Source code for delphin.tfs

Basic classes for modeling feature structures.

This module defines the :class:`FeatureStructure` and
:class:`TypedFeatureStructure` classes, which model an attribute value
matrix (AVM), with the latter including an associated type. They allow
feature access through TDL-style dot notation regular dictionary keys.

In addition, the :class:`TypeHierarchy` class implements a
multiple-inheritance hierarchy with checks for type subsumption and


from __future__ import unicode_literals

[docs]class FeatureStructure(object): """ A feature structure. This class manages the access of nested features using dot-delimited notation (e.g., `SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD`). Args: featvals (dict, list): a mapping or iterable of feature paths to feature values """ __slots__ = ('_avm', '_feats') def __init__(self, featvals=None): self._avm = {} self._feats = [] if isinstance(featvals, dict): featvals = featvals.items() for feat, val in list(featvals or []): self[feat] = val @classmethod def _default(cls): return cls(None) def __repr__(self): return '<{} object at {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, id(self)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FeatureStructure): return NotImplemented return self._avm == other._avm def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FeatureStructure): return NotImplemented return self._avm != other._avm def __setitem__(self, key, val): avm = self._avm subkeys = key.split('.', 1) subkey = subkeys[0].upper() if subkey not in avm: self._feats.append(subkey) if len(subkeys) == 1: avm[subkey] = val else: if subkey in avm: subdef = avm[subkey] else: subdef = avm[subkey] = self._default() subdef[subkeys[1]] = val def __getitem__(self, key): subkeys = key.split('.', 1) subkey = subkeys[0].upper() val = self._avm[subkey] if len(subkeys) == 2: val = val[subkeys[1]] return val def __contains__(self, key): subkeys = key.split('.', 1) subkey = subkeys[0].upper() if subkey in self._avm: if len(subkeys) == 2: return subkeys[1] in self._avm[subkey] else: return True return False
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """ Return the value for *key* if it exists, otherwise *default*. """ try: val = self[key] except KeyError: val = default return val
def _is_notable(self): """ Notability determines if the FeatureStructure should be listed as the value of a feature or if the feature should just "pass through" its avm to get the next value. A notable FeatureStructure is one with more than one sub-feature. """ return self._avm is None or len(self._avm) != 1
[docs] def features(self, expand=False): """ Return the list of tuples of feature paths and feature values. Args: expand (bool): if `True`, expand all feature paths Example: >>> fs = FeatureStructure([('A.B', 1), ('A.C', 2)]) >>> fs.features() [('A', <FeatureStructure object at ...>)] >>> fs.features(expand=True) [('A.B', 1), ('A.C', 2)] """ fs = [] if self._avm is not None: if len(self._feats) == len(self._avm): feats = self._feats else: feats = list(self._avm) for feat in feats: val = self._avm[feat] if isinstance(val, FeatureStructure): if not expand and val._is_notable(): fs.append((feat, val)) else: for subfeat, subval in val.features(expand=expand): fs.append(('{}.{}'.format(feat, subfeat), subval)) else: fs.append((feat, val)) return fs
[docs]class TypedFeatureStructure(FeatureStructure): """ A typed :class:`FeatureStructure`. Args: type (str): type name featvals (dict, list): a mapping or iterable of feature paths to feature values """ __slots__ = '_type' def __init__(self, type, featvals=None): self._type = type super(TypedFeatureStructure, self).__init__(featvals) def __repr__(self): return '<TypedFeatureStructure object ({}) at {}>'.format( self.type, id(self) ) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, TypedFeatureStructure): return NotImplemented return self._type == other._type and self._avm == other._avm def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, TypedFeatureStructure): return NotImplemented return self._type != other._type or self._avm != other._avm @property def type(self): return self._type @type.setter def type(self, value): self._type = value
[docs]class TypeHierarchy(object): """ A Type Hierarchy. Type hierarchies have certain properties, such as a unique top node, multiple inheritance, and unique greatest-lower-bound (glb) types. Note: Checks for unique glbs is not yet implemented. Args: top (str): unique top type hierarchy (dict): mapping of `{child: [parents]}` """ def __init__(self, top, hierarchy=None): self._top = top self._hier = {} if hierarchy is None: self[top] = [] elif hierarchy.get(top, False): raise ValueError('top type cannot have supertypes') else: hierarchy[top] = [] loerarchy = {} # type -> children for child, parents in hierarchy.items(): for parent in parents: loerarchy.setdefault(parent, []).append(child) agenda = [top] th = self._hier # to reduce lookups in the loop while agenda: typename = agenda.pop() self[typename] = hierarchy[typename] del hierarchy[typename] for child in loerarchy.get(typename, []): if all(parent in th for parent in hierarchy[child]): agenda.append(child) if hierarchy: raise ValueError( 'disconnected or cyclic hierarchy; remaining: {}' .format(', '.join(hierarchy))) def __setitem__(self, typename, parents): if typename in self._hier: raise ValueError('type already in hierarchy: ' + typename) ancestors = set() for parent in parents: if parent not in self._hier: raise ValueError('parent not in hierarchy: ' + parent) ancestors.update(self.ancestors(parent)) redundant = ancestors.intersection(parents) if redundant: raise ValueError('redundant parents: {}' .format(', '.join(sorted(redundant)))) self._hier[typename] = (parents, []) for parent in parents: self._hier[parent][1].append(typename) # def __getitem__(self, typename): # return self._hier[typename]
[docs] def ancestors(self, typename): """Return the ancestor types of *typename*.""" xs = [] for parent in self._hier[typename][0]: xs.append(parent) xs.extend(self.ancestors(parent)) return xs
[docs] def descendants(self, typename): """Return the descendant types of *typename*.""" xs = [] for child in self._hier[typename][1]: xs.append(child) xs.extend(self.descendants(child)) return xs
[docs] def subsumes(self, a, b): """Return `True` if type *a* subsumes type *b*.""" return a == b or b in self.descendants(a)
[docs] def compatible(self, a, b): """Return `True` if type *a* is compatible with type *b*.""" return len(set([a] + self.descendants(a)) .intersection([b] + self.descendants(b))) > 0