Source code for delphin.commands

PyDelphin API counterparts to the `delphin` commands.

The public functions in this module largely mirror the front-end
subcommands provided by the `delphin` command, with some small changes
to argument names or values to be better-suited to being called from
within Python.

import sys
import os
import io
import json
from functools import partial
import logging

from delphin import itsdb, tsql
from delphin.mrs import xmrs
from delphin.util import safe_int, SExpr
from delphin.exceptions import PyDelphinException


### CONVERT ###################################################################

[docs]def convert(path, source_fmt, target_fmt, select='result:mrs', properties=True, show_status=False, predicate_modifiers=False, color=False, pretty_print=False, indent=None): """ Convert between various DELPH-IN Semantics representations. Args: path (str, file): filename, testsuite directory, open file, or stream of input representations source_fmt (str): convert from this format target_fmt (str): convert to this format select (str): TSQL query for selecting data (ignored if *path* is not a testsuite directory; default: `"result:mrs"`) properties (bool): include morphosemantic properties if `True` (default: `True`) show_status (bool): show disconnected EDS nodes (ignored if *target_fmt* is not `"eds"`; default: `False`) predicate_modifiers (bool): apply EDS predicate modification for certain kinds of patterns (ignored if *target_fmt* is not an EDS format; default: `False`) color (bool): apply syntax highlighting if `True` and *target_fmt* is `"simplemrs"` (default: `False`) pretty_print (bool): if `True`, format the output with newlines and default indentation (default: `False`) indent (int, optional): specifies an explicit number of spaces for indentation (implies *pretty_print*) Returns: str: the converted representation """ if source_fmt.startswith('eds') and not target_fmt.startswith('eds'): raise ValueError( 'Conversion from EDS to non-EDS currently not supported.') if indent: pretty_print = True indent = 4 if indent is True else safe_int(indent) if len(tsql.inspect_query('select ' + select)['projection']) != 1: raise ValueError('Exactly 1 column must be given in selection query: ' '(e.g., result:mrs)') # read loads = _get_codec(source_fmt) if path is None: xs = loads( elif hasattr(path, 'read'): xs = loads( elif os.path.isdir(path): ts = itsdb.TestSuite(path) xs = [ next(iter(loads(r[0])), None) for r in, ts) ] else: xs = loads(open(path, 'r').read()) # write dumps = _get_codec(target_fmt, load=False) kwargs = {} if color: kwargs['color'] = color if pretty_print: kwargs['pretty_print'] = pretty_print if indent: kwargs['indent'] = indent if target_fmt == 'eds': kwargs['pretty_print'] = pretty_print kwargs['show_status'] = show_status if target_fmt.startswith('eds'): kwargs['predicate_modifiers'] = predicate_modifiers kwargs['properties'] = properties # this is not a great way to improve robustness when converting # many representations, but it'll do until v1.0.0. Also, it only # improves robustness on the output, not the input. # Note that all the code below is to replace the following: # return dumps(xs, **kwargs) head, joiner, tail = _get_output_details(target_fmt) parts = [] if pretty_print: joiner = joiner.strip() + '\n' def _trim(s): if head and s.startswith(head): s = s[len(head):].lstrip('\n') if tail and s.endswith(tail): s = s[:-len(tail)].rstrip('\n') return s for x in xs: try: s = dumps([x], **kwargs) except (PyDelphinException, KeyError, IndexError): logging.exception('could not convert representation') else: s = _trim(s) parts.append(s) # set these after so head and tail are used correctly in _trim if pretty_print: if head: head += '\n' if tail: tail = '\n' + tail return head + joiner.join(parts) + tail
def _get_codec(codec, load=True): if codec == 'simplemrs': from delphin.mrs import simplemrs return simplemrs.loads if load else simplemrs.dumps elif codec == 'ace' and load: return _read_ace_parse elif codec == 'mrx': from delphin.mrs import mrx return mrx.loads if load else mrx.dumps elif codec == 'mrs-prolog' and not load: from delphin.mrs import prolog return prolog.dumps elif codec == 'dmrx': from delphin.mrs import dmrx return dmrx.loads if load else dmrx.dumps elif codec == 'simpledmrs' and not load: from delphin.mrs import simpledmrs return simpledmrs.dumps elif codec == 'dmrs-tikz' and not load: from delphin.extra import latex return latex.dmrs_tikz_dependency elif codec in ('mrs-json', 'dmrs-json', 'eds-json'): cls = {'mrs-json': _MRS_JSON, 'dmrs-json': _DMRS_JSON, 'eds-json': _EDS_JSON}[codec] return cls().loads if load else cls().dumps elif codec in ('dmrs-penman', 'eds-penman'): if codec == 'dmrs-penman': model = xmrs.Dmrs elif codec == 'eds-penman': from delphin.mrs.eds import Eds as model func = _penman_loads if load else _penman_dumps return partial(func, model=model) elif codec == 'eds': from delphin.mrs import eds return eds.loads if load else eds.dumps elif load: raise ValueError('invalid source format: ' + codec) else: raise ValueError('invalid target format: ' + codec) def _get_output_details(codec): if codec == 'mrx': return ('<mrs-list', '', '</mrs-list>') elif codec == 'dmrx': from delphin.mrs import dmrx return ('<dmrs-list>', '', '</dmrs-list>') elif codec in ('mrs-json', 'dmrs-json', 'eds-json'): return ('[', ',', ']') else: return ('', ' ', '') # simulate json codecs for MRS and DMRS class _MRS_JSON(object): CLS = xmrs.Mrs def getlist(self, o): if isinstance(o, dict): return [o] else: return o def load(self, f): return [self.CLS.from_dict(d) for d in self.getlist(json.load(f))] def loads(self, s): return [self.CLS.from_dict(d) for d in self.getlist(json.loads(s))] def dumps(self, xs, properties=True, pretty_print=False, indent=None, **kwargs): if pretty_print and indent is None: indent = 2 return json.dumps( [ self.CLS.to_dict( (x if isinstance(x, self.CLS) else self.CLS.from_xmrs(x, **kwargs)), properties=properties) for x in xs ], indent=indent) class _DMRS_JSON(_MRS_JSON): CLS = xmrs.Dmrs class _EDS_JSON(_MRS_JSON): from delphin.mrs import eds CLS = eds.Eds # load Penman module on demand def _penman_loads(s, model=None, **kwargs): from delphin.mrs import penman return penman.loads(s, model=model, **kwargs) def _penman_dumps(xs, model=None, **kwargs): from delphin.mrs import penman strings = [] for x in xs: try: strings.append(penman.dumps([x], model=model, **kwargs)) except penman.penman.EncodeError: logging.error('Invalid graph; possibly disconnected') strings.append('') return '\n'.join(strings) # read simplemrs from ACE output def _read_ace_parse(s): from delphin.mrs import simplemrs if hasattr(s, 'decode'): s = s.decode('utf-8') surface = None newline = False for line in s.splitlines(): if line.startswith('SENT: '): surface = line[6:] # regular ACE output elif line.startswith('['): m = line.partition(' ; ')[0].strip() m = simplemrs.loads(m, single=True) m.surface = surface yield m # with --tsdb-stdout elif line.startswith('('): while line: expr = SExpr.parse(line) line = expr.remainder.lstrip() if len( == 2 and[0] == ':results': for result in[1]: for key, val in result: if key == ':mrs': yield simplemrs.loads(val, single=True) elif line == '\n': if newline: surface = None newline = False else: newline = True else: pass ############################################################################### ### SELECT ####################################################################
[docs]def select(dataspec, testsuite, mode='list', cast=True): """ Select data from [incr tsdb()] profiles. Args: query (str): TSQL select query (e.g., `'i-id i-input mrs'` or `'* from item where readings > 0'`) testsuite (str, TestSuite): testsuite or path to testsuite containing data to select mode (str): see :func:`delphin.itsdb.select_rows` for a description of the *mode* parameter (default: `list`) cast (bool): if `True`, cast column values to their datatype according to the relations file (default: `True`) Returns: a generator that yields selected data """ if isinstance(testsuite, itsdb.ItsdbProfile): testsuite = itsdb.TestSuite(testsuite.root) elif not isinstance(testsuite, itsdb.TestSuite): testsuite = itsdb.TestSuite(testsuite) return, testsuite, mode=mode, cast=cast)
############################################################################### ### MKPROF ####################################################################
[docs]def mkprof(destination, source=None, relations=None, where=None, in_place=False, skeleton=False, full=False, gzip=False): """ Create [incr tsdb()] profiles or skeletons. Data for the testsuite may come from an existing testsuite or from a list of sentences. There are four main usage patterns: - `source="testsuite/"` -- read data from `testsuite/` - `source=None, in_place=True` -- read data from *destination* - `source=None, in_place=False` -- read sentences from stdin - `source="sents.txt"` -- read sentences from `sents.txt` For the latter two, the *relations* parameter must be specified. Args: destination (str): path of the new testsuite source (str): path to a source testsuite or a file containing sentences; if not given and *in_place* is `False`, sentences are read from stdin relations (str): path to a relations file to use for the created testsuite; if `None` and *source* is given, the relations file of the source testsuite is used where (str): TSQL condition to filter records by; ignored if *source* is not a testsuite in_place (bool): if `True` and *source* is not given, use *destination* as the source for data (default: `False`) skeleton (bool): if `True`, only write tsdb-core files (default: `False`) full (bool): if `True`, copy all data from the source testsuite (requires *source* to be a testsuite path; default: `False`) gzip (bool): if `True`, non-empty tables will be compressed with gzip """ # basic validation if skeleton and full: raise ValueError("'skeleton' is incompatible with 'full'") elif skeleton and in_place: raise ValueError("'skeleton' is incompatible with 'in_place'") elif in_place and source is not None: raise ValueError("'in_place' is incompatible with 'source'") if in_place: source = destination if full and (source is None or not os.path.isdir(source)): raise ValueError("'full' must be used with a source testsuite") if relations is None and source is not None and os.path.isdir(source): relations = os.path.join(source, 'relations') elif relations is None or not os.path.isfile(relations): raise ValueError('invalid or missing relations file: {}' .format(relations)) # setup destination testsuite _prepare_output_directory(destination) dts = itsdb.TestSuite(path=destination, relations=relations) # input is sentences on stdin if source is None: dts.write({'item': _lines_to_rows(sys.stdin, dts.relations)}, gzip=gzip) # input is sentence file elif os.path.isfile(source): with open(source) as fh: dts.write({'item': _lines_to_rows(fh, dts.relations)}, gzip=gzip) # input is source testsuite elif os.path.isdir(source): sts = itsdb.TestSuite(source) tables = dts.relations.tables if full else itsdb.tsdb_core_files where = '' if where is None else 'where ' + where for table in tables: if sts.size(table) > 0: # filter the data, but use all if the query fails # (e.g., if the filter and table cannot be joined) try: rows = '* from {} {}'.format(table, where), sts, cast=False) except itsdb.ItsdbError: rows = sts[table] dts.write({table: rows}, gzip=gzip) dts.reload() # unless a skeleton was requested, make empty files for other tables if not skeleton: for table in dts.relations: if len(dts[table]) == 0: dts.write({table: []}) # summarize what was done if sys.stdout.isatty(): _red = lambda s: '\x1b[1;31m{}\x1b[0m'.format(s) else: _red = lambda s: s fmt = '{:>8} bytes\t{}' for filename in ['relations'] + list(dts.relations.tables): path = os.path.join(destination, filename) if os.path.isfile(path): stat = os.stat(path) print(fmt.format(stat.st_size, filename)) elif os.path.isfile(path + '.gz'): stat = os.stat(path + '.gz') print(fmt.format(stat.st_size, _red(filename + '.gz')))
def _lines_to_rows(lines, relations): # field indices only need to be computed once, so don't use # itsdb.Record.from_dict() i_id_idx = relations['item'].index('i-id') i_wf_idx = relations['item'].index('i-wf') i_input_idx = relations['item'].index('i-input') num_fields = len(relations['item']) def make_row(i_id, i_wf, i_input): row = [None] * num_fields row[i_id_idx] = i_id row[i_wf_idx] = i_wf row[i_input_idx] = i_input return itsdb.Record(relations['item'], row) for i, line in enumerate(lines): i_wf, i_input = (0, line[1:]) if line.startswith('*') else (1, line) yield make_row(i * 10, i_wf, i_input.strip()) ############################################################################### ### PROCESS ###################################################################
[docs]def process(grammar, testsuite, source=None, select=None, generate=False, transfer=False, options=None, all_items=False, result_id=None, gzip=False): """ Process (e.g., parse) a [incr tsdb()] profile. Results are written to directly to *testsuite*. If *select* is `None`, the defaults depend on the task: ========== ========================= Task Default value of *select* ========== ========================= Parsing `item:i-input` Transfer `result:mrs` Generation `result:mrs` ========== ========================= Args: grammar (str): path to a compiled grammar image testsuite (str): path to a [incr tsdb()] testsuite where data will be read from (see *source*) and written to source (str): path to a [incr tsdb()] testsuite; if `None`, *testsuite* is used as the source of data select (str): TSQL query for selecting processor inputs (default depends on the processor type) generate (bool): if `True`, generate instead of parse (default: `False`) transfer (bool): if `True`, transfer instead of parse (default: `False`) options (list): list of ACE command-line options to use when invoking the ACE subprocess; unsupported options will give an error message all_items (bool): if `True`, don't exclude ignored items (those with `i-wf==2`) when parsing result_id (int): if given, only keep items with the specified `result-id` gzip (bool): if `True`, non-empty tables will be compressed with gzip """ from delphin.interfaces import ace if generate and transfer: raise ValueError("'generate' is incompatible with 'transfer'") if source is None: source = testsuite if select is None: select = 'result:mrs' if (generate or transfer) else 'item:i-input' if generate: processor = ace.AceGenerator elif transfer: processor = ace.AceTransferer else: if not all_items: select += ' where i-wf != 2' processor = ace.AceParser if result_id is not None: select += ' where result-id == {}'.format(result_id) source = itsdb.TestSuite(source) target = itsdb.TestSuite(testsuite) column, tablename, condition = _interpret_selection(select, source) table = itsdb.Table( source[tablename].fields, '* from {} {}'.format(tablename, condition), source, cast=False)) with processor(grammar, cmdargs=options) as cpu: target.process(cpu, ':' + column, source=table, gzip=gzip)
def _interpret_selection(select, source): queryobj = tsql.inspect_query('select ' + select) projection = queryobj['projection'] if projection == '*' or len(projection) != 1: raise ValueError("'select' must return a single column") tablename, _, column = projection[0].rpartition(':') if not tablename: # query could be 'i-input from item' instead of 'item:i-input' if len(queryobj['tables']) == 1: tablename = queryobj['tables'][0] # otherwise guess else: tablename = source.relations.find(column)[0] try: condition = select[select.index(' where ') + 1:] except ValueError: condition = '' return column, tablename, condition ############################################################################### ### REPP ######################################################################
[docs]def repp(file, config=None, module=None, active=None, format=None, trace_level=0): """ Tokenize with a Regular Expression PreProcessor (REPP). Results are printed directly to stdout. If more programmatic access is desired, the :mod:`delphin.repp` module provides a similar interface. Args: file (str, file): filename, open file, or stream of sentence inputs config (str): path to a PET REPP configuration (.set) file module (str): path to a top-level REPP module; other modules are found by external group calls active (list): select which modules are active; if `None`, all are used; incompatible with *config* (default: `None`) format (str): the output format (`"yy"`, `"string"`, `"line"`, or `"triple"`; default: `"yy"`) trace_level (int): if `0` no trace info is printed; if `1`, applied rules are printed, if greather than `1`, both applied and unapplied rules (in order) are printed (default: `0`) """ from delphin.repp import REPP if config is not None and module is not None: raise ValueError("cannot specify both 'config' and 'module'") if config is not None and active: raise ValueError("'active' cannot be used with 'config'") if config: r = REPP.from_config(config) elif module: r = REPP.from_file(module, active=active) else: r = REPP() # just tokenize if hasattr(file, 'read'): for line in file: _repp(r, line, format, trace_level) else: with, encoding='utf-8') as fh: for line in fh: _repp(r, line, format, trace_level)
def _repp(r, line, format, trace_level): if trace_level > 0: for step in r.trace(line.rstrip('\n'), verbose=True): if not hasattr(step, 'applied'): print('Done:{}'.format(step.string)) continue if step.applied == True or trace_level > 1: print('{}:{!s}\n In:{}\n Out:{}'.format( 'Applied' if step.applied else 'Did not apply', step.operation, step.input, step.output)) res = r.tokenize(line.rstrip('\n')) if format == 'yy': print(res) elif format == 'string': print(' '.join(t.form for t in res.tokens)) elif format == 'line': for t in res.tokens: print(t.form) print() elif format == 'triple': for t in res.tokens: if t.lnk.type == Lnk.CHARSPAN: cfrom, cto = else: cfrom, cto = -1, -1 print( '({}, {}, {})' .format(cfrom, cto, t.form) ) print() ############################################################################### ### COMPARE ###################################################################
[docs]def compare(testsuite, gold, select='i-id i-input mrs'): """ Compare two [incr tsdb()] profiles. Args: testsuite (str, TestSuite): path to the test [incr tsdb()] testsuite or a :class:`TestSuite` object gold (str, TestSuite): path to the gold [incr tsdb()] testsuite or a :class:`TestSuite` object select: TSQL query to select (id, input, mrs) triples (default: `i-id i-input mrs`) Yields: dict: Comparison results as:: {"id": "item identifier", "input": "input sentence", "test": number_of_unique_results_in_test, "shared": number_of_shared_results, "gold": number_of_unique_results_in_gold} """ from delphin.mrs import simplemrs, compare as mrs_compare if not isinstance(testsuite, itsdb.TestSuite): if isinstance(testsuite, itsdb.ItsdbProfile): testsuite = testsuite.root testsuite = itsdb.TestSuite(testsuite) if not isinstance(gold, itsdb.TestSuite): if isinstance(gold, itsdb.ItsdbProfile): gold = gold.root gold = itsdb.TestSuite(gold) queryobj = tsql.inspect_query('select ' + select) if len(queryobj['projection']) != 3: raise ValueError('select does not return 3 fields: ' + select) input_select = '{} {}'.format(queryobj['projection'][0], queryobj['projection'][1]) i_inputs = dict(, testsuite)) matched_rows = itsdb.match_rows(, testsuite),, gold), 0) for (key, testrows, goldrows) in matched_rows: (test_unique, shared, gold_unique) = mrs_compare.compare_bags( [simplemrs.loads_one(row[2]) for row in testrows], [simplemrs.loads_one(row[2]) for row in goldrows]) yield {'id': key, 'input': i_inputs[key], 'test': test_unique, 'shared': shared, 'gold': gold_unique}
############################################################################### ### HELPER FUNCTIONS ########################################################## def _prepare_output_directory(path): try: os.makedirs(path) # exist_ok=True is available from Python 3.2 except OSError as ex: # PermissionError is available from Python 3.3 if ex.errno == 17 and os.path.isdir(path): pass # existing directory; maybe it's usable else: raise