Source code for delphin.tsdb

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Test Suite Database (TSDB) Primitives

from typing import (
    Union, Iterable, Sequence, Mapping, Tuple, List, Set, Optional,
    Generator, IO
import re
from pathlib import Path
from collections import OrderedDict
from gzip import open as gzopen
import tempfile
import shutil
from datetime import datetime
import warnings

from delphin.exceptions import PyDelphinException, PyDelphinWarning
from delphin import util
# Default modules need to import the PyDelphin version
from delphin.__about__ import __version__  # noqa: F401

# Constants

SCHEMA_FILENAME = 'relations'
    'i-wf': '1',
    'i-difficulty': '1',
    'polarity': '-1'
# bidirectional de-localized month map for date parsing/formatting
    1: 'jan', 'jan': 1,
    2: 'feb', 'feb': 2,
    3: 'mar', 'mar': 3,
    4: 'apr', 'apr': 4,
    5: 'may', 'may': 5,
    6: 'jun', 'jun': 6,
    7: 'jul', 'jul': 7,
    8: 'aug', 'aug': 8,
    9: 'sep', 'sep': 9,
    10: 'oct', 'oct': 10,
    11: 'nov', 'nov': 11,
    12: 'dec', 'dec': 12,

# Local types

Value = Union[str, int, float, datetime, None]
Record = Sequence[Value]
Relation = Iterable[Record]
ColumnMap = Mapping[str, Value]  # e.g., a partial Record

# Exceptions

[docs]class TSDBError(PyDelphinException): """Raised when encountering invalid TSDB databases."""
[docs]class TSDBSchemaError(TSDBError): """Raised when there is an error processing a TSDB schema."""
class TSDBWarning(PyDelphinWarning): """Raised when encountering possibly invalid TSDB data.""" ############################################################################# # Database Schema
[docs]class Field(object): ''' A tuple describing a column in a TSDB database relation. Args: name (str): column name datatype (str): `":string"`, `":integer"`, `":date"`, or `":float"` flags (list): List of additional flags comment (str): description of the column Attributes: is_key (bool): `True` if the column is a key in the database. default (str): The default formatted value (see :func:`format`) when the value it describes is `None`. ''' __slots__ = 'name', 'datatype', 'flags', 'comment', 'is_key', 'default' def __init__(self, name: str, datatype: str, flags: Iterable[str] = None, comment: str = None) -> None: = name self.datatype = datatype self.flags = tuple(flags or []) self.comment = comment self.is_key = False for flag in self.flags: if flag in (':key', ':primary') or flag.startswith(':foreign'): self.is_key = True self.default = TSDB_CODED_ATTRIBUTES.get( name, '-1' if datatype == ':integer' else '' ) # type: str def __str__(self): parts = [, self.datatype] parts.extend(self.flags) s = ' ' + ' '.join(parts) if self.comment: s = '{}# {}'.format(s.ljust(40), self.comment) return s def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Field): return NotImplemented return ( == and self.datatype == other.datatype and self.flags == other.flags)
Fields = Sequence[Field] FieldIndex = Mapping[str, int] Schema = Mapping[str, Fields] SchemaLike = Union[Schema, util.PathLike]
[docs]def make_field_index(fields: Fields) -> FieldIndex: """ Create and return a mapping of field names to indices. This mapping helps with looking up columns by their names. Args: fields: iterable of :class:`Field` objects Examples: >>> fields = [tsdb.Field('i-id', ':integer'), ... tsdb.Field('i-input', ':string')] >>> tsdb.make_field_index(fields) {'i-id': 0, 'i-input': 1} """ return { i for i, field in enumerate(fields)}
[docs]def read_schema(path: util.PathLike) -> Schema: """ Instantiate schema dict from a schema file given by *path*. If *path* is a directory, use the relations file under *path*. If *path* is a file, use it directly as the schema's path. Otherwise raise a :exc:`TSDBSchemaError`. """ path = Path(path).expanduser() if path.is_dir(): path = path.joinpath(SCHEMA_FILENAME) if not path.is_file(): raise TSDBSchemaError( 'no valid schema file at {!s}'.format(path)) return _parse_schema(path.read_text())
def _parse_schema(s: str) -> Schema: """Instantiate schema dict from a string.""" tables = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, Fields]] seen = set() # type: Set[str] current_table = '' current_fields = [] # type: List[Field] lines = list(reversed(s.splitlines())) # to pop() in right order while lines: line = lines.pop().strip() table_m = re.match(r'^(?P<table>\w.+):$', line) field_m = re.match(r'\s*(?P<name>\S+)' r'(\s+(?P<flags>[^#]+))?' r'(\s*#\s*(?P<comment>.*)$)?', line) if table_m is not None: table_name ='table') if table_name in seen: raise TSDBSchemaError( 'table {} redefined'.format(table_name) ) current_table = table_name current_fields = [] tables.append((current_table, current_fields)) seen.add(table_name) elif field_m is not None and current_table: name ='name') flags ='flags').split() datatype = flags.pop(0) comment ='comment') current_fields.append( Field(name, datatype, flags, comment) ) elif line != '': raise TSDBSchemaError('invalid line in schema file: ' + line) return OrderedDict(tables)
[docs]def write_schema(path: util.PathLike, schema: Schema) -> None: """ Serialize *schema* and write it to the relations file at *path*. If *path* is a directory, write to a `relations` file under *path*, otherwise write to the file *path*. """ path = Path(path).expanduser() if path.is_dir(): path = path.joinpath(SCHEMA_FILENAME) path.write_text(_format_schema(schema) + '\n')
def _format_schema(schema: Schema) -> str: """Serialize a schema dict to its string form.""" return '\n\n'.join( '{name}:\n{fields}'.format( name=name, fields='\n'.join(str(f) for f in schema[name]) ) for name in schema ) ############################################################################# # Basic Database Classes
[docs]class Database(object): """ A basic abstraction of a TSDB database. This class manages basic access into a TSDB database by loading its schema and allowing for named access to relation data. .. warning:: Named access to relation data returns a :term:`generator iterator` of an open file. Calling :meth:`generator.close` or using an idiom like :func:`contextlib.closing` ensures that the file descriptor gets closed. Args: path: path to the database directory autocast: if `True`, automatically cast column values to their datatypes encoding: character encoding of the database files Example: >>> db = tsdb.Database('my-profile') >>> items = db['item'] >>> first_record = next(items) >>> items.close() Attributes: schema: The schema for the database. autocast: Whether to automatically cast column values to their datatypes. encoding: The character encoding of database files. """ def __init__(self, path: util.PathLike, autocast: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8') -> None: path = Path(path).expanduser() if not is_database_directory(path): raise TSDBError('not a valid TSDB database: {!s}'.format(path)) self._path = path self.schema = read_schema(path) self.autocast = autocast self.encoding = encoding @property def path(self) -> util.PathLike: """The database directory's path.""" return self._path def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Generator[Record, None, None]: if name not in self.schema: raise TSDBError('relation not defined in schema: {}'.format(name)) fields = None if self.autocast: fields = self.schema[name] return (split(line, fields=fields) for line in open(self._path, name, encoding=self.encoding)) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.schema) def __len__(self): return len(self.schema)
[docs] def select_from(self, name: str, columns: Iterable[str] = None, cast: bool = False): """ Yield values for *columns* from relation *name*. """ fields = self.schema[name] if columns is None: columns = [ for f in fields] index = make_field_index(fields) indices = [index[column] for column in columns] records = self[name] for record in records: if cast: # _cast is a copy of the function cast() data = tuple(_cast(fields[idx].datatype, record[idx]) for idx in indices) else: data = tuple(record[idx] for idx in indices) yield data records.close()
############################################################################# # Data Encoding
[docs]def escape(string: str) -> str: r""" Replace any special characters with their TSDB escape sequences. The characters and their escape sequences are:: @ -> \s (newline) -> \n \ -> \\ Also see :func:`unescape` Args: string: string to escape Returns: The escaped string """ # str.replace()... is about 3-4x faster than re.sub() here return (string .replace('\\', '\\\\') # must be done first .replace('\n', '\\n') .replace(FIELD_DELIMITER, '\\s'))
[docs]def unescape(string: str) -> str: """ Replace TSDB escape sequences with the regular equivalents. Also see :func:`escape`. Args: string (str): TSDB-escaped string Returns: The string with escape sequences replaced """ # str.replace()... is about 3-4x faster than re.sub() here return (string .replace('\\\\', '\\') # must be done first .replace('\\n', '\n') .replace('\\s', FIELD_DELIMITER))
[docs]def split(line: str, fields: Fields = None) -> Record: """ Split a raw line from a relation into a list of column values. Decoding involves splitting the line by the field delimiter and unescaping special characters. The column value for empty fields is `None`. If *fields* is given, cast each column value into its datatype, otherwise the value is returned as a string. Args: line: raw line from a TSDB relation file. fields: iterable of :class:`Field` objects Returns: A list of column values. """ raw_values = [unescape(col) if col else None for col in line.rstrip('\n').split(FIELD_DELIMITER)] if fields: if len(raw_values) != len(fields): _mismatched_counts(raw_values, fields) record = tuple(cast(f.datatype, col) for col, f in zip(raw_values, fields)) else: record = tuple(raw_values) return record
[docs]def join(values: Record, fields: Fields = None) -> str: """ Join a list of column values into a string for a relation file. Encoding involves escaping special characters for each value, then joining the values into a single string with the field delimiter. If *fields* is given, `None` values will be replaced with the default value for their datatype. For creating a record from a mapping of column names to values, see :func:`make_record`. Args: values: list of column values fields: iterable of :class:`Field` objects Returns: A TSDB-encoded string """ if fields: if len(values) != len(fields): _mismatched_counts(values, fields) raw_values = [format(f.datatype, val, default=f.default) for f, val in zip(fields, values)] else: raw_values = ['' if v is None else str(v) for v in values] escaped_values = map(escape, raw_values) return FIELD_DELIMITER.join(escaped_values)
def _mismatched_counts(columns, fields): raise TSDBError('number of columns ({}) != number of fields ({})' .format(len(columns), len(fields)))
[docs]def make_record(colmap: ColumnMap, fields: Fields) -> Record: """ Create a record tuple from a mapping of column names to values. This function is useful when *colmap* is either a subset or superset of the columns defined for a relation (as determined by *fields*). That is, it selects the relevant column values and fills in the missing ones with `None`. *fields* is also responsible for determining the column order. Args: colmap: mapping of column names to values fields: iterable of :class:`Field` objects Returns: A list of column values """ return tuple(colmap.get(, None) for f in fields)
[docs]def cast(datatype: str, raw_value: Optional[str]) -> Value: """ Cast TSDB field *raw_value* into *datatype*. If *raw_value* is `None` or an empty string (`''`), `None` will be returned, regardless of the *datatype*. However, when *datatype* is `:integer` and *raw_value* is `'-1'` (the default value for most `:integer` columns), `-1` is returned instead of `None`. This means that :func:`cast` the inverse of :func:`format` except for integer values of `-1`, some date formats, and coded defaults. Supported datatypes: ============= =================== TSDB datatype Python type ============= =================== `:integer` `int` `:string` `str` `:float` `float` `:date` `datetime.datetime` ============= =================== Casting the `:integer`, `:string`, and `:float` types is trivial, but for `:date` TSDB uses a non-standard date format. This format generally follows the `DD-MM-YY` pattern, optionally followed by a time (with no timezone or UTF-offset allowed). The day of the month may be left unspecified, in which case `01` is used. Years may be 2 or 4 digits: in the case of 2-digit years, `19` is prepended if the 2-digit year is greater than or equal to 93 (the year of the first TSNLP publications and the earliest test suites), otherwise `20` is prepended (meaning that users are advised to start using 4-digit years by, at least, the year 2093). In addition, the more universal YYYY-MM-DD format is allowed, but it must have 4-digit years (to disambiguate with the other pattern). Examples: >>> tsdb.cast(':integer', '15') 15 >>> tsdb.cast(':float', '2.05e-3') 0.00205 >>> tsdb.cast(':string', 'Abrams slept.') 'Abrams slept.' >>> tsdb.cast(':date', '10-6-2002') datetime.datetime(2002, 6, 10, 0, 0) >>> tsdb.cast(':date', '8-sep-1999') datetime.datetime(1999, 9, 8, 0, 0) >>> tsdb.cast(':date', 'apr-95') datetime.datetime(1995, 4, 1, 0, 0) >>> tsdb.cast(':date', '01-dec-02 (15:31:01)') datetime.datetime(2002, 12, 1, 15, 31, 1) >>> tsdb.cast(':date', '2008-10-12 10:51') datetime.datetime(2008, 10, 12, 10, 51) """ if raw_value is None or raw_value == '': return None elif datatype == ':integer': return int(raw_value) elif datatype == ':float': return float(raw_value) elif datatype == ':date': return _parse_datetime(raw_value) elif datatype == ':string': return raw_value else: raise TSDBError('invalid datatype: {}'.format(datatype))
# some functions may use 'cast' as keyword parameter, so this lets # those get to the original function _cast = cast def _parse_datetime(s: str) -> datetime: if re.match(r':?(today|now)', s): return # YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS m = re.match( r''' (?P<y>[0-9]{4}) -(?P<m>[0-9]{1,2}|\w{3}) (?:-(?P<d>[0-9]{1,2}))? (?:\s*\(? (?P<H>[0-9]{2}):(?P<M>[0-9]{2})(?::(?P<S>[0-9]{2}))? \)?)?''', s, flags=re.VERBOSE) if m is None: # DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS m = re.match( r''' (?:(?P<d>[0-9]{1,2})-)? (?P<m>[0-9]{1,2}|\w{3}) -(?P<y>[0-9]{2}(?:[0-9]{2})?) (?:\s*\(? (?P<H>[0-9]{2}):(?P<M>[0-9]{2})(?::(?P<S>[0-9]{2}))? \)?)?''', s, flags=re.VERBOSE) if m is not None: s = _date_fix(m) try: dt = datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') except ValueError: warnings.warn('Invalid date field: {!r}'.format(s), TSDBWarning) dt = None return dt def _date_fix(mo): y ='y') if len(y) == 2: pre = '19' if int(y) >= 93 else '20' y = pre + y # beware the year-2093 bug! Use 4-digit dates. m ='m') if len(m) == 3: # assuming 3-letter abbreviations m = _MONTHS[m.lower()] d ='d') or '01' H ='H') or '00' M ='M') or '00' S ='S') or '00' return '{}-{}-{} {}:{}:{}'.format(y, m, d, H, M, S)
[docs]def format(datatype: str, value: Optional[Value], default: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Format a column *value* based on its *field*. If *value* is `None` then *default* is returned if it is given (i.e., not `None`). If *default* is `None`, `'-1'` is returned if *datatype* is `':integer'`, otherwise an empty string (`''`) is returned. If *datatype* is `':date'` and *value* is a :class:`datetime.datetime` object then a TSDB-compatible date format (DD-MM-YYYY) is returned. In all other cases, *value* is cast directly to a string and returned. Examples: >>> tsdb.format(':integer', 42) '42' >>> tsdb.format(':integer', None) '-1' >>> tsdb.format(':integer', None, default='1') '1' >>> tsdb.format(':date', datetime.datetime(1999,9,8)) '8-sep-1999' """ if value is None: if default is None: default = '-1' if datatype == ':integer' else '' else: default = str(default) # ensure it is a string raw_value = default elif datatype == ':date' and isinstance(value, datetime): month = _MONTHS[value.month] pattern = '{}-{}-%Y'.format(str(, month) if (value.hour, value.minute, value.second) != (0, 0, 0): pattern += ' %H:%M:%S' raw_value = value.strftime(pattern) else: raw_value = str(value) return raw_value
############################################################################# # Files
[docs]def is_database_directory(path: util.PathLike) -> bool: """ Return `True` if *path* is a valid TSDB database directory. A path is a valid database directory if it is a directory containing a schema file. This is a simple test; the schema file itself is not checked for validity. """ path = Path(path).expanduser() return path.is_dir() and path.joinpath(SCHEMA_FILENAME).is_file()
[docs]def get_path(dir: util.PathLike, name: str) -> Path: """ Determine if the file path should end in .gz or not and return it. A .gz path is preferred only if it exists and is newer than any regular text file path. Args: dir: TSDB database directory name: name of a file in the database Raises: TSDBError: when neither the .gz nor the text file exist. """ tx_path, gz_path, use_gz = _get_paths(dir, name) tbl_path = gz_path if use_gz else tx_path if not tbl_path.is_file(): raise TSDBError( 'File does not exist at {!s}(.gz)' .format(tbl_path) ) return tbl_path
def _get_paths(dir: util.PathLike, name: str) -> Tuple[Path, Path, bool]: tbl_path = Path(dir, name).expanduser() tx_path = tbl_path.with_suffix('') gz_path = tbl_path.with_suffix('.gz') use_gz = False if (gz_path.is_file() and (not tx_path.exists() or gz_path.stat().st_mtime > tx_path.stat().st_mtime)): use_gz = True return tx_path, gz_path, use_gz # Note: the return type should have TextIO instead of IO[str], but # there's a bug in the type checker. Replace when mypy no longer # complains about TextIO.
[docs]def open(dir: util.PathLike, name: str, encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> IO[str]: """ Open a TSDB database file. Unlike a normal `open()` call, this function takes a base directory *dir* and a filename *name* and determines whether the plain text *dir*/*name* or compressed *dir*/*name*.gz file is opened. Furthermore, this function only opens files in read-only text mode. For writing database files, see :func:`write`. Args: dir: path to the database directory name: name of the file to open encoding: character encoding of the file Example: >>> sentences = [] >>> with'my-profile', 'item') as item: ... for line in item: ... sentences.append(tsdb.split(line)[6]) """ path = get_path(dir, name) # open and don't accept pathlib.Path objects until Python 3.6 if path.suffix.lower() == '.gz': return gzopen(str(path), mode='rt', encoding=encoding) else: return
[docs]def write(dir: util.PathLike, name: str, records: Iterable[Record], fields: Fields, append: bool = False, gzip: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8') -> None: """ Write *records* to relation *name* in the database at *dir*. The simplest way to write data to a file would be something like the following: >>> with open(os.path.join(db.path, 'item'), 'w') as fh: ... print('\\n'.join(map(tsdb.join, db['item'])), file=fh) This function improves on that method by doing the following: * Determining the path from the *gzip* parameter and existing files * Writing plain text or compressed data, as appropriate * Appending or overwriting data, as requested * Using the schema information to format fields * Writing to a temporary file then copying when done; this prevents accidental data loss when overwriting a file that is being read * Deleting any alternative (compressed or plain text) file to avoid having inconsistent files (e.g., delete any existing `item` when writing `item.gz`) Note that *append* cannot be used with *gzip* or with an existing gzipped file and in such a case a :exc:`NotImplementedError` will be raised. This may be allowed in the future, but as appending to a gzipped file (in general) results in inefficient compression, it is better to append to plain text and compress when done. Args: dir: path to the database directory name: name of the relation to write records: iterable of records to write fields: iterable of :class:`Field` objects append: if `True`, append to rather than overwrite the file gzip: if `True` and the file is not empty, compress the file with `gzip`; if `False`, do not compress encoding: character encoding of the file Example: >>> tsdb.write('my-profile', ... 'item', ... item_records, ... schema['item']) """ if encoding is None: encoding = 'utf-8' if not dir.is_dir(): raise TSDBError('invalid test suite directory: {}'.format(dir)) tx_path, gz_path, use_gz = _get_paths(dir, name) if append and (gzip or use_gz): raise NotImplementedError('cannot append to a gzipped file') mode = 'ab' if append else 'wb' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode='w+b', suffix='.tmp', prefix=name, dir=str(dir)) as f_tmp: for record in records: f_tmp.write( (join(record, fields) + '\n').encode(encoding)) # only gzip non-empty files gzip = gzip and f_tmp.tell() != 0 dest, other = (gz_path, tx_path) if gzip else (tx_path, gz_path) # now copy the temp file to the destination if gzip: with gzopen(str(dest), mode) as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_tmp, f_out) else: with as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_tmp, f_out) # clean up other (gz or non-gz) file if it exists if other.is_file(): other.unlink()
[docs]def initialize_database(path: util.PathLike, schema: SchemaLike, files: bool = False) -> None: """ Initialize a bare database directory at *path*. Initialization creates the directory at *path* if it does not exist, writes the schema, an deletes any existing files defined by the schema. .. warning:: If *path* points to an existing directory, all relation files defined by the schema will be overwritten or deleted. Args: path: the path to the destination database directory schema: the destination database schema files: if `True`, create an empty file for every relation in *schema* """ path = Path(path).expanduser() if isinstance(schema, (str, Path)): schema = read_schema(schema) path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) write_schema(path, schema) _cleanup_files(path, set(schema)) if files: for name in schema: path.joinpath(name).touch()
[docs]def write_database(db: Database, path: util.PathLike, names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, schema: SchemaLike = None, gzip: Optional[bool] = None, encoding: str = 'utf-8') -> None: """ Write TSDB database *db* to *path*. If *path* is an existing file (not a directory), a :class:`TSDBError` is raised. If *path* is an existing directory, the files for all relations in the destination schema will be cleared. Every relation name in *names* must exist in the destination schema. If *schema* is given (even if it is the same as for *db*), every record will be remade (using :func:`make_record`) using the schema, and columns may be dropped or `None` values inserted as necessary, but no more sophisticated changes will be made. .. warning:: If *path* points to an existing directory, all relation files defined by the schema will be overwritten or deleted. Args: db: Database containing data to write path: the path to the destination database directory names: list of names of relations to write; if `None` use all relations in the destination schema schema: the destination database schema; if `None` use the schema of *db* gzip: if `True`, compress all non-empty files; if `False`, do not compress; if `None` compress if overwriting an existing compressed file encoding: character encoding for the database files """ path = Path(path).expanduser() if path.is_file(): raise TSDBError('not a directory: {!s}'.format(path)) remake_records = schema is not None if schema is None: schema = db.schema elif isinstance(schema, (str, Path)): schema = read_schema(schema) if names is None: names = list(schema) # Prepare destination directory path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) write_schema(path, schema) for name in names: fields = schema[name] if name in db.schema: try: relation = db[name] except (TSDBError, KeyError): relation = [] if remake_records: relation = _remake_records(relation, db.schema[name], fields) else: relation = [] write(path, name, relation, fields, append=False, gzip=gzip, encoding=encoding) # only delete other files at the end in case db.path == path _cleanup_files(path, set(schema).difference(names))
def _remake_records(relation, old_fields, new_fields): field_names = [ for field in old_fields] for record in relation: colmap = dict(zip(field_names, record)) yield make_record(colmap, new_fields) def _cleanup_files(path, names): for name in names: tx_path = Path(path, name).with_suffix('') gz_path = Path(path, name).with_suffix('.gz') if tx_path.is_file(): tx_path.unlink() if gz_path.is_file(): gz_path.unlink()