Source code for delphin.predicate

Semantic predicates.

import re

from delphin.exceptions import PyDelphinException
# Default modules need to import the PyDelphin version
from delphin.__about__ import __version__  # noqa: F401

[docs]class PredicateError(PyDelphinException): """Raised on invalid predicate or predicate operations."""
# allowed parts-of-speech # 'd' ('discourse') is discouraged and may be removed _POS = set('nvajrscpqxud') _lemma_re = re.compile(r'[^\s_]+') _pos_re = re.compile(r'[{}]'.format(''.join(_POS)), flags=re.IGNORECASE) _sense_re = re.compile(r'[^\s_]+') # strict regular expression only allows fully-compliant predicate strings _strict_predicate_re = re.compile( r'(_{0}_{1}(?:_{2})?)$' # normalized surface predicate r'|([^\s_]\S*)$' # abstract predicate .format(_lemma_re.pattern, _pos_re.pattern, _sense_re.pattern), re.IGNORECASE) # robust regular expression allows some observed variations _robust_predicate_re = re.compile( r'_?' # allow abstract predicates, too r'(?P<lemma>{0}(?:_{0})*?)' # match until last 1 or 2 parts r'(?:_(?P<pos>{1}))?' # pos is optional r'(?:_(?P<sense>{2}))?' # sense is optional r'(?:_rel)?$' # _rel is optional .format(_lemma_re.pattern, _pos_re.pattern, _sense_re.pattern), flags=re.IGNORECASE) def _strip_predicate(s): """Remove quotes and _rel suffix from predicate *s*""" if s.startswith('"') and s.endswith('"'): s = s[1:-1] elif s.startswith("'"): s = s[1:] if s[-4:].lower() == '_rel': s = s[:-4] return s
[docs]def split(s): """ Split predicate string *s* and return the lemma, pos, and sense. This function uses more robust pattern matching than used by the validation functions :func:`is_valid`, :func:`is_surface`, and :func:`is_abstract`. This robustness is to accommodate inputs that are not entirely well-formed, such as surface predicates with underscores in the lemma or a missing part-of-speech. Additionally it can be used, with some discretion, to inspect abstract predicates, which technically do not have individual components but in practice follow the same convention as surface predicates. Examples: >>> split('_dog_n_1_rel') ('dog', 'n', '1') >>> split('udef_q') ('udef', 'q', None) """ _s = _strip_predicate(s) match = _robust_predicate_re.match(_s) if match is None: raise PredicateError(f'invalid predicate: {s}') return ('lemma'),'pos'),'sense'))
[docs]def create(lemma, pos, sense=None): """ Create a surface predicate string from its *lemma*, *pos*, and *sense*. The components are validated in order to guarantee that the resulting predicate symbol is well-formed. This function cannot be used to create abstract predicate symbols. Examples: >>> create('dog', 'n', '1') '_dog_n_1' >>> create('some', 'q') '_some_q' """ if _lemma_re.fullmatch(lemma) is None: raise PredicateError(f'invalid lemma: {lemma}') if pos.lower() not in _POS: raise PredicateError(f'invalid part-of-speech: {pos}') if sense is not None and _sense_re.fullmatch(sense) is None: raise PredicateError(f'invalid sense: {sense}') parts = [lemma, pos] if sense: parts.append(sense) return '_' + '_'.join(parts)
[docs]def normalize(s): """ Normalize the predicate string *s* to a conventional form. This makes predicate strings more consistent by removing quotes and the `_rel` suffix, and by lowercasing them. Examples: >>> normalize('"_DOG_n_1_rel"') '_dog_n_1' >>> normalize('_dog_n_1') '_dog_n_1' """ _s = _strip_predicate(s) _s = _s.lower() return _s
[docs]def is_valid(s): """ Return `True` if *s* is a valid predicate string. Examples: >>> is_valid('"_dog_n_1_rel"') True >>> is_valid('_dog_n_1') True >>> is_valid('_dog_noun_1') False >>> is_valid('dog_noun_1') True """ _s = _strip_predicate(s) return _strict_predicate_re.match(_s) is not None
[docs]def is_surface(s): """ Return `True` if *s* is a valid surface predicate string. Examples: >>> is_valid('"_dog_n_1_rel"') True >>> is_valid('_dog_n_1') True >>> is_valid('_dog_noun_1') False >>> is_valid('dog_noun_1') False """ _s = _strip_predicate(s) m = _strict_predicate_re.match(_s) return m is not None and m.lastindex == 1
[docs]def is_abstract(s): """ Return `True` if *s* is a valid abstract predicate string. Examples: >>> is_abstract('udef_q_rel') True >>> is_abstract('"coord"') True >>> is_valid('"_dog_n_1_rel"') False >>> is_valid('_dog_n_1') False """ _s = _strip_predicate(s) m = _strict_predicate_re.match(_s) return m is not None and m.lastindex == 2