Source code for delphin.interface

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Interfaces for external data providers.

from typing import Optional
from collections import Sequence

from delphin import util
from delphin import exceptions
# Default modules need to import the PyDelphin version
from delphin.__about__ import __version__  # noqa: F401

[docs]class InterfaceError(exceptions.PyDelphinException): """Raised on invalid interface operations."""
[docs]class Processor(object): """ Base class for processors. This class defines the basic interface for all PyDelphin processors, such as :class:`~delphin.ace.ACEProcess` and :class:`~delphin.web.Client`. It can also be used to define preprocessor wrappers of other processors such that it has the same interface, allowing it to be used, e.g., with :meth:`TestSuite.process() <delphin.itsdb.TestSuite.process>`. Attributes: task: name of the task the processor performs (e.g., `"parse"`, `"transfer"`, or `"generate"`) """ task: Optional[str] = None
[docs] def process_item(self, datum, keys=None): """ Send *datum* to the processor and return the result. This method is a generic wrapper around a processor-specific processing method that keeps track of additional item and processor information. Specifically, if *keys* is provided, it is copied into the `keys` key of the response object, and if the processor object's `task` member is non-`None`, it is copied into the `task` key of the response. These help with keeping track of items when many are processed at once, and to help downstream functions identify what the process did. Args: datum: the item content to process keys: a mapping of item identifiers which will be copied into the response """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class Result(dict): """ A wrapper around a result dictionary to automate deserialization for supported formats. A Result is still a dictionary, so the raw data can be obtained using dict access. """ def __repr__(self): return 'Result({})'.format(dict.__repr__(self))
[docs] def derivation(self): """ Interpret and return a Derivation object. If :mod:`delphin.derivation` is available and the value of the `derivation` key in the result dictionary is a valid UDF string or a dictionary, return the interpeted Derivation object. If there is no 'derivation' key in the result, return `None`. Raises: InterfaceError: when the value is an unsupported type or :mod:`delphin.derivation` is unavailable """ drv = self.get('derivation') try: from delphin import derivation if isinstance(drv, dict): drv = derivation.from_dict(drv) elif isinstance(drv, str): drv = derivation.from_string(drv) elif drv is not None: raise TypeError(drv.__class__.__name__) except (ImportError, TypeError) as exc: raise InterfaceError('can not get Derivation object') from exc return drv
[docs] def tree(self): """ Interpret and return a labeled syntax tree. The tree data may be a standalone datum, or embedded in a derivation. """ tree = self.get('tree') if isinstance(tree, str): tree = util.SExpr.parse(tree).data elif tree is None: drv = self.get('derivation') if isinstance(drv, dict) and 'label' in drv: def _extract_tree(d): t = [d.get('label', '')] if 'tokens' in d: t.append([d.get('form', '')]) else: for dtr in d.get('daughters', []): t.append(_extract_tree(dtr)) return t tree = _extract_tree(drv) return tree
[docs] def mrs(self): """ Interpret and return an MRS object. If :mod:`delphin.codecs.simplemrs` is available and the value of the `mrs` key in the result is a valid SimpleMRS string, or if :mod:`delphin.codecs.mrsjson` is available and the value is a dictionary, return the interpreted MRS object. If there is no `mrs` key in the result, return `None`. Raises: InterfaceError: when the value is an unsupported type or the corresponding module is unavailable """ mrs = self.get('mrs') try: if isinstance(mrs, dict): from delphin.codecs import mrsjson mrs = mrsjson.from_dict(mrs) elif isinstance(mrs, str): from delphin.codecs import simplemrs mrs = simplemrs.decode(mrs) elif mrs is not None: raise TypeError(mrs.__class__.__name__) except (ImportError, TypeError) as exc: raise InterfaceError('can not get MRS object') from exc return mrs
[docs] def eds(self): """ Interpret and return an Eds object. If :mod:`delphin.codecs.eds` is available and the value of the `eds` key in the result is a valid "native" EDS serialization, or if :mod:`delphin.codecs.edsjson` is available and the value is a dictionary, return the interpreted EDS object. If there is no `eds` key in the result, return `None`. Raises: InterfaceError: when the value is an unsupported type or the corresponding module is unavailable """ eds = self.get('eds') try: if isinstance(eds, dict): from delphin.codecs import edsjson eds = edsjson.from_dict(eds) elif isinstance(eds, str): from delphin.codecs import eds as edsnative eds = edsnative.decode(eds) elif eds is not None: raise TypeError(eds.__class__.__name__) except (ImportError, TypeError) as exc: raise InterfaceError('can not get EDS object') from exc return eds
[docs] def dmrs(self): """ Interpret and return a Dmrs object. If :mod:`delphin.codecs.dmrsjson` is available and the value of the `dmrs` key in the result is a dictionary, return the interpreted DMRS object. If there is no `dmrs` key in the result, return `None`. Raises: InterfaceError: when the value is not a dictionary or :mod:`delphin.codecs.dmrsjson` is unavailable """ dmrs = self.get('dmrs') try: if isinstance(dmrs, dict): from delphin.codecs import dmrsjson dmrs = dmrsjson.from_dict(dmrs) elif dmrs is not None: raise TypeError(dmrs.__class__.__name__) except (ImportError, TypeError) as exc: raise InterfaceError('can not get DMRS object') from exc return dmrs
[docs]class Response(dict): """ A wrapper around the response dictionary for more convenient access to results. """ _result_cls = Result def __repr__(self): return 'Response({})'.format(dict.__repr__(self))
[docs] def results(self): """Return Result objects for each result.""" return [self._result_cls(r) for r in self.get('results', [])]
[docs] def result(self, i): """Return a Result object for the result *i*.""" return self._result_cls(self.get('results', [])[i])
[docs] def tokens(self, tokenset='internal'): """ Interpret and return a YYTokenLattice object. If *tokenset* is a key under the `tokens` key of the response, interpret its value as a :class:`YYTokenLattice` from a valid YY serialization or from a dictionary. If *tokenset* is not available, return `None`. Args: tokenset (str): return `'initial'` or `'internal'` tokens (default: `'internal'`) Returns: :class:`YYTokenLattice` Raises: InterfaceError: when the value is an unsupported type or :mod:`delphin.tokens` is unavailble """ toks = self.get('tokens', {}).get(tokenset) try: from delphin import tokens if isinstance(toks, str): toks = tokens.YYTokenLattice.from_string(toks) elif isinstance(toks, Sequence): toks = tokens.YYTokenLattice.from_list(toks) elif toks is not None: raise TypeError(toks.__class__.__name__) except (KeyError, ImportError, TypeError) as exc: raise InterfaceError('can not get YYTokenLattice object') from exc return toks