Source code for

Client access to the HTTP ("RESTful") API for DELPH-IN data.

This module provides classes and functions for making requests to
servers that implement the DELPH-IN web API described here:

  Requires `requests` (

Basic access is available via the :func:`parse` and
:func:`parse_from_iterable` functions:

>>> from delphin.interfaces import rest
>>> url = ''
>>> rest.parse('Abrams slept.', server=url)
ParseResponse({'input': 'Abrams slept.', 'tcpu': 0.05, ...
>>> rest.parse_from_iterable(['Abrams slept.', 'It rained.'], server=url)
<generator object parse_from_iterable at 0x7f546661c258>

If the `server` parameter is not provided to `parse()`, the default ERG
server (as used above) is used by default. Request parameters
(described at can be provided via the
`params` argument.

These functions both instantiate and use the :class:`DelphinRestClient`
class, which manages the connections to a server. It can also be used

>>> client = rest.DelphinRestClient(server=url)
>>> client.parse('Dogs chase cats.')
ParseResponse({'input': 'Dogs chase cats.', ...

The server responds with JSON data, which PyDelphin parses to a
dictionary. The responses from :meth:`DelphinRestClient.parse` are then
wrapped in :class:`~delphin.interfaces.base.ParseResponse` objects,
which provide two methods for inspecting the results. The
:meth:`ParseResponse.result() <delphin.interfaces.base.ParseResponse.result>`
method takes a parameter `i` and returns the *i*\ th result
(0-indexed), and the
:meth:`ParseResponse.results() <delphin.interfaces.base.ParseResponse.results>`
method returns the list of all results. The benefit of using these
methods is that they wrap the result dictionary in a
:class:`~delphin.interfaces.base.ParseResult` object,
which provides methods for automatically deserializing derivations,
EDS, MRS, or DMRS data. For example:

    >>> r = client.parse('Dogs chase cats', params={'mrs':'json'})
    >>> r.result(0)
    ParseResult({'result-id': 0, 'score': 0.5938, ...
    >>> r.result(0)['mrs']
    {'variables': {'h1': {'type': 'h'}, 'x6': ...
    >>> r.result(0).mrs()
    <Xmrs object (udef dog chase udef cat) at 140000394933248>

If PyDelphin does not support deserialization for a format provided by
the server (e.g. LaTeX output), the original string would be returned
by these methods (i.e. the same as via dict-access).


import json

import requests
    # Python 3
    from urllib.parse import urljoin
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urljoin

from delphin.interfaces.base import ParseResponse, Processor

default_erg_server = ''

class _RestResponse(ParseResponse):
    This is a interim response object until the server returns a
    'tokens' key.
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if key == 'tokens' and ('initial' in self or 'internal' in self):
            d = {}
            if 'initial' in self: d['initial'] = self['initial']
            if 'internal' in self: d['internal'] = self['internal']
            return d
            return ParseResponse.__getitem__(self, key)

    def get(self, key, default=None):
            return self[key]
        except KeyError:
            return ParseResponse.get(key, default)

# For a more harmonious interface (see GitHub issue #141) the
# DelphinRestClient could be subclassed (e.g., DelphinRestParser, etc.)
# and the subclasses fix the parameters and headers at initialization

[docs]class DelphinRestClient(Processor): """ A class for managing requests to a DELPH-IN web API server. """ task = 'parse' def __init__(self, server=default_erg_server): self.server = server
[docs] def parse(self, sentence, params=None, headers=None): """ Request a parse of *sentence* and return the response. Args: sentence (str): sentence to be parsed params (dict): a dictionary of request parameters headers (dict): a dictionary of additional request headers Returns: A ParseResponse containing the results, if the request was successful. Raises: requests.HTTPError: if the status code was not 200 """ if params is None: params = {} params['input'] = sentence hdrs = {'Accept': 'application/json'} if headers is not None: hdrs.update(headers) url = urljoin(self.server, 'parse') r = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=hdrs) if r.status_code == 200: return _RestResponse(r.json()) else: r.raise_for_status()
[docs] def process_item(self, datum, keys=None, params=None, headers=None): response = self.parse(datum, params=params, headers=headers) if keys is not None: response['keys'] = keys if 'task' not in response and self.task is not None: response['task'] = self.task return response
[docs]def parse(input, server=default_erg_server, params=None, headers=None): """ Request a parse of *input* on *server* and return the response. Args: input (str): sentence to be parsed server (str): the url for the server (the default LOGON server is used by default) params (dict): a dictionary of request parameters headers (dict): a dictionary of additional request headers Returns: A ParseResponse containing the results, if the request was successful. Raises: requests.HTTPError: if the status code was not 200 """ return next(parse_from_iterable([input], server, params, headers), None)
[docs]def parse_from_iterable( inputs, server=default_erg_server, params=None, headers=None): """ Request parses for all *inputs*. Args: inputs (iterable): sentences to parse server (str): the url for the server (the default LOGON server is used by default) params (dict): a dictionary of request parameters headers (dict): a dictionary of additional request headers Yields: ParseResponse objects for each successful response. Raises: requests.HTTPError: for the first response with a status code that is not 200 """ client = DelphinRestClient(server) for input in inputs: yield client.parse(input, params=params, headers=headers)