Source code for delphin.mrs.semi

Semantic Interface (SEM-I)

Semantic interfaces (SEM-Is) describe the inventory of semantic
components in a grammar, including variables, properties, roles, and
predicates. This information can be used for validating semantic
structures or for filling out missing information in incomplete

.. seealso::
  - Wiki on SEM-I:


import re
from os.path import dirname, join as pjoin
from collections import namedtuple


_variable_entry_re = re.compile(
    r'(?P<var>[^ <:.]+)'
    r'(?: < (?P<supertypes>[^ &:.]+(?: & [^ &:.]+)*))?'
    r'(?: : (?P<properties>[^ ]+ [^ ,.]+(?:, [^ ]+ [^ ,.]+)*))?'

_property_entry_re = re.compile(
    r'(?P<type>[^ <.]+)'
    r'(?: < (?P<supertypes>[^ &.]+(?: & [^ &.]+)*))?'

_role_entry_re = re.compile(
    r'(?P<role>[^ :]+) : (?P<value>[^ .]+)\s*\.\s*$',

_predicate_entry_re = re.compile(
    r'(?P<pred>[^ <:.]+)'
    r'(?: < (?P<supertypes>[^ &:.]+(?: & [^ &:.]+)*))?'
    r'(?: : (?P<synposis>.*[^ .]))?'

_synopsis_re = re.compile(
    r'(?P<role>[^ ]+) (?P<value>[^ ,.{\]]+)'
    r'(?:\s*\{\s*(?P<properties>[^ ]+ [^ ,}]+(?:, [^ ]+ [^ ,}]+)*)\s*\})?'

TOP = '*top*'

[docs]class Variable(namedtuple('Variable', ('type', 'supertypes', 'proplist'))): """An MRS variable description.""" @property def properties(self): """Properties constrained by the Variable.""" return dict(self.proplist)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """Instantiate a Variable from a dictionary representation.""" return cls( d['type'], tuple(d['parents']), list(d['properties'].items()) )
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return a dictionary representation of the Variable.""" return { 'type': self.type, 'parents': list(self.supertypes), 'properties': }
[docs]class Role(namedtuple('Role', ('rargname', 'value', 'proplist', 'optional'))): """An MRS role description.""" def __new__(cls, rargname, value, proplist=None, optional=False): if proplist is None: proplist = [] return super(Role, cls).__new__( cls, rargname, value, proplist, optional ) @property def properties(self): """Properties constrained by the Role.""" return dict(self.proplist)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """Instantiate a Role from a dictionary representation.""" return cls( d['rargname'], d['value'], list(d.get('properties', {}).items()), d.get('optional', False) )
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return a dictionary representation of the Role.""" d = {'rargname': self.rargname, 'value': self.value} if d['properties'] = if self.optional: d['optional'] = self.optional return d
[docs]class Property(namedtuple('Property', ('type', 'supertypes'))): """An MRS morphosemantic property description."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """Instantiate a Property from a dictionary representation.""" return cls(d['type'], tuple(d['parents']))
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return a dictionary representation of the Property.""" return {'type': self.type, 'parents': list(self.supertypes)}
[docs]class Predicate(namedtuple('Predicate', ('predicate', 'supertypes', 'synopses'))): """An MRS predicate description."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """Instantiate a Predicate from a dictionary representation.""" synopses = [tuple(map(Role.from_dict, synopsis)) for synopsis in d.get('synopses', [])] return cls(d['predicate'], tuple(d['parents']), synopses)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return a dictionary representation of the Predicate.""" return { 'predicate': self.predicate, 'parents': list(self.supertypes), 'synopses': [[role.to_dict() for role in synopsis] for synopsis in self.synopses] }
# TOP = type('*top*', tuple(), {}) # _var_dict = { # 'supertypes': lambda self: self.__bases__, # }
[docs]def load(fn): """ Read the SEM-I beginning at the filename *fn* and return the SemI. Args: fn: the filename of the top file for the SEM-I. Note: this must be a filename and not a file-like object. Returns: The SemI defined by *fn* """ data = _load_file(fn) return SemI(**data)
def _load_file(fn): data = _read_file(fn, dirname(fn)) data['predicates'] = [ (pred, Predicate(pred, tuple(d['supertypes']), d['synopses'])) for pred, d in data['predicates'].items() ] return data def _read_file(fn, basedir): data = { 'variables': [], 'properties': [], 'roles': [], 'predicates': {}, } section = None for line in open(fn, 'r'): line = line.lstrip() if not line or line.startswith(';'): continue match = re.match(r'(?P<name>[^: ]+):\s*$', line) if match is not None: name ='name') if name not in _SEMI_SECTIONS: raise ValueError('Invalid SEM-I section: {}'.format(name)) else: section = name continue match = re.match(r'include:\s*(?P<filename>.+)$', line, flags=re.U) if match is not None: include_fn = pjoin(basedir,'filename').rstrip()) include_data = _read_file(include_fn, dirname(include_fn)) data['variables'].extend(include_data.get('variables', [])) data['properties'].extend(include_data.get('properties', [])) data['roles'].extend(include_data.get('roles', [])) for pred, d in include_data['predicates'].items(): if pred not in data['predicates']: data['predicates'][pred] = { 'supertypes': [], 'synopses': [] } if d.get('supertypes'): data['predicates'][pred]['supertypes'] = d['supertypes'] if d.get('synopses'): data['predicates'][pred]['synopses'].extend(d['synopses']) if section == 'variables': # e.g. e < i : PERF bool, TENSE tense. match = _variable_entry_re.match(line) if match is not None: identifier ='var') supertypes ='supertypes') or tuple() if supertypes: supertypes = tuple(supertypes.split(' & ')) properties ='properties') or [] if properties: pairs = properties.split(', ') properties = [tuple(pair.split()) for pair in pairs] v = Variable(identifier, supertypes, properties) # v = type(identifier, supertypes, d) data['variables'].append((identifier, v)) else: raise ValueError('Invalid entry: {}'.format(line)) elif section == 'properties': # e.g. + < bool. match = _property_entry_re.match(line) if match is not None: _type ='type') supertypes ='supertypes') or tuple() if supertypes: supertypes = tuple(supertypes.split(' & ')) p = Property(_type, supertypes) data['properties'].append((_type, p)) else: raise ValueError('Invalid entry: {}'.format(line)) elif section == 'roles': # e.g. + < bool. match = _role_entry_re.match(line) if match is not None: rargname, value ='role'),'value') r = Role(rargname, value) data['roles'].append((rargname, r)) else: raise ValueError('Invalid entry: {}'.format(line)) elif section == 'predicates': # e.g. _predicate_n_1 : ARG0 x { IND + }. match = _predicate_entry_re.match(line) if match is not None: pred ='pred') if pred not in data['predicates']: data['predicates'][pred] = { 'supertypes': [], 'synopses': [] } sups ='supertypes') if sups: data['predicates'][pred]['supertypes'] = sups.split(' & ') synposis ='synposis') roles = [] if synposis: for rolematch in _synopsis_re.finditer(synposis): d = rolematch.groupdict() rprops = d['properties'] or [] if rprops: pairs = rprops.split(', ') rprops = [tuple(pair.split()) for pair in pairs] roles.append( Role(d['role'], d['value'], rprops, bool(d['opt'])) ) data['predicates'][pred]['synopses'].append(tuple(roles)) return data
[docs]class SemI(object): """ A semantic interface. SEM-Is describe the semantic inventory for a grammar. These include the variable types, valid properties for variables, valid roles for predications, and a lexicon of predicates with associated roles. Args: variables: a mapping of (var, Variable) properties: a mapping of (prop, Property) roles: a mapping of (role, Role) predicates: a mapping of (pred, Predicate) """ def __init__(self, variables=None, properties=None, roles=None, predicates=None): self.variables = dict(variables) if variables is not None else {} = dict(properties) if properties is not None else {} self.roles = dict(roles) if roles is not None else {} self.predicates = dict(predicates) if predicates is not None else {}
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """Instantiate a SemI from a dictionary representation.""" read = lambda cls: (lambda pair: (pair[0], cls.from_dict(pair[1]))) return cls( variables=map(read(Variable), d.get('variables', {}).items()), properties=map(read(Property), d.get('properties', {}).items()), roles=map(read(Role), d.get('roles', {}).items()), predicates=map(read(Predicate), d.get('predicates', {}).items()) )
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return a dictionary representation of the SemI.""" make = lambda pair: (pair[0], pair[1].to_dict()) return dict( variables=dict(make(v) for v in self.variables.items()), properties=dict(make(p) for p in, roles=dict(make(r) for r in self.roles.items()), predicates=dict(make(p) for p in self.predicates.items()) )