Source code for delphin.mrs.query

Functions for inspecting and interpreting the structure of an Xmrs.

from itertools import product

from delphin.mrs.components import nodes, links, var_id
from delphin.mrs.util import rargname_sortkey
from delphin.util import deprecated

# query methods
[docs]def select_nodeids(xmrs, iv=None, label=None, pred=None): """ Return the list of matching nodeids in *xmrs*. Nodeids in *xmrs* match if their corresponding :class:`~delphin.mrs.components.ElementaryPredication` object matches its `intrinsic_variable` to *iv*, `label` to *label*, and `pred` to *pred*. The *iv*, *label*, and *pred* filters are ignored if they are `None`. Args: xmrs (:class:`~delphin.mrs.xmrs.Xmrs`): semantic structure to query iv (str, optional): intrinsic variable to match label (str, optional): label to match pred (str, :class:`~delphin.mrs.components.Pred`, optional): predicate to match Returns: list: matching nodeids """ def datamatch(nid): ep = xmrs.ep(nid) return ((iv is None or ep.iv == iv) and (pred is None or ep.pred == pred) and (label is None or ep.label == label)) return list(filter(datamatch, xmrs.nodeids()))
[docs]def select_nodes(xmrs, nodeid=None, pred=None): """ Return the list of matching nodes in *xmrs*. DMRS :class:`nodes <delphin.mrs.components.node>` for *xmrs* match if their `nodeid` matches *nodeid* and `pred` matches *pred*. The *nodeid* and *pred* filters are ignored if they are `None`. Args: xmrs (:class:`~delphin.mrs.xmrs.Xmrs`): semantic structure to query nodeid (optional): DMRS nodeid to match pred (str, :class:`~delphin.mrs.components.Pred`, optional): predicate to match Returns: list: matching nodes """ nodematch = lambda n: ((nodeid is None or n.nodeid == nodeid) and (pred is None or n.pred == pred)) return list(filter(nodematch, nodes(xmrs)))
[docs]def select_eps(xmrs, nodeid=None, iv=None, label=None, pred=None): """ Return the list of matching elementary predications in *xmrs*. :class:`~delphin.mrs.components.ElementaryPredication` objects for *xmrs* match if their `nodeid` matches *nodeid*, `intrinsic_variable` matches *iv*, `label` matches *label*, and `pred` to *pred*. The *nodeid*, *iv*, *label*, and *pred* filters are ignored if they are `None`. Args: xmrs (:class:`~delphin.mrs.xmrs.Xmrs`): semantic structure to query nodeid (optional): nodeid to match iv (str, optional): intrinsic variable to match label (str, optional): label to match pred (str, :class:`~delphin.mrs.components.Pred`, optional): predicate to match Returns: list: matching elementary predications """ epmatch = lambda n: ((nodeid is None or n.nodeid == nodeid) and (iv is None or n.iv == iv) and (label is None or n.label == label) and (pred is None or n.pred == pred)) return list(filter(epmatch, xmrs.eps()))
[docs]def select_args(xmrs, nodeid=None, rargname=None, value=None): """ Return the list of matching (nodeid, role, value) triples in *xmrs*. Predication arguments in *xmrs* match if the `nodeid` of the :class:`~delphin.mrs.components.ElementaryPredication` they are arguments of match *nodeid*, their role matches *rargname*, and their value matches *value*. The *nodeid*, *rargname*, and *value* filters are ignored if they are `None`. Note: The *value* filter matches the variable, handle, or constant that is the overt value for the argument. If you want to find arguments that target a particular nodeid, look into :meth:`Xmrs.incoming_args() <delphin.mrs.xmrs.Xmrs.incoming_args>`. If you want to match a target value to its resolved object, see :func:`find_argument_target`. Args: xmrs (:class:`~delphin.mrs.xmrs.Xmrs`): semantic structure to query nodeid (optional): nodeid to match rargname (str, optional): role name to match value (str, optional): argument value to match Returns: list: matching arguments as (nodeid, role, value) triples """ argmatch = lambda a: ((nodeid is None or a[0] == nodeid) and (rargname is None or a[1].upper() == rargname.upper()) and (value is None or a[2] == value)) all_args = ( (nid, role, val) for nid in xmrs.nodeids() for role, val in sorted( xmrs.args(nid).items(), key=lambda i: rargname_sortkey(i[0]) ) ) return list(filter(argmatch, all_args))
[docs]def select_hcons(xmrs, hi=None, relation=None, lo=None): """ Return the list of matching HCONS for *xmrs*. :class:`~delphin.mrs.components.HandleConstraint` objects for *xmrs* match if their `hi` matches *hi*, `relation` matches *relation*, and `lo` matches *lo*. The *hi*, *relation*, and *lo* filters are ignored if they are `None`. Args: xmrs (:class:`~delphin.mrs.xmrs.Xmrs`): semantic structure to query hi (str, optional): hi handle (hole) to match relation (str, optional): handle constraint relation to match lo (str, optional): lo handle (label) to match Returns: list: matching HCONS """ hcmatch = lambda hc: ( (hi is None or hc.hi == hi) and (relation is None or hc.relation == relation) and (lo is None or hc.lo == lo)) return list(filter(hcmatch, xmrs.hcons()))
[docs]def select_icons(xmrs, left=None, relation=None, right=None): """ Return the list of matching ICONS for *xmrs*. :class:`~delphin.mrs.components.IndividualConstraint` objects for *xmrs* match if their `left` matches *left*, `relation` matches *relation*, and `right` matches *right*. The *left*, *relation*, and *right* filters are ignored if they are `None`. Args: xmrs (:class:`~delphin.mrs.xmrs.Xmrs`): semantic structure to query left (str, optional): left variable to match relation (str, optional): individual constraint relation to match right (str, optional): right variable to match Returns: list: matching ICONS """ icmatch = lambda ic: ( (left is None or ic.left == left) and (relation is None or ic.relation == relation) and (right is None or ic.right == right)) return list(filter(icmatch, xmrs.icons()))
[docs]def find_argument_target(xmrs, nodeid, rargname): """ Return the target of an argument (rather than just the variable). Note: If the argument value is an intrinsic variable whose target is an EP that has a quantifier, the non-quantifier EP's nodeid will be returned. With this nodeid, one can then use :meth:`Xmrs.nodeid() <delphin.mrs.xmrs.Xmrs.nodeid>` to get its quantifier's nodeid. Args: xmrs (:class:`~delphin.mrs.xmrs.Xmrs`): semantic structure to use nodeid: nodeid of the argument. rargname: role name of the argument. Returns: The object that is the target of the argument. Possible values include: ================== ===== ============================= Argument value e.g. Target ------------------ ----- ----------------------------- intrinsic variable x4 nodeid; of the EP with the IV hole variable h0 nodeid; HCONS's labelset head label h1 nodeid; label's labelset head unbound variable i3 the variable itself constant "IBM" the constant itself ================== ===== ============================= """ tgt = xmrs.args(nodeid)[rargname] if tgt in xmrs.variables(): try: return xmrs.nodeid(tgt) except KeyError: pass try: tgt = xmrs.hcon(tgt).lo return next(iter(xmrs.labelset_heads(tgt)), None) except KeyError: pass try: return next(iter(xmrs.labelset_heads(tgt))) except (KeyError, StopIteration): pass return tgt
[docs]def find_subgraphs_by_preds(xmrs, preds, connected=None): """ Yield subgraphs matching a list of predicates. Predicates may match multiple EPs/nodes in the *xmrs*, meaning that more than one subgraph is possible. Also, predicates in *preds* match in number, so if a predicate appears twice in *preds*, there will be two matching EPs/nodes in each subgraph. Args: xmrs (:class:`~delphin.mrs.xmrs.Xmrs`): semantic structure to use preds: iterable of predicates to include in subgraphs connected (bool, optional): if `True`, all yielded subgraphs must be connected, as determined by :meth:`Xmrs.is_connected() <delphin.mrs.xmrs.Xmrs.is_connected>`. Yields: A :class:`~delphin.mrs.xmrs.Xmrs` object for each subgraphs found. """ preds = list(preds) count = len(preds) # find all lists of nodeids such that the lists have no repeated nids; # keep them as a list (fixme: why not just get sets?) nidsets = set( tuple(sorted(ns)) for ns in filter( lambda ns: len(set(ns)) == count, product(*[select_nodeids(xmrs, pred=p) for p in preds]) ) ) for nidset in nidsets: sg = xmrs.subgraph(nidset) if connected is None or sg.is_connected() == connected: yield sg
# def introduced_variables(xmrs): # return [var for var, vd in xmrs._vars.items() # if 'iv' in vd or 'LBL' in vd['refs'] or 'hcons' in vd]
[docs]def intrinsic_variables(xmrs): """Return the list of all intrinsic variables in *xmrs*""" ivs = set( ep.intrinsic_variable for ep in xmrs.eps() if not ep.is_quantifier() and ep.intrinsic_variable is not None ) return sorted(ivs, key=var_id)
[docs]def bound_variables(xmrs): """Return the list of all bound variables in *xmrs*""" bvs = set( ep.intrinsic_variable for ep in xmrs.eps() if ep.is_quantifier() and ep.intrinsic_variable is not None ) return sorted(bvs, key=var_id)
[docs]def in_labelset(xmrs, nodeids, label=None): """ Test if all nodeids share a label. Args: nodeids: iterable of nodeids label (str, optional): the label that all nodeids must share Returns: bool: `True` if all nodeids share a label, otherwise `False` """ nodeids = set(nodeids) if label is None: label = xmrs.ep(next(iter(nodeids))).label return nodeids.issubset(xmrs._vars[label]['refs']['LBL'])
# deprecated @deprecated(final_version='1.0.0', alternative='xmrs.ep(nid).intrinsic_variable') def intrinsic_variable(xmrs, nid): return xmrs.ep(nid).intrinsic_variable @deprecated(final_version='1.0.0', alternative='xmrs.nodeid(xmrs.ep(nodeid).iv, quantifier=True)') def find_quantifier(xmrs, nodeid): ep = xmrs.ep(nodeid) if not ep.is_quantifier(): return xmrs.nodeid(xmrs.ep(nodeid).iv, quantifier=True) return None @deprecated(final_version='1.0.0', alternative='xmrs.outgoing_args(nodeid)') def get_outbound_args(xmrs, nodeid, allow_unbound=True): tgts = set(intrinsic_variables(xmrs)) tgts.update(xmrs.labels()) tgts.update(hc.hi for hc in xmrs.hcons()) return [ (nodeid, role, val) for role, val in sorted( xmrs.outgoing_args(nodeid).items(), key=lambda r_v: rargname_sortkey(r_v[0]) ) if allow_unbound or val in tgts ] @deprecated(final_version='1.0.0', alternative='xmrs.nodeid(iv, quantifier=quantifier)') def nodeid(xmrs, iv, quantifier=False): return xmrs.nodeid(iv, quantifier=quantifier)