Source code for delphin.mrs.prolog

Serialization functions for the Prolog format.

    >>> from delphin.interfaces import rest
    >>> from delphin.mrs import prolog
    >>> response = rest.parse('The dog sleeps soundly.', params={'mrs':'json'})
    >>> print(prolog.dumps([response.result(0).mrs()], pretty_print=True))

# Author: Michael Wayne Goodman <>

from __future__ import print_function

[docs]def dump(destination, ms, single=False, pretty_print=False, **kwargs): """ Serialize Xmrs objects to the Prolog representation and write to a file. Args: destination: filename or file object where data will be written ms: an iterator of Xmrs objects to serialize (unless the *single* option is `True`) single: if `True`, treat *ms* as a single Xmrs object instead of as an iterator pretty_print: if `True`, add newlines and indentation """ text = dumps(ms, single=single, pretty_print=pretty_print, **kwargs) if hasattr(destination, 'write'): print(text, file=destination) else: with open(destination, 'w') as fh: print(text, file=fh)
[docs]def dumps(ms, single=False, pretty_print=False, **kwargs): """ Serialize an Xmrs object to the Prolog representation Args: ms: an iterator of Xmrs objects to serialize (unless the *single* option is `True`) single: if `True`, treat *ms* as a single Xmrs object instead of as an iterator pretty_print: if `True`, add newlines and indentation Returns: the Prolog string representation of a corpus of Xmrs """ if single: ms = [ms] return serialize(ms, pretty_print=pretty_print, **kwargs)
dump_one = lambda fh, m, **kwargs: dump(fh, m, single=True, **kwargs) dumps_one = lambda m, **kwargs: dumps(m, single=True, **kwargs) def serialize(ms, pretty_print=False, **kwargs): # structures pl = 'psoa({topvars},{_}[{rels}],{_}hcons([{hcons}]){icons})' plep = "rel('{pred}',{lbl},{___}[{attrvals}])" plav = "attrval('{attr}',{val})" plvc = '{reln}({left},{right})' # various indent levels delim = '\n' if pretty_print else ' ' _ = '\n ' if pretty_print else '' # lizst, hcons, icons __ = ',\n ' if pretty_print else ',' # rels ___ = '\n ' if pretty_print else '' # attrlist ____ = ',\n ' if pretty_print else ',' # attrval outputs = [] for m in ms: mvars = set(m.variables()) topvars = [str(] if m.index is not None: topvars.append(str(m.index)) icons = '' if m.icons(): icons = ',{_}icons([{ics}])'.format( _=_, ics=','.join( plvc.format(reln=ic.relation, left=ic.left, right=ic.right) for ic in m.icons() ) ) output = pl.format( topvars=','.join(topvars), rels=__.join( plep.format( pred=ep.pred.string, lbl=ep.label, ___=___, attrvals=____.join( plav.format( attr=rarg, val=val if val in mvars else "'{}'".format(val) ) for rarg, val in ep.args.items() ) ) for ep in m.eps() ), hcons=','.join( plvc.format(reln=hc.relation, left=hc.hi, right=hc.lo) for hc in m.hcons() ), icons=icons, _=_, ___=___ ) outputs.append(output) return delim.join(outputs)