Source code for delphin.tdl

# coding: utf-8

Classes and functions for parsing and inspecting TDL.

from typing import Tuple, Union, Generator
import re
from pathlib import Path
import textwrap
import warnings

from delphin.exceptions import (
from delphin.tfs import FeatureStructure
from delphin import util
# Default modules need to import the PyDelphin version
from delphin.__about__ import __version__  # noqa: F401

# Values for list expansion
LIST_TYPE = '*list*'        #: type of lists in TDL
EMPTY_LIST_TYPE = '*null*'  #: type of list terminators
LIST_HEAD = 'FIRST'         #: feature for list items
LIST_TAIL = 'REST'          #: feature for list tails
DIFF_LIST_LIST = 'LIST'     #: feature for diff-list lists
DIFF_LIST_LAST = 'LAST'     #: feature for the last path in a diff-list

# Values for serialization
_base_indent = 2  # indent when an AVM starts on the next line
_max_inline_list_items = 3  # number of list items that may appear inline
_line_width = 79  # try not to go beyond this number of characters

# Exceptions

[docs]class TDLError(PyDelphinException): """Raised when there is an error in processing TDL."""
[docs]class TDLSyntaxError(PyDelphinSyntaxError): """Raised when parsing TDL text fails."""
[docs]class TDLWarning(PyDelphinWarning): """Raised when parsing unsupported TDL features."""
# Classes for TDL entities
[docs]class Term(object): """ Base class for the terms of a TDL conjunction. All terms are defined to handle the binary '&' operator, which puts both into a Conjunction: >>> TypeIdentifier('a') & TypeIdentifier('b') <Conjunction object at 140008950372168> Args: docstring (str): documentation string Attributes: docstring (str): documentation string """ def __init__(self, docstring=None): self.docstring = docstring def __repr__(self): return "<{} object at {}>".format( self.__class__.__name__, id(self)) def __and__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Term): return Conjunction([self, other]) elif isinstance(other, Conjunction): return Conjunction([self] + other._terms) else: return NotImplemented
[docs]class TypeTerm(Term, str): """ Base class for type terms (identifiers, strings and regexes). This subclass of :class:`Term` also inherits from :py:class:`str` and forms the superclass of the string-based terms :class:`TypeIdentifier`, :class:`String`, and :class:`Regex`. Its purpose is to handle the correct instantiation of both the :class:`Term` and :py:class:`str` supertypes and to define equality comparisons such that different kinds of type terms with the same string value are not considered equal: >>> String('a') == String('a') True >>> String('a') == TypeIdentifier('a') False """ def __new__(cls, string, docstring=None): return str.__new__(cls, string) def __init__(self, string, docstring=None): super(TypeTerm, self).__init__(docstring=docstring) def __repr__(self): return "<{} object ({}) at {}>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self, id(self)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return str.__eq__(self, other) def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return str.__ne__(self, other)
[docs]class TypeIdentifier(TypeTerm): """ Type identifiers, or type names. Unlike other :class:`TypeTerms <TypeTerm>`, TypeIdentifiers use case-insensitive comparisons: >>> TypeIdentifier('MY-TYPE') == TypeIdentifier('my-type') True Args: string (str): type name docstring (str): documentation string Attributes: docstring (str): documentation string """ def __eq__(self, other): if (isinstance(other, TypeTerm) and not isinstance(other, TypeIdentifier)): return NotImplemented return self.lower() == other.lower() def __ne__(self, other): if (isinstance(other, TypeTerm) and not isinstance(other, TypeIdentifier)): return NotImplemented return self.lower() != other.lower()
[docs]class String(TypeTerm): """ Double-quoted strings. Args: string (str): type name docstring (str): documentation string Attributes: docstring (str): documentation string """
[docs]class Regex(TypeTerm): """ Regular expression patterns. Args: string (str): type name docstring (str): documentation string Attributes: docstring (str): documentation string """
[docs]class AVM(FeatureStructure, Term): """ A feature structure as used in TDL. Args: featvals (list, dict): a sequence of `(attribute, value)` pairs or an attribute to value mapping docstring (str): documentation string Attributes: docstring (str): documentation string """ def __init__(self, featvals=None, docstring=None): # super() doesn't work because I need to split the parameters FeatureStructure.__init__(self, featvals) Term.__init__(self, docstring=docstring) @classmethod def _default(cls): return AVM() def __setitem__(self, key, val): if not (val is None or isinstance(val, (Term, Conjunction))): raise TypeError('invalid attribute value type: {}'.format( val.__class__.__name__)) super(AVM, self).__setitem__(key, val)
[docs] def normalize(self): """ Reduce trivial AVM conjunctions to just the AVM. For example, in `[ ATTR1 [ ATTR2 val ] ]` the value of `ATTR1` could be a conjunction with the sub-AVM `[ ATTR2 val ]`. This method removes the conjunction so the sub-AVM nests directly (equivalent to `[ ATTR1.ATTR2 val ]` in TDL). """ for attr in self._avm: val = self._avm[attr] if isinstance(val, Conjunction): val.normalize() if len(val.terms) == 1 and isinstance(val.terms[0], AVM): self._avm[attr] = val.terms[0] elif isinstance(val, AVM): val.normalize()
[docs] def features(self, expand=False): """ Return the list of tuples of feature paths and feature values. Args: expand (bool): if `True`, expand all feature paths Example: >>> avm = AVM([('A.B', TypeIdentifier('1')), ... ('A.C', TypeIdentifier('2')]) >>> avm.features() [('A', <AVM object at ...>)] >>> avm.features(expand=True) [('A.B', <TypeIdentifier object (1) at ...>), ('A.C', <TypeIdentifier object (2) at ...>)] """ fs = [] for featpath, val in super(AVM, self).features(expand=expand): # don't juse Conjunction.features() here because we want to # include the non-AVM terms, too if expand and isinstance(val, Conjunction): for term in val.terms: if isinstance(term, AVM): for fp, v in term.features(True): fs.append(('{}.{}'.format(featpath, fp), v)) else: fs.append((featpath, term)) else: fs.append((featpath, val)) return fs
[docs]class ConsList(AVM): """ AVM subclass for cons-lists (``< ... >``) This provides a more intuitive interface for creating and accessing the values of list structures in TDL. Some combinations of the *values* and *end* parameters correspond to various TDL forms as described in the table below: ============ ======== ================= ====== TDL form values end state ============ ======== ================= ====== `< >` `None` `EMPTY_LIST_TYPE` closed `< ... >` `None` `LIST_TYPE` open `< a >` `[a]` `EMPTY_LIST_TYPE` closed `< a, b >` `[a, b]` `EMPTY_LIST_TYPE` closed `< a, ... >` `[a]` `LIST_TYPE` open `< a . b >` `[a]` `b` closed ============ ======== ================= ====== Args: values (list): a sequence of :class:`Conjunction` or :class:`Term` objects to be placed in the AVM of the list. end (str, :class:`Conjunction`, :class:`Term`): last item in the list (default: :data:`LIST_TYPE`) which determines if the list is open or closed docstring (str): documentation string Attributes: terminated (bool): if `False`, the list can be further extended by following the :data:`LIST_TAIL` features. docstring (str): documentation string """ def __init__(self, values=None, end=LIST_TYPE, docstring=None): super(ConsList, self).__init__(docstring=docstring) if values is None: values = [] self._last_path = '' self.terminated = False for value in values: self.append(value) self.terminate(end) def __len__(self): return len(self.values())
[docs] def values(self): """ Return the list of values in the ConsList feature structure. """ if self._avm is None: return [] else: vals = [val for _, val in _collect_list_items(self)] # the < a . b > notation puts b on the last REST path, # which is not returned by _collect_list_items() if self.terminated and self[self._last_path] is not None: vals.append(self[self._last_path]) return vals
[docs] def append(self, value): """ Append an item to the end of an open ConsList. Args: value (:class:`Conjunction`, :class:`Term`): item to add Raises: :class:`TDLError`: when appending to a closed list """ if self._avm is not None and not self.terminated: path = self._last_path if path: path += '.' self[path + LIST_HEAD] = value self._last_path = path + LIST_TAIL self[self._last_path] = AVM() else: raise TDLError('Cannot append to a closed list.')
[docs] def terminate(self, end): """ Set the value of the tail of the list. Adding values via :meth:`append` places them on the `FIRST` feature of some level of the feature structure (e.g., `REST.FIRST`), while :meth:`terminate` places them on the final `REST` feature (e.g., `REST.REST`). If *end* is a :class:`Conjunction` or :class:`Term`, it is typically a :class:`Coreference`, otherwise *end* is set to `tdl.EMPTY_LIST_TYPE` or `tdl.LIST_TYPE`. This method does not necessarily close the list; if *end* is `tdl.LIST_TYPE`, the list is left open, otherwise it is closed. Args: end (str, :class:`Conjunction`, :class:`Term`): value to use as the end of the list. """ if self.terminated: raise TDLError('Cannot terminate a closed list.') if end == LIST_TYPE: self.terminated = False elif end == EMPTY_LIST_TYPE: if self._last_path: self[self._last_path] = None else: self._avm = None self.terminated = True elif self._last_path: self[self._last_path] = end self.terminated = True else: raise TDLError('Empty list must be {} or {}'.format( LIST_TYPE, EMPTY_LIST_TYPE))
[docs]class DiffList(AVM): """ AVM subclass for diff-lists (``<! ... !>``) As with :class:`ConsList`, this provides a more intuitive interface for creating and accessing the values of list structures in TDL. Unlike :class:`ConsList`, DiffLists are always closed lists with the last item coreferenced with the `LAST` feature, which allows for the joining of two diff-lists. Args: values (list): a sequence of :class:`Conjunction` or :class:`Term` objects to be placed in the AVM of the list docstring (str): documentation string Attributes: last (str): the feature path to the list position coreferenced by the value of the :data:`DIFF_LIST_LAST` feature. docstring (str): documentation string """ def __init__(self, values=None, docstring=None): cr = Coreference(None) if values: # use ConsList to construct the list, but discard the class tmplist = ConsList(values, end=cr) dl_list = AVM() dl_list._avm.update(tmplist._avm) dl_list._feats = tmplist._feats self.last = 'LIST.' + tmplist._last_path else: dl_list = cr self.last = 'LIST' dl_last = cr featvals = [(DIFF_LIST_LIST, dl_list), (DIFF_LIST_LAST, dl_last)] super(DiffList, self).__init__( featvals, docstring=docstring) def __len__(self): return len(self.values())
[docs] def values(self): """ Return the list of values in the DiffList feature structure. """ return [val for _, val in _collect_list_items(self.get(DIFF_LIST_LIST))]
def _collect_list_items(d): if d is None or not isinstance(d, AVM) or d.get(LIST_HEAD) is None: return [] vals = [(LIST_HEAD, d[LIST_HEAD])] vals.extend((LIST_TAIL + '.' + path, val) for path, val in _collect_list_items(d.get(LIST_TAIL))) return vals
[docs]class Coreference(Term): """ TDL coreferences, which represent re-entrancies in AVMs. Args: identifier (str): identifier or tag associated with the coreference; for internal use (e.g., in :class:`DiffList` objects), the identifier may be `None` docstring (str): documentation string Attributes: identifier (str): corefernce identifier or tag docstring (str): documentation string """ def __init__(self, identifier, docstring=None): super(Coreference, self).__init__(docstring=docstring) self.identifier = identifier def __str__(self): if self.identifier is not None: return str(self.identifier) return ''
[docs]class Conjunction(object): """ Conjunction of TDL terms. Args: terms (list): sequence of :class:`Term` objects """ def __init__(self, terms=None): self._terms = [] if terms is not None: for term in terms: self.add(term) def __repr__(self): return "<Conjunction object at {}>".format(id(self)) def __and__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Conjunction): return Conjunction(self._terms + other._terms) elif isinstance(other, Term): return Conjunction(self._terms + [other]) else: return NotImplemented def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Term) and len(self._terms) == 1: return self._terms[0] == other elif not isinstance(other, Conjunction): return NotImplemented return self._terms == other._terms def __contains__(self, key): return any(key in term for term in self._terms if isinstance(term, AVM)) def __getitem__(self, key): """Get the value of *key* across all AVMs in the conjunction""" terms = [] for term in self._terms: if isinstance(term, AVM): val = term.get(key) if val is not None: terms.append(val) if len(terms) == 0: raise KeyError(key) elif len(terms) == 1: return terms[0] else: return Conjunction(terms) def __setitem__(self, key, val): """Set *key* to *val* in the last AVM in the conjunction""" avm = None for term in self._terms: if isinstance(term, AVM): avm = term if avm is None: raise TDLError('no AVM in Conjunction') avm[key] = val def __delitem__(self, key): """Delete *key* from all AVMs in the conjunction""" found = False for term in self._terms: if isinstance(term, AVM) and key in term: found = True del term[key] if not found: raise KeyError(key)
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """ Get the value of attribute *key* in any AVM in the conjunction. Args: key: attribute path to search default: value to return if *key* is not defined on any AVM """ try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default
[docs] def normalize(self): """ Rearrange the conjunction to a conventional form. This puts any coreference(s) first, followed by type terms, then followed by AVM(s) (including lists). AVMs are normalized via :meth:`AVM.normalize`. """ corefs = [] types = [] avms = [] for term in self._terms: if isinstance(term, TypeTerm): types.append(term) elif isinstance(term, AVM): term.normalize() avms.append(term) elif isinstance(term, Coreference): corefs.append(term) else: raise TDLError('unexpected term {}'.format(term)) self._terms = corefs + types + avms
@property def terms(self): """The list of terms in the conjunction.""" return list(self._terms)
[docs] def add(self, term): """ Add a term to the conjunction. Args: term (:class:`Term`, :class:`Conjunction`): term to add; if a :class:`Conjunction`, all of its terms are added to the current conjunction. Raises: :class:`TypeError`: when *term* is an invalid type """ if isinstance(term, Conjunction): for term_ in term.terms: self.add(term_) elif isinstance(term, Term): self._terms.append(term) else: raise TypeError('Not a Term or Conjunction')
[docs] def types(self): """Return the list of type terms in the conjunction.""" return [term for term in self._terms if isinstance(term, (TypeIdentifier, String, Regex))]
[docs] def features(self, expand=False): """Return the list of feature-value pairs in the conjunction.""" featvals = [] for term in self._terms: if isinstance(term, AVM): featvals.extend(term.features(expand=expand)) return featvals
[docs] def string(self): """ Return the first string term in the conjunction, or `None`. """ for term in self._terms: if isinstance(term, String): return str(term) return None # conjunction does not have a string type (not an error)
[docs]class TypeDefinition(object): """ A top-level Conjunction with an identifier. Args: identifier (str): type name conjunction (:class:`Conjunction`, :class:`Term`): type constraints docstring (str): documentation string Attributes: identifier (str): type identifier conjunction (:class:`Conjunction`): type constraints docstring (str): documentation string """ _operator = ':=' def __init__(self, identifier, conjunction, docstring=None): self.identifier = identifier if isinstance(conjunction, Term): conjunction = Conjunction([conjunction]) assert isinstance(conjunction, Conjunction) self.conjunction = conjunction self.docstring = docstring def __repr__(self): return "<{} object '{}' at {}>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.identifier, id(self) ) @property def supertypes(self): """The list of supertypes for the type.""" return self.conjunction.types()
[docs] def features(self, expand=False): """Return the list of feature-value pairs in the conjunction.""" return self.conjunction.features(expand=expand)
def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.conjunction def __getitem__(self, key): return self.conjunction[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.conjunction[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self.conjunction[key]
[docs] def documentation(self, level='first'): """ Return the documentation of the type. By default, this is the first docstring on a top-level term. By setting *level* to `"top"`, the list of all docstrings on top-level terms is returned, including the type's `docstring` value, if not `None`, as the last item. The docstring for the type itself is available via :attr:`TypeDefinition.docstring`. Args: level (str): `"first"` or `"top"` Returns: a single docstring or a list of docstrings """ docs = (t.docstring for t in list(self.conjunction.terms) + [self] if t.docstring is not None) if level.lower() == 'first': doc = next(docs, None) elif level.lower() == 'top': doc = list(docs) return doc
[docs]class TypeAddendum(TypeDefinition): """ An addendum to an existing type definition. Type addenda, unlike :class:`type definitions <TypeDefinition>`, do not require supertypes, or even any feature constraints. An addendum, however, must have at least one supertype, AVM, or docstring. Args: identifier (str): type name conjunction (:class:`Conjunction`, :class:`Term`): type constraints docstring (str): documentation string Attributes: identifier (str): type identifier conjunction (:class:`Conjunction`): type constraints docstring (str): documentation string """ _operator = ':+' def __init__(self, identifier, conjunction=None, docstring=None): if conjunction is None: conjunction = Conjunction() super(TypeAddendum, self).__init__(identifier, conjunction, docstring)
[docs]class LexicalRuleDefinition(TypeDefinition): """ An inflecting lexical rule definition. Args: identifier (str): type name affix_type (str): `"prefix"` or `"suffix"` patterns (list): sequence of `(match, replacement)` pairs conjunction (:class:`Conjunction`, :class:`Term`): conjunction of constraints applied by the rule docstring (str): documentation string Attributes: identifier (str): type identifier affix_type (str): `"prefix"` or `"suffix"` patterns (list): sequence of `(match, replacement)` pairs conjunction (:class:`Conjunction`): type constraints docstring (str): documentation string """ def __init__(self, identifier, affix_type, patterns, conjunction, **kwargs): super(LexicalRuleDefinition, self).__init__( identifier, conjunction, **kwargs) self.affix_type = affix_type self.patterns = patterns
class _MorphSet(object): def __init__(self, var, characters): self.var = var self.characters = characters
[docs]class LetterSet(_MorphSet): """ A capturing character class for inflectional lexical rules. LetterSets define a pattern (e.g., `"!a"`) that may match any one of its associated characters. Unlike :class:`WildCard` patterns, LetterSet variables also appear in the replacement pattern of an affixing rule, where they insert the character matched by the corresponding letter set. Args: var (str): variable used in affixing rules (e.g., `"!a"`) characters (str): string or collection of characters that may match an input character Attributes: var (str): letter-set variable characters (str): characters included in the letter-set """ pass
[docs]class WildCard(_MorphSet): """ A non-capturing character class for inflectional lexical rules. WildCards define a pattern (e.g., `"?a"`) that may match any one of its associated characters. Unlike :class:`LetterSet` patterns, WildCard variables may not appear in the replacement pattern of an affixing rule. Args: var (str): variable used in affixing rules (e.g., `"!a"`) characters (str): string or collection of characters that may match an input character Attributes: var (str): wild-card variable characters (str): characters included in the wild-card """ pass
class _Environment(object): """ TDL environment. """ def __init__(self, entries=None): if entries is None: entries = [] self.entries = entries
[docs]class TypeEnvironment(_Environment): """ TDL type environment. Args: entries (list): TDL entries """
[docs]class InstanceEnvironment(_Environment): """ TDL instance environment. Args: status (str): status (e.g., `"lex-rule"`) entries (list): TDL entries """ def __init__(self, status, entries=None): super(InstanceEnvironment, self).__init__(entries) self.status = status
[docs]class FileInclude(object): """ Include other TDL files in the current environment. Args: value: quoted value of the TDL include statement basedir: directory containing the file with the include statement Attributes: value: The quoted value of TDL include statement. path: The path to the TDL file to include. """ def __init__(self, value: str = '', basedir: util.PathLike = '') -> None: self.value = value self.path = Path(basedir, value).with_suffix('.tdl')
# NOTE: be careful rearranging subpatterns in _tdl_lex_re; some must # appear before others, e.g., """ before ", <! before <, etc., # to prevent short-circuiting from blocking the larger patterns # NOTE: some patterns only match the beginning (e.g., """, #|, etc.) # as they require separate handling for proper lexing # NOTE: only use one capture group () for each pattern; if grouping # inside the pattern is necessary, use non-capture groups (?:) _identifier_pattern = r'''[^\s!"#$%&'(),.\/:;<=>[\]^|]+''' _tdl_lex_re = re.compile( r'''# regex-pattern gid description (""") # 1 start of multiline docstring |(\#\|) # 2 start of multiline comment |;([^\n]*) # 3 single-line comment |"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)" # 4 double-quoted "strings" |'({identifier}) # 5 single-quoted 'symbols |\^([^$\\]*(?:\\.|[^$\\]*)*)\$ # 6 regular expression |(:[=<]) # 7 type def operator |(:\+) # 8 type addendum operator |(\.\.\.) # 9 list ellipsis |(\.) # 10 dot operator |(&) # 11 conjunction operator |(,) # 12 list delimiter |(\[) # 13 AVM open |(<!) # 14 diff list open |(<) # 15 cons list open |(\]) # 16 AVM close |(!>) # 17 diff list close |(>) # 18 cons list close |\#({identifier}) # 19 coreference |%\s*\((.*)\)\s*$ # 20 letter-set or wild-card |%(prefix|suffix) # 21 start of affixing pattern |\(([^ ]+\s+(?:[^ )\\]|\\.)+)\) # 22 affix subpattern |(\/) # 23 defaults (currently unused) |({identifier}) # 24 identifiers and symbols |(:begin) # 25 start a :type or :instance block |(:end) # 26 end a :type or :instance block |(:type|:instance) # 27 environment type |(:status) # 28 instance status |(:include) # 29 file inclusion |([^\s]) # 30 unexpected '''.format(identifier=_identifier_pattern), flags=re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE) # Parsing helper functions def _is_comment(data): """helper function for filtering out comments""" return 2 <= data[0] <= 3 def _peek(tokens, n=0): """peek and drop comments""" return tokens.peek(n=n, skip=_is_comment, drop=True) def _next(tokens): """pop the next token, dropping comments""" return def _shift(tokens): """pop the next token, then peek the gid of the following""" after = tokens.peek(n=1, skip=_is_comment, drop=True) tok = tokens._buffer.popleft() return tok[0], tok[1], tok[2], after[0] def _accumulate(lexitems): """ Yield lists of tokens based on very simple parsing that checks the level of nesting within a structure. This is probably much faster than the LookaheadIterator method, but it is less safe; an unclosed list or AVM may cause it to build a list including the rest of the file, or it may return a list that doesn't span a full definition. As PyDelphin's goals for TDL parsing do not include speed, this method is not currently used, although it is retained in the source code as an example if future priorities change. """ data = [] stack = [] break_on = 10 in_def = False for item in lexitems: gid = item[0] # only yield comments outside of definitions if gid in (2, 3): if len(data) == 0: yield [item] else: continue elif gid == 20: assert len(data) == 0 yield [item] # the following just checks if the previous definition was not # terminated when the next one is read in elif gid in (7, 8): if in_def: yield data[:-1] data = data[-1:] + [item] stack = [] break_on = 10 else: data.append(item) in_def = True else: data.append(item) if gid == break_on: if len(stack) == 0: yield data data = [] in_def = False else: break_on = stack.pop() elif gid in (13, 14, 15): stack.append(break_on) break_on = gid + 3 if data: yield data def _lex(stream): """ Lex the input stream according to _tdl_lex_re. Yields (gid, token, line_number) """ lines = enumerate(stream, 1) line_no = pos = 0 try: while True: if pos == 0: line_no, line = next(lines) matches = _tdl_lex_re.finditer(line, pos) pos = 0 # reset; only used for multiline patterns for m in matches: gid = m.lastindex if gid <= 2: # potentially multiline patterns if gid == 1: # docstring s, start_line_no, line_no, line, pos = _bounded( '"""', '"""', line, m.end(), line_no, lines) elif gid == 2: # comment s, start_line_no, line_no, line, pos = _bounded( '#|', '|#', line, m.end(), line_no, lines) yield (gid, s, line_no) break elif gid == 30: raise TDLSyntaxError( lineno=line_no, offset=m.start(), text=line) else: # token = None # if not (6 < gid < 20): # token = token = yield (gid, token, line_no) except StopIteration: pass def _bounded(p1, p2, line, pos, line_no, lines): """Collect the contents of a bounded multiline string""" substrings = [] start_line_no = line_no end = pos while not line.startswith(p2, end): if line[end] == '\\': end += 2 else: end += 1 if end >= len(line): substrings.append(line[pos:]) try: line_no, line = next(lines) except StopIteration: pattern = 'docstring' if p1 == '"""' else 'block comment' raise TDLSyntaxError( 'unterminated {}'.format(pattern), lineno=start_line_no) pos = end = 0 substrings.append(line[pos:end]) end += len(p2) return ''.join(substrings), start_line_no, line_no, line, end # Parsing functions ParseEvent = Tuple[ str, Union[str, TypeDefinition, _MorphSet, _Environment, FileInclude], int ]
[docs]def iterparse(path: util.PathLike, encoding: str = 'utf-8') -> Generator[ParseEvent, None, None]: """ Parse the TDL file at *path* and iteratively yield parse events. Parse events are `(event, object, lineno)` tuples, where `event` is a string (`"TypeDefinition"`, `"TypeAddendum"`, `"LexicalRuleDefinition"`, `"LetterSet"`, `"WildCard"`, `"BeginEnvironment"`, `"EndEnvironment"`, `"FileInclude"`, `"LineComment"`, or `"BlockComment"`), `object` is the interpreted TDL object, and `lineno` is the line number where the entity began in *path*. Args: path: path to a TDL file encoding (str): the encoding of the file (default: `"utf-8"`) Yields: `(event, object, lineno)` tuples Example: >>> lex = {} >>> for event, obj, lineno in tdl.iterparse('erg/lexicon.tdl'): ... if event == 'TypeDefinition': ... lex[obj.identifier] = obj ... >>> lex['eucalyptus_n1']['SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED'] <String object (_eucalyptus_n_1_rel) at 140625748595960> """ path = Path(path).expanduser() with as fh: yield from _parse(fh, path)
def _parse(f, path): tokens = util.LookaheadIterator(_lex(f)) try: yield from _parse_tdl(tokens, path) except TDLSyntaxError as ex: ex.filename = str(path) raise def _parse_tdl(tokens, path): environment = None envstack = [] try: line_no = 1 while True: obj = None try: gid, token, line_no = except StopIteration: # normal EOF break if gid == 2: yield ('BlockComment', token, line_no) elif gid == 3: yield ('LineComment', token, line_no) elif gid == 20: obj = _parse_letterset(token, line_no) yield (obj.__class__.__name__, obj, line_no) elif gid == 24: obj = _parse_tdl_definition(token, tokens) yield (obj.__class__.__name__, obj, line_no) elif gid == 25: envstack.append(environment) _environment = _parse_tdl_begin_environment(tokens) if environment is not None: environment.entries.append(_environment) environment = _environment yield ('BeginEnvironment', environment, line_no) elif gid == 26: _parse_tdl_end_environment(tokens, environment) yield ('EndEnvironment', environment, line_no) environment = envstack.pop() elif gid == 29: obj = _parse_tdl_include(tokens, path.parent) yield ('FileInclude', obj, line_no) else: raise TDLSyntaxError( 'unexpected token: {}'.format(token), lineno=line_no) if environment is not None and obj is not None: environment.entries.append(obj) except StopIteration: raise TDLSyntaxError('unexpected end of input.') def _parse_tdl_definition(identifier, tokens): gid, token, line_no, nextgid = _shift(tokens) if gid == 7 and nextgid == 21: # lex rule with affixes atype, pats = _parse_tdl_affixes(tokens) conjunction, nextgid = _parse_tdl_conjunction(tokens) obj = LexicalRuleDefinition( identifier, atype, pats, conjunction) elif gid == 7: if token == ':<': warnings.warn( 'Subtype operator :< encountered at line {} for ' '{}; Continuing as if it were the := operator.' .format(line_no, identifier), TDLWarning) conjunction, nextgid = _parse_tdl_conjunction(tokens) if isinstance(conjunction, Term): conjunction = Conjunction([conjunction]) if len(conjunction.types()) == 0: raise TDLSyntaxError( 'no supertypes defined on {}'.format(identifier), lineno=line_no) obj = TypeDefinition(identifier, conjunction) elif gid == 8: if nextgid == 1 and _peek(tokens, n=1)[0] == 10: # docstring will be handled after the if-block conjunction = Conjunction() else: conjunction, nextgid = _parse_tdl_conjunction(tokens) obj = TypeAddendum(identifier, conjunction) else: raise TDLSyntaxError("expected: := or :+", lineno=line_no) if nextgid == 1: # pre-dot docstring _, token, _, nextgid = _shift(tokens) obj.docstring = token if nextgid != 10: # . dot raise TDLSyntaxError('expected: .', lineno=line_no) return obj def _parse_letterset(token, line_no): end = r'\s+((?:[^) \\]|\\.)+)\)\s*$' m = re.match(r'\s*letter-set\s*\((!.)' + end, token) if m is not None: chars = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', return LetterSet(, chars) else: m = re.match(r'\s*wild-card\s*\((\?.)' + end, token) if m is not None: chars = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', return WildCard(, chars) # if execution reached here there was a problems raise TDLSyntaxError( 'invalid letter-set or wild-card: {}'.format(token), lineno=line_no) def _parse_tdl_affixes(tokens): gid, token, line_no, nextgid = _shift(tokens) assert gid == 21 affixtype = token affixes = [] while nextgid == 22: gid, token, line_no, nextgid = _shift(tokens) match, replacement = token.split(None, 1) affixes.append((match, replacement)) return affixtype, affixes def _parse_tdl_conjunction(tokens): terms = [] while True: term, nextgid = _parse_tdl_term(tokens) terms.append(term) if nextgid == 11: # & operator else: break if len(terms) == 1: return terms[0], nextgid else: return Conjunction(terms), nextgid def _parse_tdl_term(tokens): doc = None gid, token, line_no, nextgid = _shift(tokens) # docstrings are not part of the conjunction so check separately if gid == 1: # docstring doc = token gid, token, line_no, nextgid = _shift(tokens) if gid == 4: # string term = String(token, docstring=doc) elif gid == 5: # quoted symbol warnings.warn( 'Single-quoted symbol encountered at line {}; ' 'Continuing as if it were a regular symbol.' .format(line_no), TDLWarning) term = TypeIdentifier(token, docstring=doc) elif gid == 6: # regex term = Regex(token, docstring=doc) elif gid == 13: # AVM open featvals, nextgid = _parse_tdl_feature_structure(tokens) term = AVM(featvals, docstring=doc) elif gid == 14: # diff list open values, _, nextgid = _parse_tdl_list(tokens, break_gid=17) term = DiffList(values, docstring=doc) elif gid == 15: # cons list open values, end, nextgid = _parse_tdl_list(tokens, break_gid=18) term = ConsList(values, end=end, docstring=doc) elif gid == 19: # coreference term = Coreference(token, docstring=doc) elif gid == 24: # identifier term = TypeIdentifier(token, docstring=doc) else: raise TDLSyntaxError('expected a TDL conjunction term.', lineno=line_no, text=token) return term, nextgid def _parse_tdl_feature_structure(tokens): feats = [] gid, token, line_no, nextgid = _shift(tokens) if gid != 16: # ] feature structure terminator while True: if gid != 24: # identifier (attribute name) raise TDLSyntaxError('Expected a feature name', lineno=line_no, text=token) path = [token] while nextgid == 10: # . dot gid, token, line_no, nextgid = _shift(tokens) assert gid == 24 path.append(token) attr = '.'.join(path) conjunction, nextgid = _parse_tdl_conjunction(tokens) feats.append((attr, conjunction)) if nextgid == 12: # , list delimiter gid, token, line_no, nextgid = _shift(tokens) elif nextgid == 16: gid, _, _, nextgid = _shift(tokens) break else: raise TDLSyntaxError('expected: , or ]', lineno=line_no) assert gid == 16 return feats, nextgid def _parse_tdl_list(tokens, break_gid): values = [] end = None nextgid = _peek(tokens)[0] if nextgid == break_gid: _, _, _, nextgid = _shift(tokens) else: while True: if nextgid == 9: # ... ellipsis _, _, _, nextgid = _shift(tokens) end = LIST_TYPE break else: term, nextgid = _parse_tdl_conjunction(tokens) values.append(term) if nextgid == 10: # . dot end, nextgid = _parse_tdl_conjunction(tokens) break elif nextgid == break_gid: break elif nextgid == 12: # , comma delimiter _, _, _, nextgid = _shift(tokens) else: raise TDLSyntaxError('expected: comma or end of list') gid, _, line_no, nextgid = _shift(tokens) if gid != break_gid: raise TDLSyntaxError('expected: end of list', lineno=line_no) if len(values) == 0 and end is None: end = EMPTY_LIST_TYPE return values, end, nextgid def _parse_tdl_begin_environment(tokens): gid, envtype, lineno = if gid != 27: raise TDLSyntaxError('expected: :type or :instance', lineno=lineno, text=envtype) gid, token, lineno = if envtype == ':instance': status = envtype[1:] if token == ':status': status =[1] gid, token, lineno = elif gid != 10: raise TDLSyntaxError('expected: :status or .', lineno=lineno) env = InstanceEnvironment(status) else: env = TypeEnvironment() if gid != 10: raise TDLSyntaxError('expected: .', lineno=lineno, text=token) return env def _parse_tdl_end_environment(tokens, env): _, envtype, lineno = if envtype == ':type' and not isinstance(env, TypeEnvironment): raise TDLSyntaxError('expected: :type', lineno=lineno, text=envtype) elif envtype == ':instance' and not isinstance(env, InstanceEnvironment): raise TDLSyntaxError('expected: :instance', lineno=lineno, text=envtype) gid, _, lineno = if gid != 10: raise TDLSyntaxError('expected: .', lineno=lineno) return envtype def _parse_tdl_include(tokens, basedir): gid, value, lineno = if gid != 4: raise TDLSyntaxError('expected: a quoted filename', lineno=lineno, text=value) gid, _, lineno = if gid != 10: raise TDLSyntaxError('expected: .', lineno=lineno) return FileInclude(value, basedir=basedir) # Serialization helpers
[docs]def format(obj, indent=0): """ Serialize TDL objects to strings. Args: obj: instance of :class:`Term`, :class:`Conjunction`, or :class:`TypeDefinition` classes or subclasses indent (int): number of spaces to indent the formatted object Returns: str: serialized form of *obj* Example: >>> conj = tdl.Conjunction([ ... tdl.TypeIdentifier('lex-item'), ... tdl.AVM([('SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD', ... tdl.ConsList(end=tdl.EMPTY_LIST_TYPE))]) ... ]) >>> t = tdl.TypeDefinition('non-mod-lex-item', conj) >>> print(format(t)) non-mod-lex-item := lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < > ]. """ if isinstance(obj, TypeDefinition): return _format_typedef(obj, indent) elif isinstance(obj, Conjunction): return _format_conjunction(obj, indent) elif isinstance(obj, Term): return _format_term(obj, indent) elif isinstance(obj, _MorphSet): return _format_morphset(obj, indent) elif isinstance(obj, _Environment): return _format_environment(obj, indent) elif isinstance(obj, FileInclude): return _format_include(obj, indent) else: raise ValueError('cannot format object as TDL: {!r}'.format(obj))
def _format_term(term, indent): fmt = { TypeIdentifier: _format_id, String: _format_string, Regex: _format_regex, Coreference: _format_coref, AVM: _format_avm, ConsList: _format_conslist, DiffList: _format_difflist, }.get(term.__class__, None) if fmt is None: raise TDLError('not a valid term: {}' .format(term.__class__.__name__)) if term.docstring is not None: return '{}\n{}{}'.format( _format_docstring(term.docstring, indent), ' ' * indent, fmt(term, indent)) else: return fmt(term, indent) def _format_id(term, indent): return str(term) def _format_string(term, indent): return '"{!s}"'.format(term) def _format_regex(term, indent): return '^{!s}$'.format(term) def _format_coref(term, indent): return '#{!s}'.format(term) def _format_avm(avm, indent): lines = [] for feat, val in avm.features(): val = _format_conjunction(val, indent + len(feat) + 3) if not val.startswith('\n'): feat += ' ' lines.append(feat + val) if not lines: return '[ ]' else: return '[ {} ]'.format((',\n' + ' ' * (indent + 2)).join(lines)) def _format_conslist(cl, indent): values = [_format_conjunction(val, indent + 2) # 2 = len('< ') for val in cl.values()] end = '' if not cl.terminated: if values: end = ', ...' else: values = ['...'] elif cl._avm is not None and cl[cl._last_path] is not None: end = ' . ' + values[-1] values = values[:-1] if not values: # only if no values and terminated return '< >' elif (len(values) <= _max_inline_list_items and sum(len(v) + 2 for v in values) + 2 + indent <= _line_width): return '< {} >'.format(', '.join(values) + end) else: i = ' ' * (indent + 2) # 2 = len('< ') lines = ['< {}'.format(values[0])] lines.extend(i + val for val in values[1:]) return ',\n'.join(lines) + end + ' >' def _format_difflist(dl, indent): values = [_format_conjunction(val, indent + 3) # 3 == len('<! ') for val in dl.values()] if not values: return '<! !>' elif (len(values) <= _max_inline_list_items and sum(len(v) + 2 for v in values) + 4 + indent <= _line_width): return '<! {} !>'.format(', '.join(values)) else: # i = ' ' * (indent + 3) # 3 == len('<! ') return '<! {} !>'.format( (',\n' + ' ' * (indent + 3)).join(values)) # values[0])] # lines.extend(i + val for val in values[1:]) # return ',\n'.join(lines) + ' !>' def _format_conjunction(conj, indent): if isinstance(conj, Term): return _format_term(conj, indent) elif len(conj._terms) == 0: return '' else: tokens = [] width = indent for term in conj._terms: tok = _format_term(term, width) flen = max(len(s) for s in tok.splitlines()) width += flen + 3 # 3 == len(' & ') tokens.append(tok) lines = [tokens] # all terms joined without newlines (for now) return (' &\n' + ' ' * indent).join( ' & '.join(line) for line in lines if line) def _format_typedef(td, indent): i = ' ' * indent if hasattr(td, 'affix_type'): patterns = ' '.join('({} {})'.format(a, b) for a, b in td.patterns) body = _format_typedef_body(td, indent, indent + 2) return '{}{} {}\n%{} {}\n {}.'.format( i, td.identifier, td._operator, td.affix_type, patterns, body) else: body = _format_typedef_body( td, indent, indent + len(td.identifier) + 4) return '{}{} {} {}.'.format(i, td.identifier, td._operator, body) def _format_typedef_body(td, indent, offset): parts = [[]] for term in td.conjunction.terms: if isinstance(term, AVM) and len(parts) == 1: parts.append([]) parts[-1].append(term) if parts[0] == []: parts = [parts[1]] assert len(parts) <= 2 if len(parts) == 1: formatted_conj = _format_conjunction(td.conjunction, offset) else: formatted_conj = '{} &\n{}{}'.format( _format_conjunction(Conjunction(parts[0]), offset), ' ' * (_base_indent + indent), _format_conjunction(Conjunction(parts[1]), _base_indent + indent)) if td.docstring is not None: docstring = '\n ' + _format_docstring(td.docstring, 2) else: docstring = '' return formatted_conj + docstring def _format_docstring(doc, indent): if doc is None: return '' lines = textwrap.dedent(doc).splitlines() if lines: if lines[0].strip() == '': lines = lines[1:] if lines[-1].strip() == '': lines = lines[:-1] ind = ' ' * indent contents = _escape_docstring( '\n{0}{1}\n{0}'.format(ind, ('\n' + ind).join(lines))) return '"""{}"""'.format(contents) def _escape_docstring(s): cs = [] cnt = 0 lastindex = len(s) - 1 for i, c in enumerate(s): if cnt == -1 or c not in '"\\': cnt = 0 elif c == '"': cnt += 1 if cnt == 3 or i == lastindex: cs.append('\\') cnt = 0 elif c == '\\': cnt = -1 cs.append(c) return ''.join(cs) def _format_morphset(obj, indent): mstype = 'letter-set' if isinstance(obj, LetterSet) else 'wild-card' return '{}%({} ({} {}))'.format( ' ' * indent, mstype, obj.var, obj.characters) def _format_environment(env, indent): status = '' if isinstance(env, TypeEnvironment): envtype = ':type' elif isinstance(env, InstanceEnvironment): envtype = ':instance' if env.status: status = ' :status ' + env.status contents = '\n'.join(format(obj, indent + 2) for obj in env.entries) if contents: contents += '\n' return '{0}:begin {1}{2}.\n{3}{0}:end {1}.'.format( ' ' * indent, envtype, status, contents) def _format_include(fi, indent): return '{}:include "{}".'.format(' ' * indent, fi.value)