m1dg = _make_mrs_digraph(m1, nx.DiGraph(), properties) m2dg = _make_mrs_digraph(m2, nx.DiGraph(), properties) def nem(m1d, m2d): # node-edge-match return m1d.get('sig') == m2d.get('sig') return nx.is_isomorphic(m1dg, m2dg, node_match=nem, edge_match=nem)
def _make_mrs_digraph(x, dg, properties): for ep in x.rels: # optimization: retrieve early to avoid successive lookup lbl = ep.label id = props = x.variables.get(ep.iv) args = ep.args carg = ep.carg # scope labels (may be targets of arguments or hcons) dg.add_edge(lbl, id, sig='eq-scope') # predicate-argument structure s = predicate.normalize(ep.predicate) if carg is not None: s += '({})'.format(carg) elif properties and props: proplist = [] for prop in sorted(props, key=sembase.property_priority): val = props[prop] proplist.append('{}={}'.format(prop.upper(), val.lower())) s += '{' + '|'.join(proplist) + '}' dg.add_node(id, sig=s) dg.add_edges_from((id, args[role], {'sig': role}) for role in args if role != mrs.CONSTANT_ROLE) # hcons dg.add_edges_from((hc.hi, hc.lo, {'sig': hc.relation}) for hc in x.hcons) # icons dg.add_edges_from((ic.left, ic.right, {'sig': ic.relation}) for ic in x.icons) return dg
[docs]def compare_bags(testbag: Iterable[mrs.MRS], goldbag: Iterable[mrs.MRS], properties: bool = True, count_only: bool = True): """ Compare two bags of MRS objects, returning a triple of (unique-in-test, shared, unique-in-gold). Args: testbag: An iterable of MRS objects to test goldbag: An iterable of MRS objects to compare against properties: if `True`, ensure variable properties are equal for mapped predications count_only: If `True`, the returned triple will only have the counts of each; if `False`, a list of MRS objects will be returned for each (using the ones from *testbag* for the shared set) Returns: A triple of (unique-in-test, shared, unique-in-gold), where each of the three items is an integer count if the *count_only* parameter is `True`, or a list of MRS objects otherwise. """ gold_remaining = list(goldbag) test_unique = [] shared = [] for test in testbag: gold_match = None for gold in gold_remaining: if is_isomorphic(test, gold, properties=properties): gold_match = gold break if gold_match is not None: gold_remaining.remove(gold_match) shared.append(test) else: test_unique.append(test) if count_only: return (len(test_unique), len(shared), len(gold_remaining)) else: return (test_unique, shared, gold_remaining)
[docs]def from_dmrs(d): """ Create an MRS by converting from DMRS *d*. Args: d: the input DMRS Returns: MRS Raises: MRSError when conversion fails. """ H = variable.HANDLE qeq = mrs.HCons.qeq vfac = variable.VariableFactory(starting_vid=0) top = if is not None else None # do d.scopes() once to avoid potential errors if label generation # is ever non-deterministic _top, scopes = d.scopes() ns_args = d.arguments(types='xeipu') sc_args = d.scopal_arguments(scopes=scopes) id_to_lbl, id_to_iv = _dmrs_build_maps(d, scopes, vfac) # for index see index = None if not d.index else id_to_iv[d.index] hcons = [] if top is not None: hcons.append(qeq(top, _top)) icons = None # see rels = [] for node in d.nodes: id = label = id_to_lbl[id] args = {mrs.INTRINSIC_ROLE: id_to_iv[id]} for role, tgt in ns_args[id]: args[role] = id_to_iv[tgt] for role, relation, tgt_label in sc_args[id]: if relation == scope.LHEQ: args[role] = tgt_label elif relation == scope.QEQ: hole = args[role] = hole hcons.append(qeq(hole, tgt_label)) else: raise mrs.MRSError('DMRS-to-MRS: invalid scope constraint') if node.carg is not None: args[mrs.CONSTANT_ROLE] = node.carg if d.is_quantifier(id) and mrs.BODY_ROLE not in args: args[mrs.BODY_ROLE] = rels.append( mrs.EP(node.predicate, label, args=args, lnk=node.lnk, surface=node.surface, base=node.base)) return mrs.MRS( top=top, index=index, rels=rels, hcons=hcons, icons=icons,, lnk=d.lnk, surface=d.surface, identifier=d.identifier)
def _dmrs_build_maps(d, scopes, vfac): id_to_lbl = {} for label, nodes in scopes.items(): vfac.index[] = label # prevent vid reuse id_to_lbl.update((, label) for node in nodes) id_to_iv = {} for node, q in d.quantification_pairs(): if node is not None: iv =, id_to_iv[] = iv if q is not None: id_to_iv[] = iv else: pass # ignore unpaired quantifiers (ill-formed) return id_to_lbl, id_to_iv