Source code for delphin.mrs.components

Classes and functions for working with the components of \*MRS objects.

import re
import logging
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple, MutableMapping
from itertools import starmap

from delphin.exceptions import (XmrsError, XmrsStructureError)
from delphin.util import deprecated
from .config import (

# The classes below are generally just namedtuples with extra methods.
# The namedtuples sometimes have default values. thanks:


var_re = re.compile(r'^([-\w]*\D)(\d+)$')

[docs]def sort_vid_split(vs): """ Split a valid variable string into its variable sort and id. Examples: >>> sort_vid_split('h3') ('h', '3') >>> sort_vid_split('ref-ind12') ('ref-ind', '12') """ match = var_re.match(vs) if match is None: raise ValueError('Invalid variable string: {}'.format(str(vs))) else: return match.groups()
[docs]def var_sort(v): """ Return the sort of a valid variable string. Examples: >>> var_sort('h3') 'h' >>> var_sort('ref-ind12') 'ref-ind' """ return sort_vid_split(v)[0]
[docs]def var_id(v): """ Return the integer id of a valid variable string. Examples: >>> var_id('h3') 3 >>> var_id('ref-ind12') 12 """ return int(sort_vid_split(v)[1])
class _VarGenerator(object): """ Simple class to produce variables, incrementing the vid for each one. """ def __init__(self, starting_vid=1): self.vid = starting_vid self.index = {} # to map vid to created variable = {} # to recall properties from varstrings def new(self, sort, properties=None): """ Create a new variable for the given *sort*. """ if sort is None: sort = UNKNOWNSORT # find next available vid vid, index = self.vid, self.index while vid in index: vid += 1 varstring = '{}{}'.format(sort, vid) index[vid] = varstring if properties is None: properties = [][varstring] = properties self.vid = vid + 1 return (varstring, properties) class Lnk(namedtuple('Lnk', ('type', 'data'))): """ Surface-alignment information for predications. Lnk objects link predicates to the surface form in one of several ways, the most common of which being the character span of the original string. Args: type: the way the Lnk relates the semantics to the surface form data: the Lnk specifiers, whose quality depends on *type* Attributes: type: the way the Lnk relates the semantics to the surface form data: the Lnk specifiers, whose quality depends on *type* Note: Valid *types* and their associated *data* shown in the table below. ========= =================== ========= type data example ========= =================== ========= charspan surface string span (0, 5) chartspan chart vertex span (0, 5) tokens token identifiers (0, 1, 2) edge edge identifier 1 ========= =================== ========= Example: Lnk objects should be created using the classmethods: >>> Lnk.charspan(0,5) '<0:5>' >>> Lnk.chartspan(0,5) '<0#5>' >>> Lnk.tokens([0,1,2]) '<0 1 2>' >>> Lnk.edge(1) '<@1>' """ # These types determine how a lnk on an EP or MRS are to be # interpreted, and thus determine the data type/structure of the # lnk data. CHARSPAN = 0 # Character span; a pair of offsets CHARTSPAN = 1 # Chart vertex span: a pair of indices TOKENS = 2 # Token numbers: a list of indices EDGE = 3 # An edge identifier: a number def __init__(self, type, data): # class methods below use __new__ to instantiate data, so # don't do it here if type not in (Lnk.CHARSPAN, Lnk.CHARTSPAN, Lnk.TOKENS, Lnk.EDGE): raise XmrsError('Invalid Lnk type: {}'.format(type)) @classmethod def charspan(cls, start, end): """ Create a Lnk object for a character span. Args: start: the initial character position (cfrom) end: the final character position (cto) """ return cls(Lnk.CHARSPAN, (int(start), int(end))) @classmethod def chartspan(cls, start, end): """ Create a Lnk object for a chart span. Args: start: the initial chart vertex end: the final chart vertex """ return cls(Lnk.CHARTSPAN, (int(start), int(end))) @classmethod def tokens(cls, tokens): """ Create a Lnk object for a token range. Args: tokens: a list of token identifiers """ return cls(Lnk.TOKENS, tuple(map(int, tokens))) @classmethod def edge(cls, edge): """ Create a Lnk object for an edge (used internally in generation). Args: edge: an edge identifier """ return cls(Lnk.EDGE, int(edge)) def __str__(self): if self.type == Lnk.CHARSPAN: return '<{}:{}>'.format([0],[1]) elif self.type == Lnk.CHARTSPAN: return '<{}#{}>'.format([0],[1]) elif self.type == Lnk.EDGE: return '<@{}>'.format( elif self.type == Lnk.TOKENS: return '<{}>'.format(' '.join(map(str, def __repr__(self): return '<Lnk object {} at {}>'.format(str(self), id(self)) def __eq__(self, other): return self.type == other.type and == class _LnkMixin(object): """ A mixin class for adding `cfrom` and `cto` properties on structures. By far the most common :class:`Lnk` type is for character spans, and these spans are conveniently described by `cfrom` and `cto` properties. This mixin is used by larger structures, such as :class:`ElementaryPredication`, :class:`Node`, and :class:`~delphin.mrs.xmrs.Xmrs`, to add `cfrom` and `cto` properties. These properties exist regardless of the whether the Lnk is a character span or not; if not, or if Lnk information is missing, they return the default value of `-1`. """ @property def cfrom(self): """ The initial character position in the surface string. Defaults to -1 if there is no valid cfrom value. """ cfrom = -1 try: if self.lnk.type == Lnk.CHARSPAN: cfrom =[0] except AttributeError: pass # use default cfrom of -1 return cfrom @property def cto(self): """ The final character position in the surface string. Defaults to -1 if there is no valid cto value. """ cto = -1 try: if self.lnk.type == Lnk.CHARSPAN: cto =[1] except AttributeError: pass # use default cto of -1 return cto # LINKS and CONSTRAINTS
[docs]class HandleConstraint( namedtuple('HandleConstraint', ('hi', 'relation', 'lo'))): """ A relation between two handles. Arguments: hi (str): hi handle (hole) of the constraint relation (str): relation of the constraint (nearly always `"qeq"`, but `"lheq"` and `"outscopes"` are also valid) lo (str): lo handle (label) of the constraint Attributes: hi (str): hi handle (hole) of the constraint relation (str): relation of the constraint lo (str): lo handle (label) of the constraint """ QEQ = 'qeq' # Equality modulo Quantifiers LHEQ = 'lheq' # Label-Handle Equality OUTSCOPES = 'outscopes' # Outscopes @classmethod def qeq(cls, hi, lo): return cls(hi, HandleConstraint.QEQ, lo) def __repr__(self): return '<HandleConstraint object ({} {} {}) at {}>'.format( str(self.hi), self.relation, str(self.lo), id(self) )
[docs]def hcons(xmrs): """Return the list of all HandleConstraints in *xmrs*.""" return [ HandleConstraint(hi, reln, lo) for hi, reln, lo in sorted(xmrs.hcons(), key=lambda hc: var_id(hc[0])) ]
[docs]class IndividualConstraint( namedtuple('IndividualConstraint', ['left', 'relation', 'right'])): """ A relation between two variables. Arguments: left (str): left variable of the constraint relation (str): relation of the constraint right (str): right variable of the constraint Attributes: left (str): left variable of the constraint relation (str): relation of the constraint right (str): right variable of the constraint """
[docs]def icons(xmrs): """Return the list of all IndividualConstraints in *xmrs*.""" return [ IndividualConstraint(left, reln, right) for left, reln, right in sorted(xmrs.icons(), key=lambda ic: var_id(ic[0])) ]
[docs]class Pred(namedtuple('Pred', ('type', 'lemma', 'pos', 'sense', 'string'))): """ A semantic predicate. **Abstract** predicates don't begin with an underscore, and they generally are defined as types in a grammar. **Surface** predicates always begin with an underscore (ignoring possible quotes), and are often defined as strings in a lexicon. In PyDelphin, Preds are equivalent if they have the same lemma, pos, and sense, and are both abstract or both surface preds. Other factors are ignored for comparison, such as their being surface-, abstract-, or real-preds, whether they are quoted or not, whether they end with `_rel` or not, or differences in capitalization. Hashed Pred objects (e.g., in a dict or set) also use the normalized form. However, unlike with equality comparisons, Pred-formatted strings are not treated as equivalent in a hash. Args: type: the type of predicate; valid values are Pred.ABSTRACT, Pred.REALPRED, and Pred.SURFACE, although in practice Preds are instantiated via classmethods that select the type lemma: the lemma of the predicate pos: the part-of-speech; a single, lowercase character sense: the (often omitted) sense of the predicate Returns: a Pred object Attributes: type: predicate type (Pred.ABSTRACT, Pred.REALPRED, and Pred.SURFACE) lemma: lemma component of the predicate pos: part-of-speech component of the predicate sense: sense component of the predicate Example: Preds are compared using their string representations. Surrounding quotes (double or single) are ignored, and capitalization doesn't matter. In addition, preds may be compared directly to their string representations: >>> p1 = Pred.surface('_dog_n_1_rel') >>> p2 = Pred.realpred(lemma='dog', pos='n', sense='1') >>> p3 = Pred.abstract('dog_n_1_rel') >>> p1 == p2 True >>> p1 == '_dog_n_1_rel' True >>> p1 == p3 False """ pred_re = re.compile( r'_?(?P<lemma>.*?)_' # match until last 1 or 2 parts r'((?P<pos>[a-z])_)?' # pos is always only 1 char r'((?P<sense>([^_\\]|(?:\\.))+)_)?' # no unescaped _s r'(?P<end>rel)$', re.IGNORECASE ) # Pred types (used mainly in input/output, not internally in pyDelphin) ABSTRACT = GRAMMARPRED = 0 # only a string allowed (quoted or not) REALPRED = 1 # may explicitly define lemma, pos, sense SURFACE = STRINGPRED = 2 # quoted string form of realpred def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False if not isinstance(other, Pred): other = Pred.surface(other) return self.short_form().lower() == other.short_form().lower() def __str__ (self): return self.string def __repr__(self): return '<Pred object {} at {}>'.format(self.string, id(self)) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.short_form())
[docs] @classmethod @deprecated(final_version='1.0.0', alternative='Pred.surface()') def stringpred(cls, predstr): """Instantiate a Pred from its quoted string representation.""" return cls.surface(predstr)
[docs] @classmethod def surface(cls, predstr): """Instantiate a Pred from its quoted string representation.""" lemma, pos, sense, _ = split_pred_string(predstr) return cls(Pred.SURFACE, lemma, pos, sense, predstr)
[docs] @classmethod @deprecated(final_version='1.0.0', alternative='Pred.abstract()') def grammarpred(cls, predstr): """Instantiate a Pred from its symbol string.""" return cls.abstract(predstr)
[docs] @classmethod def abstract(cls, predstr): """Instantiate a Pred from its symbol string.""" lemma, pos, sense, _ = split_pred_string(predstr) return cls(Pred.ABSTRACT, lemma, pos, sense, predstr)
[docs] @classmethod @deprecated(final_version='1.0.0', alternative='Pred.surface_or_abstract()') def string_or_grammar_pred(cls, predstr): """Instantiate a Pred from either its surface or abstract symbol.""" return cls.surface_or_abstract(predstr)
[docs] @classmethod def surface_or_abstract(cls, predstr): """Instantiate a Pred from either its surface or abstract symbol.""" if predstr.strip('"').lstrip("'").startswith('_'): return cls.surface(predstr) else: return cls.abstract(predstr)
[docs] @classmethod def realpred(cls, lemma, pos, sense=None): """Instantiate a Pred from its components.""" string_tokens = [lemma] if pos is not None: string_tokens.append(pos) if sense is not None: sense = str(sense) string_tokens.append(sense) predstr = '_'.join([''] + string_tokens + ['rel']) return cls(Pred.REALPRED, lemma, pos, sense, predstr)
[docs] def short_form(self): """ Return the pred string without quotes or a `_rel` suffix. The short form is the same as the normalized form from :func:`normalize_pred_string`. Example: >>> p = Pred.surface('"_cat_n_1_rel"') >>> p.short_form() '_cat_n_1' """ return normalize_pred_string(self.string)
[docs] def is_quantifier(self): """ Return `True` if the predicate has a quantifier part-of-speech. *Deprecated since v0.6.0* """ warnings.warn( 'Deprecated; try checking xmrs.nodeids(quantifier=True)', DeprecationWarning ) return self.pos == QUANTIFIER_POS
[docs]def split_pred_string(predstr): """ Split *predstr* and return the (lemma, pos, sense, suffix) components. Examples: >>> Pred.split_pred_string('_dog_n_1_rel') ('dog', 'n', '1', 'rel') >>> Pred.split_pred_string('quant_rel') ('quant', None, None, 'rel') """ predstr = predstr.strip('"\'') # surrounding quotes don't matter rel_added = False if not predstr.lower().endswith('_rel'): logging.debug('Predicate does not end in "_rel": {}' .format(predstr)) rel_added = True predstr += '_rel' match = if match is None: logging.debug('Unexpected predicate string: {}'.format(predstr)) return (predstr, None, None, None) # _lemma_pos(_sense)?_end return ('lemma'),'pos'),'sense'), None if rel_added else'end'))
[docs]def is_valid_pred_string(predstr): """ Return `True` if *predstr* is a valid predicate string. Examples: >>> is_valid_pred_string('"_dog_n_1_rel"') True >>> is_valid_pred_string('_dog_n_1') True >>> is_valid_pred_string('_dog_noun_1') False >>> is_valid_pred_string('dog_noun_1') True """ predstr = predstr.strip('"').lstrip("'") # this is a stricter regex than in Pred, but doesn't check POS return re.match( r'_([^ _\\]|\\.)+_[a-z](_([^ _\\]|\\.)+)?(_rel)?$' r'|[^_]([^ \\]|\\.)+(_rel)?$', predstr ) is not None
[docs]def normalize_pred_string(predstr): """ Normalize the predicate string *predstr* to a conventional form. This makes predicate strings more consistent by removing quotes and the `_rel` suffix, and by lowercasing them. Examples: >>> normalize_pred_string('"_dog_n_1_rel"') '_dog_n_1' >>> normalize_pred_string('_dog_n_1') '_dog_n_1' """ tokens = [t for t in split_pred_string(predstr)[:3] if t is not None] if predstr.lstrip('\'"')[:1] == '_': tokens = [''] + tokens return '_'.join(tokens).lower()
[docs]class Node( namedtuple('Node', ('nodeid', 'pred', 'sortinfo', 'lnk', 'surface', 'base', 'carg')), _LnkMixin): """ A DMRS node. Nodes are very simple predications for DMRSs. Nodes don't have arguments or labels like :class:`ElementaryPredication` objects, but they do have a property for CARGs and contain their variable sort and properties in `sortinfo`. Args: nodeid: node identifier pred (:class:`Pred`): semantic predicate sortinfo (dict, optional): mapping of morphosyntactic properties and values; the `cvarsort` property is specified in this mapping lnk (:class:`Lnk`, optional): surface alignment surface (str, optional): surface string base (str, optional): base form carg (str, optional): constant argument string Attributes: Attributes: pred (:class:`Pred`): semantic predicate sortinfo (dict): mapping of morphosyntactic properties and values; the `cvarsort` property is specified in this mapping lnk (:class:`Lnk`): surface alignment surface (str): surface string base (str): base form carg (str): constant argument string cfrom (int): surface alignment starting position cto (int): surface alignment ending position """ def __new__(cls, nodeid, pred, sortinfo=None, lnk=None, surface=None, base=None, carg=None): if sortinfo is None: sortinfo = {} elif not isinstance(sortinfo, MutableMapping): sortinfo = dict(sortinfo) return super(Node, cls).__new__( cls, nodeid, pred, sortinfo, lnk, surface, base, carg ) def __repr__(self): lnk = '' if self.lnk is not None: lnk = str(self.lnk) return '<Node object ({} [{}{}]) at {}>'.format( self.nodeid, self.pred.string, lnk, id(self) ) # note: without overriding __eq__, comparisons of sortinfo will be # be different if they are OrderedDicts and not in the same # order. Maybe this isn't a big deal? # def __eq__(self, other): # # not doing self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ right now, because # # functions like self.get_property show up there # snid = self.nodeid # onid = other.nodeid # return ((None in (snid, onid) or snid == onid) and # self.pred == other.pred and # # make one side a regular dict for unordered comparison # dict(self.sortinfo.items()) == other.sortinfo and # self.lnk == other.lnk and # self.surface == other.surface and # self.base == other.base and # self.carg == other.carg) def __lt__(self, other): warnings.warn("Deprecated", DeprecationWarning) x1 = (self.cfrom, self.cto, self.pred.pos != QUANTIFIER_POS, self.pred.lemma) try: x2 = (other.cfrom, other.cto, other.pred.pos != QUANTIFIER_POS, other.pred.lemma) return x1 < x2 except AttributeError: return NotImplemented @property def cvarsort(self): """ The "variable" type of the predicate. Note: DMRS does not use variables, but it is useful to indicate whether a node is an individual, eventuality, etc., so this property encodes that information. """ return self.sortinfo.get(CVARSORT) @cvarsort.setter def cvarsort(self, value): self.sortinfo[CVARSORT] = value @property def properties(self): """ Morphosemantic property mapping. Unlike :attr:`sortinfo`, this does not include `cvarsort`. """ d = dict(self.sortinfo) if CVARSORT in d: del d[CVARSORT] return d
[docs] def is_quantifier(self): """ Return `True` if the Node's predicate appears to be a quantifier. *Deprecated since v0.6.0* """ warnings.warn( 'Deprecated; try checking xmrs.nodeids(quantifier=True)', DeprecationWarning ) return self.pred.is_quantifier()
[docs]def nodes(xmrs): """Return the list of Nodes for *xmrs*.""" nodes = [] _props = varsplit = sort_vid_split for p in xmrs.eps(): sortinfo = None iv = p.intrinsic_variable if iv is not None: sort, _ = varsplit(iv) sortinfo = _props(iv) sortinfo[CVARSORT] = sort nodes.append( Node(p.nodeid, p.pred, sortinfo, p.lnk, p.surface, p.base, p.carg) ) return nodes
[docs]class ElementaryPredication( namedtuple('ElementaryPredication', ('nodeid', 'pred', 'label', 'args', 'lnk', 'surface', 'base')), _LnkMixin): """ An MRS elementary predication (EP). EPs combine a predicate with various structural semantic properties. They must have a `nodeid`, `pred`, and `label`. Arguments and other properties are optional. Note nodeids are not a formal property of MRS (unlike DMRS, or the "anchors" of RMRS), but they are required for Pydelphin to uniquely identify EPs in an :class:`~delphin.mrs.xmrs.Xmrs`. Intrinsic arguments (`ARG0`) are not required, but they are important for many semantic operations, and therefore it is a good idea to include them. Args: nodeid: a nodeid pred (:class:`Pred`): semantic predicate label (str): scope handle args (dict, optional): mapping of roles to values lnk (:class:`Lnk`, optional): surface alignment surface (str, optional): surface string base (str, optional): base form Attributes: nodeid: a nodeid pred (:class:`Pred`): semantic predicate label (str): scope handle args (dict): mapping of roles to values lnk (:class:`Lnk`): surface alignment surface (str): surface string base (str): base form cfrom (int): surface alignment starting position cto (int): surface alignment ending position """ def __new__(cls, nodeid, pred, label, args=None, lnk=None, surface=None, base=None): if args is None: args = {} # else: # args = dict((a.rargname, a) for a in args) return super(ElementaryPredication, cls).__new__( cls, nodeid, pred, label, args, lnk, surface, base ) def __repr__(self): return '<ElementaryPredication object ({} ({})) at {}>'.format( self.pred.string, str(self.iv or '?'), id(self) ) def __lt__(self, other): warnings.warn("Deprecated", DeprecationWarning) x1 = (self.cfrom, self.cto, -self.is_quantifier(), self.pred.lemma) try: x2 = (other.cfrom, other.cto, -other.is_quantifier(), other.pred.lemma) return x1 < x2 except AttributeError: return NotImplemented # these properties are specific to the EP's qualities @property def intrinsic_variable(self): """ The value of the intrinsic argument (likely `ARG0`). """ if IVARG_ROLE in self.args: return self.args[IVARG_ROLE] return None #: A synonym for :attr:`ElementaryPredication.intrinsic_variable` iv = intrinsic_variable @property def carg(self): """ The value of the constant argument. """ return self.args.get(CONSTARG_ROLE, None)
[docs] def is_quantifier(self): """ Return `True` if this is a quantifier predication. """ return RSTR_ROLE in self.args
[docs]def elementarypredications(xmrs): """ Return the list of :class:`ElementaryPredication` objects in *xmrs*. """ return list(starmap(ElementaryPredication, xmrs.eps()))
[docs]def elementarypredication(xmrs, nodeid): """ Retrieve the elementary predication with the given nodeid. Args: nodeid: nodeid of the EP to return Returns: :class:`ElementaryPredication` Raises: :exc:`KeyError`: if no EP matches """ return ElementaryPredication(*xmrs.ep(nodeid))