Source code for delphin.mrs.dmrx

DMRX (XML for DMRS) serialization and deserialization.

# Author: Michael Wayne Goodman <>

from __future__ import print_function

from collections import OrderedDict
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree

from delphin.mrs import (Dmrs, Node, Link, Pred, Lnk)
from delphin.mrs.components import (nodes, links)
from delphin.mrs.config import QUANTIFIER_POS
from delphin.mrs.util import etree_tostring

# Pickle-API methods

[docs]def load(fh, single=False): """ Deserialize DMRX from a file (handle or filename) Args: fh (str, file): input filename or file object single: if `True`, only return the first read Xmrs object Returns: a generator of Xmrs objects (unless the *single* option is `True`) """ ms = deserialize(fh) if single: ms = next(ms) return ms
[docs]def loads(s, single=False): """ Deserialize DMRX string representations Args: s (str): a DMRX string single (bool): if `True`, only return the first Xmrs object Returns: a generator of Xmrs objects (unless *single* is `True`) """ corpus = etree.fromstring(s) if single: ds = _deserialize_dmrs(next(iter(corpus))) else: ds = (_deserialize_dmrs(dmrs_elem) for dmrs_elem in corpus) return ds
[docs]def dump(destination, ms, single=False, properties=True, pretty_print=False, **kwargs): """ Serialize Xmrs objects to DMRX and write to a file Args: destination: filename or file object where data will be written ms: an iterator of Xmrs objects to serialize (unless the *single* option is `True`) single: if `True`, treat *ms* as a single Xmrs object instead of as an iterator properties: if `False`, suppress variable properties pretty_print: if `True`, add newlines and indentation """ text = dumps(ms, single=single, properties=properties, pretty_print=pretty_print, **kwargs) if hasattr(destination, 'write'): print(text, file=destination) else: with open(destination, 'w') as fh: print(text, file=fh)
[docs]def dumps(ms, single=False, properties=True, pretty_print=False, **kwargs): """ Serialize an Xmrs object to a DMRX representation Args: ms: an iterator of Xmrs objects to serialize (unless the *single* option is `True`) single: if `True`, treat *ms* as a single Xmrs object instead of as an iterator properties: if `False`, suppress variable properties pretty_print: if `True`, add newlines and indentation Returns: a DMRX string representation of a corpus of Xmrs """ if not pretty_print and kwargs.get('indent'): pretty_print = True if single: ms = [ms] return serialize(ms, properties=properties, pretty_print=pretty_print)
# for convenience load_one = lambda fh: load(fh, single=True) loads_one = lambda s: loads(s, single=True) dump_one = lambda fh, m, **kwargs: dump(fh, m, single=True, **kwargs) dumps_one = lambda m, **kwargs: dumps(m, single=True, **kwargs) ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Decoding def deserialize(fh): # <!ELEMENT dmrs-list (dmrs)*> # if memory becomes a big problem, consider catching start events, # get the root element (later start events can be ignored), and # root.clear() after decoding each mrs for _, elem in etree.iterparse(fh, events=('end',)): if elem.tag == 'dmrs': yield _deserialize_dmrs(elem) elem.clear() def _deserialize_dmrs(elem): # <!ELEMENT dmrs (node|link)*> # <!ATTLIST dmrs # cfrom CDATA #REQUIRED # cto CDATA #REQUIRED # surface CDATA #IMPLIED # ident CDATA #IMPLIED > elem = elem.find('.') # in case elem is an ElementTree rather than Element return Dmrs(nodes=list(map(_decode_node, elem.iter('node'))), links=list(map(_decode_link, elem.iter('link'))), top=elem.get('top'), index=elem.get('index'), xarg=elem.get('xarg'), lnk=_decode_lnk(elem), surface=elem.get('surface'), identifier=elem.get('ident')) def _decode_node(elem): # <!ELEMENT node ((realpred|gpred), sortinfo)> # <!ATTLIST node # nodeid CDATA #REQUIRED # cfrom CDATA #REQUIRED # cto CDATA #REQUIRED # surface CDATA #IMPLIED # base CDATA #IMPLIED # carg CDATA #IMPLIED > return Node(pred=_decode_pred(elem.find('*[1]')), nodeid=elem.get('nodeid'), sortinfo=_decode_sortinfo(elem.find('sortinfo')), lnk=_decode_lnk(elem), surface=elem.get('surface'), base=elem.get('base'), carg=elem.get('carg')) def _decode_pred(elem): # <!ELEMENT realpred EMPTY> # <!ATTLIST realpred # lemma CDATA #REQUIRED # pos (v|n|j|r|p|q|c|x|u|a|s) #REQUIRED # sense CDATA #IMPLIED > # <!ELEMENT gpred (#PCDATA)> if elem.tag == 'gpred': return Pred.abstract(elem.text) elif elem.tag == 'realpred': return Pred.realpred(elem.get('lemma'), elem.get('pos') or None, elem.get('sense')) def _decode_sortinfo(elem): # <!ELEMENT sortinfo EMPTY> # <!ATTLIST sortinfo # cvarsort (x|e|i|u) #IMPLIED # num (sg|pl|u) #IMPLIED # pers (1|2|3|1-or-3|u) #IMPLIED # gend (m|f|n|m-or-f|u) #IMPLIED # sf (prop|ques|comm|prop-or-ques|u) #IMPLIED # tense (past|pres|fut|tensed|untensed|u) #IMPLIED # mood (indicative|subjunctive|u) #IMPLIED # prontype (std_pron|zero_pron|refl|u) #IMPLIED # prog (plus|minus|u) #IMPLIED # perf (plus|minus|u) #IMPLIED # ind (plus|minus|u) #IMPLIED > # note: Just accept any properties, since these are ERG-specific return elem.attrib def _decode_link(elem): # <!ELEMENT link (rargname, post)> # <!ATTLIST link # from CDATA #REQUIRED # to CDATA #REQUIRED > # <!ELEMENT rargname (#PCDATA)> # <!ELEMENT post (#PCDATA)> return Link(start=elem.get('from'), end=elem.get('to'), rargname=getattr(elem.find('rargname'), 'text', None), post=getattr(elem.find('post'), 'text', None)) def _decode_lnk(elem): return Lnk.charspan(elem.get('cfrom', '-1'), elem.get('cto', '-1')) ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Encoding def serialize(ms, properties=True, encoding='unicode', pretty_print=False): e = etree.Element('dmrs-list') for m in ms: e.append(_encode_dmrs(m, properties)) # for now, pretty_print=True is the same as pretty_print='LKB' if pretty_print in ('LKB', 'lkb', 'Lkb', True): lkb_pprint_re = re.compile(r'(<dmrs[^>]+>|</node>|</link>|</dmrs>)') string = str(etree_tostring(e, encoding=encoding)) return lkb_pprint_re.sub(r'\1\n', string) # pretty_print is only lxml. Look into tostringlist, maybe? # return etree.tostring(e, pretty_print=pretty_print, encoding='unicode') return etree_tostring(e, encoding=encoding) def _encode_dmrs(m, properties): attributes = OrderedDict([('cfrom', str(m.cfrom)), ('cto', str(m.cto))]) # if is not None: ... currently handled by links() if m.index is not None: idx = m.nodeid(m.index) if idx is not None: attributes['index'] = str(idx) if m.xarg is not None: xarg = m.nodeid(m.xarg) if xarg is not None: attributes['xarg'] = str(xarg) if m.surface is not None: attributes['surface'] = m.surface if m.identifier is not None: attributes['ident'] = m.identifier e = etree.Element('dmrs', attrib=attributes) for node in nodes(m): e.append(_encode_node(node, properties)) for link in links(m): e.append(_encode_link(link)) return e def _encode_node(node, properties): attributes = OrderedDict([('nodeid', str(node.nodeid)), ('cfrom', str(node.cfrom)), ('cto', str(node.cto))]) if node.surface is not None: attributes['surface'] = node.surface if node.base is not None: attributes['base'] = node.base if node.carg is not None: attributes['carg'] = node.carg e = etree.Element('node', attrib=attributes) e.append(_encode_pred(node.pred)) e.append(_encode_sortinfo(node, properties)) return e def _encode_pred(pred): if pred.type == Pred.ABSTRACT: e = etree.Element('gpred') e.text = pred.string.strip('"\'') elif pred.type in (Pred.REALPRED, Pred.SURFACE): attributes = {} attributes['lemma'] = pred.lemma if pred.pos is None: attributes['pos'] = "" else: attributes['pos'] = pred.pos if pred.sense is not None: attributes['sense'] = str(pred.sense) e = etree.Element('realpred', attrib=attributes) return e def _encode_sortinfo(node, properties): attributes = OrderedDict() # return empty <sortinfo/> for quantifiers if node.pred.pos == QUANTIFIER_POS: return etree.Element('sortinfo') # return empty <sortinfo/> if properties and node.sortinfo: for k, v in node.sortinfo.items(): attributes[k.lower()] = str(v) e = etree.Element('sortinfo', attrib=attributes or {}) return e def _encode_link(link): e = etree.Element('link', attrib={'from': str(link.start), 'to': str(link.end)}) rargname = etree.Element('rargname') rargname.text = link.rargname post = etree.Element('post') post.text = e.append(rargname) e.append(post) return e